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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Two days in a row the parking lot has been full and I've had to park on the street a block away from work and walk in. This wouldn't be so bad except they also happen to be the two days when my back is killing me and walking hurts.



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Re: The cranky thread


Ho hum, we caught another software company that lets its customers do their QA for them. They included a deeply flawed data file with the software update they crammed down our throats two weeks ago. Big chunks of galaxy data are missing, 90%+ of the galaxies no longer have distances in the data file (they all did before), and now there's about 40 different objects which are labeled as being part of the "Grus Quartet".


Which I discovered yesterday, as I was trying to have my students use these data for an exercise on the Hubble Constant.


There's a reason why I keep a machine at home that is never, ever, period, connected to any other machine. All info transport is by fingers, floppies, CD-ROM or flash drive. And when I find something always tries calling home when it is launched, I uninstall it.


Now, that means I'm doomed as all Adobe starts making all their new software versions generate documents that can't be read with versions of Reader that don't have the mandatory-phone-home-on-launch "feature", so I'll have to keep documentation on a machine other than the sterile-environment one. Sigh.

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Re: The cranky thread


I assume that's bad since it's in this thread.


Working from home every day would be a dream come true if I were single with no kids. But I am not, so doing work at home is impossible. And there's no office to go to either. So I've become this nomad looking for relatively quiet places with electricity, internet, and enough privacy to make phone calls. There are not many such places.

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Re: The cranky thread


Working from home every day would be a dream come true if I were single with no kids. But I am not' date=' so doing work at home is impossible. And there's no office to go to either. So I've become this nomad looking for relatively quiet places with electricity, internet, and enough privacy to make phone calls. There are not many such places.[/quote']


you can hang out at my place. what's a 14 hour daily commute?

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Re: The cranky thread


They've been tearing up the streets near my workplace, so the buses have been rerouted. Which means I have to go out of my way to catch my bus. I'm already sick of it after a week (technically two, but the streetcars were running until Monday). And I'm going to have put up with this all summer.

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Re: The cranky thread


I don't get to complain about Sacramento traffic/city planners because I went to San Francisco today. 90 minutes in the Bay Bridge toll plaza. WTF? I don't spend 90 minutes commuting during the height of the evening rush here.


I thought the locals avoided that bridge like the plague, if they could help it. I haven't experienced that particular one of life's joys, but I've done enough driving around the bay area to know how bad it can get.

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Re: The cranky thread


Moles exterminated: 0

Lawns destroyed: 1




I arranged for a ground squirrel to "lose its mind" a couple weeks ago, I would hate to deal with my wife after her hay burning yard dog stepped in a squirrel hole and had to be put down...

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Re: The cranky thread


Yep' date=' gotta have a surgery. A bad level for parathyroid hormone is 800 (not sure what the unit is), and I've got 1000 and that's on a pretty stiff medication. Gonna have to spend five days in the hospital.[/quote']


My wife went thru surgery for having one of her parathryroid's removed last November. Out patient surgery, sorta... for her.


She used to have constant headaches, and now she just gets the occasional normal one.

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