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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


A bit cranky. Narrowly avoided getting hit by a truck that decided to merge. I honked after slamming on the brakes and got a rude gesture from the passenger.

Immediately afterwards I got pulled over. I was a bit surprised we were the ones pulled over, but apparently the cop didn't see the near accident, but when we passed, he noticed my registration tag was missing.


No ticket, but I will have to cough up $5 to the DMV the next time I'm near there. I know I put the tag on before my trip in august...

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Re: The cranky thread


Since early Dec. my back has been hurting when I wake up in the morning. Today it didn't stop hurting. A friend has given me the card of her Acupuncturist.

I'm in a lot of pain and can't reach up or down. This is a problem as most things are up for me. OddHat thinks it's my Rotate r Cuff. I hope it is better tomorrow. It even hurts if I breathe deeply. Thank God the cough is good today.

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Re: The cranky thread


Not so serious, but a real EPIC FAIL / FACEPALM / LMAOAMOS (laugh my @$$ off at my own self) moment....


It was cold in the bedroom this morning, so I went to retrieve the space heater from the bathroom. I picked it up w/o realizing its power cord was tangled up with the cord on my hair dryer, and inadvertently pulled the hair dryer off the counter-top. As it fell, the edge of the counter top caught the dryer's power switch, setting it on 'HIGH.'


And when it fell, it landed right in the litter box. WHOOSH goes the cat litter!!! All over the bathroom. At high speed.


It's okay, go ahead and laugh.

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Re: The cranky thread


I wonder how some of those YouTube videos happen -- do those people have video cameras up and running 24/7? I'm kinda glad I don't' date=' after this morning....[/quote']


My guess they are either trying to capture "simple family memories" or thinking they are going to record for posterity "a crowing moment of awesome", yet end up instead with "Epic Fail." Then, of course, there are the sadists who know their friends are about to do something that will fail in a spectacular fashion, and record it anyway for the yucks.

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