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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


If I had made comments about any faith or church that were like the comments some have been making about the Catholic Church and the Pope, I would EXPECT to be reported. I'm not sure it is worth the effort. Actually, I am pretty damned sure it is not.


Peace out.

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Re: The cranky thread


If I had made comments about any faith or church that were like the comments some have been making about the Catholic Church and the Pope, I would EXPECT to be reported. I'm not sure it is worth the effort. Actually, I am pretty damned sure it is not.


Peace out.


I wouldn't expect to get reported.


Personal attacks are a no no but criticizing, even harshly, organizations and persons of a public office, celebrity, or the like is generally allowed as long as language is watched...I could be wrong but that's how I've seen it.

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Re: The cranky thread


My wife and I hit the store today. While we're inside, it starts raining, pretty hard ... and, we discover on the way out, very COLD.

I remark, "Geez, this rain is f**king cold. Are we gonna get hailed on or something?"

Guess what happened two seconds later.


Your latent superpowers are manifesting!

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Re: The cranky thread


I downloaded a sound meter app for my phone and clocked my kid's angry screams at 95 dB. That, friends, is equivalent to a police whistle. Often I am carrying the kid when it is emitting its sonic shriek. Distance from shrieker to ear: six inches.

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Re: The cranky thread


So my dentist has been nagging me about seeing an oral surgeon about some discoloration (a bit white under a couple of teeth). "Just make sure it's not cancer," I'm told. Now, I've had this for a long time, and it's never bothered me. I really don't think it's anything serious. But okay, I see the oral surgeon today. He checks out the area. He says it may be nothing serious, probably so, but he can't be sure. He thinks he should do a biopsy.


I go over the cost of the procedure with the receptionist. It's almost $300, not including the lab test. They don't know how much the lab test will cost. They say it can be anything from $100 to $1000. I don't have any insurance, so I'll have to pay out of pocket. And I don't have much money to begin with. In all fairness, I'm given the phone number of the lab. Maybe I can work out some payment plan. I told them I'll let them know when I'm ready for the procedure.


Again, I'm not sure I even need this procedure. But I can't rule out the possibility that it's something serious. If I go through with the biopsy, I'd actually feel better if there was something wrong. Because I'd be seriously PO'd if I spend $1300 on "nothing serious after all." As it is, I just spent $90 on "I don't know."

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