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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


I don't know if I should do this, but on behalf of one of the nurses who works that the dialysis clinic ...


Last night, a tornado hit the farm much of her family lives/works on. The silver lining is, the house was relatively untouched. However, the barn was trashed, the grain silos were trashed, and the puppy kennel was trashed.


Silver lining part 2: Of the 80 puppies (licensed kennel and all that), only 1 is confirmed deceased; 2 are missing, 77 alive and well if scared silly.


Oh, and the house has no water, electricity, or other utilities, and someone who lives there just found out she's pregnant.


Remember, it can always get worse.



Damn, I hope they get services restored soon. And the lost pups are found safe and sound. The same week we found out we had a kid coming, our well went dry. At least we had power still...

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Re: The cranky thread


TOday I found out that the in-laws of a co-worker had a child born last week, who is already up for a heart transplant. They don't know how long they will be able to keep her going on Life Support...


Where is that power combining healing and transform: sick person to healthy person??

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Re: The cranky thread


TOday I found out that the in-laws of a co-worker had a child born last week, who is already up for a heart transplant. They don't know how long they will be able to keep her going on Life Support...


Where is that power combining healing and transform: sick person to healthy person??


I wish I knew. I have a lot of loved ones who can use it.

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Re: The cranky thread


Did you buy whatever it was?

No. The only reason I havn't put my name on the "do not call" registry is that I like being rude to them.


My favorite telemarketing calls are the ones from the telemarketer who just started their shift at 9 A.M. EST. I usually treat them to a quick' date=' intense lesson in geography, sales techniques, geneaology and anatomy.[/quote']

Probably the same thing here. The thick Indian accent gave it away. The auto dialer needs to be checked.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm on eleven, four of which are psychiatric. Now it's down to three. Robert has put his foot down about those wake up pills. If you blank with speed it will definitely blank with you. Maybe I will try just the new sleep one for a while, making it one. I am not counting the Klonopin I used to quiet my restless legs. I also am not counting the vitamins I take.


The new one is supposed to help with anxiety too. Mine is out of control. Road Trips in unfamiliar places send me into a full panic. It ties my stomach in knots. I hate it.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm on eleven, four of which are psychiatric. Now it's down to three. Robert has put his foot down about those wake up pills. If you blank with speed it will definitely blank with you. Maybe I will try just the new sleep one for a while, making it one. I am not counting the Klonopin I used to quiet my restless legs. I also am not counting the vitamins I take.


The new one is supposed to help with anxiety too. Mine is out of control. Road Trips in unfamiliar places send me into a full panic. It ties my stomach in knots. I hate it.


Is the restless leg due to one of the other medications? If not, I've heard some news about Niacin deficiency being a possible cause for some cases of RLS. Of course, as with any advice from a random person on the web, take it with a grain of salt, and consult your physician about side effects or possible interactions with existing medications.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The cranky thread


There's a whole freakin' week until Independence Day. It is WAY too f**king early for people to be shooting off their f**king fireworks and stinking up the air with the f**king smoke and whatever other chemicals those f**king things put out. I turned off my AC and went to fans because I wanted some fresh air, not for my house to reek.

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Re: The cranky thread


There's a whole freakin' week until Independence Day. It is WAY too f**king early for people to be shooting off their f**king fireworks and stinking up the air with the f**king smoke and whatever other chemicals those f**king things put out. I turned off my AC and went to fans because I wanted some fresh air' date=' not for my house to reek.[/quote']


There's one a-hole who always saves his fireworks and shoots them a couple of months later, usually when everyone is sleeping. If I ever catch that guy...


Edit: Sorry, it's a personal issue, and I'm already anticipating.

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Re: The cranky thread


Look at the bright side. You didn't end up with a neighbor POISONING your Cat. My old Cat back in the day as a little kid in texas, was covered with such character marks. Just made him a cool cat.


As for Cranky, try coming down with the worlds worse ear infection, then finding out your so called company that laid you off, BUT, was still going to keep you in the health innsurance pool, Didn't.


There will be much pain for more then myself, as soon as I catch the guy that burned me again.



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