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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Daughter has strep throat. Have had to watch her at home for a few days while trying to work a busy week, and now I think I might be getting it. And my wife just got an official letter that her position is being eliminated as of June 30.




There's a very good chance that I'll have to undergo *another* surgery in the near future. It seems my dialysis access has receded deeper into my arm' date=' and may be too deep to access, so they're going to have to reposition it.[/quote']


Damn fellows. My condolences and sympathies.


Well here's mine. As you may know I have had a) no income since August and B) thanks to a clerical error on the part of my former employer now owe 2000 in taxes for 2008.


After 30+ job applications and 5 interviews and no job offers, I decided that I needed to go back to school.



I just got word that my request for financial aid was rejected.


So my credit cards which I had so proudly paid off will once again call me "bitch"

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Re: The cranky thread


Damn fellows. My condolences and sympathies.


Well here's mine. As you may know I have had a) no income since August and B) thanks to a clerical error on the part of my former employer now owe 2000 in taxes for 2008.


After 30+ job applications and 5 interviews and no job offers, I decided that I needed to go back to school.



I just got word that my request for financial aid was rejected.


So my credit cards which I had so proudly paid off will once again call me "bitch"


Sucks to hear. Unfortunately, you're screwed because you had a job last year. My first job out of college was working in financial aid, got to the point where I was working on the software systems that help determine your eligibility for aid. It's based on your prior year's AGI. For what it's worth, getting financial aid next year may not be nearly as much of a problem, though for the "good" aid (Pell Grants and such), you would be shocked how incredibly low your income has to be to get anything like that.


You can still get unsubsidized loans, but then you're responsible for the interest while in school (which does suck, yes).


I'm sure knowing why you got screwed by the financial aid gods makes it so much easier to handle.

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Re: The cranky thread


I have a headache.


The back up system is giving me grief again.


The upload system is out of action currently and I have to run a shrink database over the weekend.


Three buses went past me before I reached the bus stop (don't think of driving in London in the Rush Hour).


I have not been leaving work before 7:30 pm and it was closer to 9:00 pm twice this week.


Up side. Mother's Day card dispatched.

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Re: The cranky thread


Sucks to hear. Unfortunately, you're screwed because you had a job last year. My first job out of college was working in financial aid, got to the point where I was working on the software systems that help determine your eligibility for aid. It's based on your prior year's AGI. For what it's worth, getting financial aid next year may not be nearly as much of a problem, though for the "good" aid (Pell Grants and such), you would be shocked how incredibly low your income has to be to get anything like that.


You can still get unsubsidized loans, but then you're responsible for the interest while in school (which does suck, yes).


I'm sure knowing why you got screwed by the financial aid gods makes it so much easier to handle.

actually it's worse than that. Not only did I have a job but when I dropped out of college the last time I apparently upset them so much they wouldn't give me a loan this year because 5 years ago I didn't make Satisfactory Academic Progress. We'll see what I can do here. :)

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Re: The cranky thread


Why is it there are so many a-holes who like to get in your face, then back off when you call them out? One young punk kept trying to intimidate me today on the train. Then I gave him a taste of his own medicine and he chickened out the the bee-otch that he really is. I even waited outside the stop to have it out with him. He didn't even come near me. If I see him again, I'll really give him hell.


Also, why don't some people take no for an answer? A few minutes after the first incident, one salesman stops me and asks to see my phone. I start walking away. He said, "Come on, let me see your phone." I yelled, "GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!" As I walked away, I heard his female partner laughing at him.


This all took place before I went to work. Bunch of a-holes!

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Re: The cranky thread


Going to work this morning, some idiot woman was sitting in her mini-van blocking the exit to my part of the sub-division, and rummaging through her purse. Of all the places to choose to go purse spelunking, why did she have to choose the MIDDLE of an INTERSECTION?





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Re: The cranky thread


Whenever they have a special event in the park behind my complex they close the back road. It makes me very cranky. They're doing it this weekend. Earlier today the exit from the new shopping center was blocked by construction and I had to drive all the way around to get out.


Can anyone with weather control powers make it monsoon on the park on Saturday ? :eg:

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