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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


I'm sad. Today is the anniversary of my Auntie's death and my Cousin posted a real tear-jerker tribute on Facebook. I've been crying off and on since I read it for various reasons, one of which is for my Auntie and another is OddHat will be away all day today and not get back till around 9:00 tonight. He is not here to hold me. I've been petting my kitties and that helps. I can sympathize with my Cousin as I was close to my Aunt as a Teenager.

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Re: The cranky thread




Okay, so while I was in the US, skype was an awesome invention that I praised. When I came to Japan, though, the call quality seemed to drop. But I still accepted that skype was awesome. Even more so since it let me call mobile numbers. With my girlfriend living very far away (still in Japan), I have found that the ability to call her cell from skype (cheaper than actually using a phone) has been quite useful. Therefore, I praised skype some more. Well, that was till I learned that you can only buy up to 180 minutes (a 60 and a 120) of subscriptions for a single month. Skype never informed me of that and did not have a problem with letting me buy two completely new subscriptions (another 120 and 60) before my old ones renewed. And thinking that I had significantly more time left, I didn't worry when my old subscription hit is limit while I was talking with my g/f. That was until it just quit.


So, not only did my call get dropped mid-conversation (mid-sentence), skype charged me for two new subscriptions even though it knew I could never use them (Skype would simply renew the old ones - thus charging the renewal fee and giving me the renewal minutes but nothing would happen with my new subscriptions since I couldn't use the minutes). It took forever to figure out how to get ahold of customer support and even longer for them to explain that you can only purchases a limited number of usable subscriptions at any one time....


Needless to say, I am upset. Luckily my money will be refunded (It better be!). Anyway, it is 4am. I'm cranky from not having much sleep and having my call dropped mid conversation. I can't go to sleep now since I have to leave for school in about 3 hours (and still need to get ready). Today will be a long day...


La Rose.

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Re: The cranky thread


The fire alarm went off at 10:00 AM sharp, an hour into a 1-hr 40-min class. We were doing a lab, shooting projectiles and measuring their velocities and flight distances.


We'll have to start from scratch tomorrow.

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Re: The cranky thread


A bunch of B###HES all at once.


I needed a part for my beehives. Specifically, a queen excluder.

They cost $3 dollars and change. I went to my suppliers website www.kelleybees.com and found that it was going to cost me $9 dollars just for the shipping!!! I went out to my local brick and morter bee shop and found one for $3 and change. Not my prefered brand, but still the same. so I bought 2 and a few other things just because it was convieniant.


mostly my bees have been VERY calm. But yesterday one little B###H rode on me all the way back into the house, then stung me. my arm is still swollen.

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Re: The cranky thread


Got dizzy and nearly passed out earlier tonight. I really freakin' hate it when that happens' date=' especially in public because everybody freaks out.[/quote']


My father's been having blood pressure problems, and he passed out at work on Tuesday. I talked with him later, and he was mortified. Here, I was worried about him being in the hospital (again...but that's another post), and he's complaining about how embarrassing it was to have EMT's pick him up from work. :/

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Re: The cranky thread


My father's been having blood pressure problems' date=' and he passed out at work on Tuesday. I talked with him later, and he was mortified. Here, I was worried about him being in the hospital (again...but that's another post), and he's complaining about how embarrassing it was to have EMT's pick him up from work. :/[/quote']


I hope he's better now.

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Re: The cranky thread


I hope he's better now.


He is, though they still don't know why his blood pressure is all over the map. He's taking numerous medications for diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol, etc., so it's probably an interaction. He's had problems with interactions before. :(

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Re: The cranky thread


Hmm. If my mother-in-law receives her chemotherapy at the hospital intravenously, Medicare covers it. If she takes it at home with a pill by mouth, there's the $1000 co-pay on the prescription drugs that Medicare doesn't cover. Ummmmm.....

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Re: The cranky thread


Recent events in my life, while traumatic, have helped me see things in my past in ways I had never recognized before. An e-mail I sent out with the original intent of offering apologies for my own poor behavior and judgment went out, instead, as blaming someone else for "driving" me to those decisions. The end result was the severing of the remaining threads between me and this other person.


I am not, however, cranky over the loss of that relationship.


What I am cranky over is how my own issues get the best of me; how my subconscious mind is able to so deftly subvert my conscious intentions; how something can appear to be a "good idea" and yet have such an outcome. Maybe this is exactly the outcome my subconscious wanted? Maybe I was just stupid and should have known better? Maybe something else entirely?


None of it matters, though.


My actions. My responsibility. My crankiness.

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