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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


It's an unwritten rule... the odds of something' date=' [i']anything[/i], going BOOM increase dramatically as you approach quitting time on Friday afternoon.


Boy did I get that in spades yesterday. I was literally running around after 430pm trying to deal with all the last minute vacation requests and status updates and other demands. Of course the worst part was finding out that my commission payments are delayed two months which means I won't start getting them until September. That would have been good to know, like, sooner. And I was bugging them for details on the comp plan even before they picked me up.

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Re: The cranky thread


I hope you're still wearing that knee-brace' date=' SatinKitty. It should help a little. And just try not to do any stairs unless you really have to. Do you have stairs in your house?[/quote']


My house entrance is on the first floor, the living/dining area/kitchen are on the second floor and the office(where I spend most of my time), bedroom and bathrooms are on the third floor. I have to limp up and down the stairs, esp when doing laundry.

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Re: The cranky thread


my lass may have a serious reproductive system problem, according to Planned Parenthood.


Apparently, they can't/don't do ultrasounds.


Now we have to figure out how to cover a hospital visit, on my way less than poverty line income (with no insurance).

Last time she had to go to the hospital they denied her every kind of aid because I earn "too much".


This is how reasonable people end up becoming terrorists.

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Re: The cranky thread


What the f*** is wrong with Photobucket? Okay, yeah, nice, way to upload pics from my mobile phone. Could you have left me a way to upload pics NOT from my mobile phone?!


Edit: Apparently, the site thinks that I am contacting it from my mobile phone, which is a neat trick considering that I don't have a smartphone and can't Internet on it.

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Re: The cranky thread


my lass may have a serious reproductive system problem, according to Planned Parenthood.


Apparently, they can't/don't do ultrasounds.


Now we have to figure out how to cover a hospital visit, on my way less than poverty line income (with no insurance).

Last time she had to go to the hospital they denied her every kind of aid because I earn "too much".


This is how reasonable people end up becoming terrorists.


This is only because (certain elements within) the government love you and want you to experience the endless joy of being "self sufficient." [/snark]

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Re: The cranky thread


This is only because (certain elements within) the government love you and want you to experience the endless joy of being "self sufficient." [/snark]


I wonder how many o f those "champions" of self-sufficiency would still feel that way had they not been born with a $10 million trust fund waiting for them when they turned 18?

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Re: The cranky thread


A week or so ago, I went into a store to buy a new Pokemon game. Because the games are popular, and fairly easily stolen in small boxes, they keep all the copies behind the counter except for a 'display box'.

Both of the clerks behind the counter were African-American.

Is there something wrong with me that I felt very, very uneasy saying 'Could I please get a copy of Pokemon Black' under those circumstances, and just took the display box up to the counter?

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Re: The cranky thread


In Missouri' date=' maybe not. I've been accused of racism for not giving a black man $1.50 in a laundromat in DC.[/quote']


Gadzooks! How do you sleep at night, you fiend!?! [/snark]


In other crankiness...


Of all the weeks in the entire year, this would be the worst one for me to catch a cold.


I've got one anyway... three days before GenCon. Blech.


And I'm out of NyQuil, so I had to take a shot of Jagermeister instead.


Actually I'm not entirely cranky about that last bit.

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