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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Finally got the gas/electric account closed out for the house we sold last month. Turns out the power company owes me $120. Now I wouldn't call that bad news exactly; I'm just annoyed because 1) it’s my money in the first place, and 2) I had to call them to straighten it out, rather than them just refunding it automatically.


Furthermore, because the account was in my wife’s name, they refused to give me any information on the account even tho it's closed. But they were perfectly willing to add me to the account –- over the phone, sight unseen, without checking with my wife (who is currently out of town), no way of knowing who I am. Then they were happy to give me the information. :rolleyes:

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Re: The cranky thread


Last month I organized a small meeting in San Diego for some folks I work with. My company doesn't have a company credit card, so I had to use my personal credit card to guarantee the rooms. The hotel assured me they would direct bill us, and the credit card was just there to guarentee the room reservations.


Today I find that $2065.88 has been billed to my card. I call the hotel, and the accounting department said there was no indication we were to be billed directly. Even tho I personally submitted the "bill us directly form." Grrrrr...

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Re: The cranky thread


This is the first time I've tried to shop on Black Friday morning. It just reaffirmed my reasons for NOT shopping the day after Thanksgiving.


I decided I wanted to get one of Best Buys computer deals they had on sale today. They opened at 5am so I got there at 3:30 am. The line was already all the way across the parking lot and back. But that isn't what made me cranky.


Best Buy starts handing out vouchers at 4am for the various big sale items, most don't make it back to me, and at 4:30 find out that all computer vouchers are gone. So I decide to leave. But taht isn't what made me cranky.


As I'm walking past the line to my car, I hear a girl in line ask an employee, "Which of these computers are better?" So she hogged the computer vouchers because she couldn't be bothered to read a frikkin' ad paper and make a descision before she got in line! So other people who wanted one couldn't get one.

THIS made me cranky!

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Re: The cranky thread


Chronic insomnia sucks. I'm so sick of the aching, stinging eyes, the dark, dark circles and no energy. And my old sleep medication makes me throw up while eating. The new stuff doesn't work. I don't want actual sleeping pills. All I want is to be like OddHat - able to fall asleep in three seconds flat and stay asleep all night - with NO drugs. I think the drugs do not provide quality sleep despite my not being able to fall asleep these days without them. And they make me tired and yawning all day.


Think long and hard before you begin any kind of Psychiatric Medication. :idjit:

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Re: The cranky thread


Chronic insomnia sucks. I'm so sick of the aching, stinging eyes, the dark, dark circles and no energy. And my old sleep medication makes me throw up while eating. The new stuff doesn't work. I don't want actual sleeping pills. All I want is to be like OddHat - able to fall asleep in three seconds flat and stay asleep all night - with NO drugs. I think the drugs do not provide quality sleep despite my not being able to fall asleep these days without them. And they make me tired and yawning all day.


Think long and hard before you begin any kind of Psychiatric Medication. :idjit:

I feel your pain. I went through the same thing several years ago with medication. I still have sleeping problems.

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Re: The cranky thread


My wife honestly believes she doesn't get PMS.

Well, some women don't.


And some men blame perfectly normal emotional reactions that they don't bother to understand on PMS.


I'm guessing neither of these is the case in her situation, though.


Personally, I know I suffer from PMS, and I try VERY hard to be aware of it so I don't take it out on other people. Sometimes that's a bit retroactive, though. A few days later, I go, "Ohhhhh . . . THIS is why I bit that guy's head off over cutting in front of me in line!"

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Re: The cranky thread


Well, to say that hormones fluctuate with the mentrual cycle is completely true. To say that men DON'T have fluctuations in their hormones is completely false. The difference is the degree to which it affects our lives. Because we've given it a name, in some ways, we've made it okay for women to be irrational for a day to a week every month. But some women DO have strong enough fluctuations that they don't feel in control of their emotions for that day-to-a-week. So in some ways, it's mind over matter, but I won't callously suggest that ALL women could control their PMS if they wanted to.

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Re: The cranky thread


Well' date=' to say that hormones fluctuate with the mentrual cycle is completely true. To say that men DON'T have fluctuations in their hormones is completely false. The difference is the degree to which it affects our lives. Because we've given it a name, in some ways, we've made it okay for women to be irrational for a day to a week every month. [/quote']

There's also the matter of predictability; men's hormone fluctuations don't follow a strict lunar cycle (AKAIK), so it's harder to assign blame.

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Re: The cranky thread


There's also the matter of predictability; men's hormone fluctuations don't follow a strict lunar cycle (AKAIK)' date=' so it's harder to assign blame.[/quote']

Indeed. It's much harder for a male to document the swings in hormones that accompany his "cycle" (in his case, it's merely circadian rhythms, not menstrual), so it's a lot harder to predict. We women get a very clear indication of when the cycle is up, and a compelling reason to keep track of it. Several, even.


Women do this too' date=' particularly ones in the "Don't get PMS" category, though certainly not exclusively.[/quote']

True. I've often noticed that, in many cases, no one is as hard on women as other women. It's certain sects of feminism who deride women who choose to be stay-at-home mothers, and who are more apt to sneer at a woman dressed in tight-fitting clothes and call her names.


I think it's hormonal. ;)


Seriously, though, when people tell me women are the gentler sex, I look at them strangely. Maybe it's just that I grew up with three sisters and no brothers, but my experience has always been that women are just as capable of violence, often of the kind the victim won't forget.

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Re: The cranky thread


True. I've often noticed that, in many cases, no one is as hard on women as other women. It's certain sects of feminism who deride women who choose to be stay-at-home mothers, and who are more apt to sneer at a woman dressed in tight-fitting clothes and call her names.


I think it's hormonal. ;)


Seriously, though, when people tell me women are the gentler sex, I look at them strangely. Maybe it's just that I grew up with three sisters and no brothers, but my experience has always been that women are just as capable of violence, often of the kind the victim won't forget.


My reaction too, and I have 3 brothers and no sisters. :) But I have the same reaction when I hear people say things like "Women aren't any good at math or science" or other such absurdities. To paraphrase "There are very few jobs that require a penis or a vagina. All the rest should be open to anyone qualified to do the work."

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