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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Last week, I was completely stuck with an assignment. With some hints from the tutors, I got through. This week, same situation, but the hints are nowhere near as helpful. I guess I can console myself that this week's and next week's assignments are only worth 3%, and the loss of these will only drop me a grade at worst, and won't fail me. It's just disappointing to be so close to a top mark having done so well to date, and then hit this impenetrable brick wall.

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Re: The cranky thread


Last week' date=' I was completely stuck with an assignment. With some hints from the tutors, I got through. This week, same situation, but the hints are nowhere near as helpful. I guess I can console myself that this week's and next week's assignments are only worth 3%, and the loss of these will only drop me a grade at worst, and won't fail me. It's just disappointing to be so close to a top mark having done so well to date, and then hit this impenetrable brick wall.[/quote']

I feel for you



I've finished uni this semester : party@myhouse:

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Re: The cranky thread


I've finished uni this semester : party@myhouse:


One week plus two exams to go.


On the plus side, I did work out an answer for Q2 of this assignment. Unfortunately, I am still stuck on Q1, and Q3 is "use your Q2 solution as input for the Q1 solution" so I can't progress on Q3 either.

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Re: The cranky thread


A review of Halloween:


As usual, the kid woke us up, and as usual we put him in the bed with us for a bit. Then we discovered his diaper was leaking and had to change both beds.


Wife had physical therapy, so I was even later in to work than usual.


Got into a... discussion... with the VP who promised to buy laptops for three of my people who really need them, then reneged. Still unresolved.


Discovered that we don't have the right PCI cards for next week's tradeshow demo. Either I can drop $2200 on an emergency order, or we can the demo. (See the 'buy laptops' complaint above.)


Lost my fantasy football game by two points.


Interrupted at work by some east coast loser who, I kid you not, tried to sell me 500 sheets of "printer cleaning media that looks and feels just like a regular sheet of paper but has a special coating that attracts toner and paper dust" for $1000. And he got all offended that I "wouldn't work with" him.


Had to finish a presentation on virtualization technology today. Couldn't.


Left work early to go check out a house with the realtor. House sucked.


Couldn't get the realtor to shut up quickly enough and didn't get out of there fast enough to beat the traffic. Ninety minutes to travel five miles home--about 60 minutes longer than my kid's tolerance for driving.


Stopped to pick up dinner on the way. Cold by the time we got home.


Discovered my other email account had filled up, again. Probably bounced a lot of messages out of the High Plains Hero PBEM.


Kid was tired and very cranky during dinner.


Hot and sticky pretty much all day. House is a mess.


Couldn't even do basic cleanup before the kid beaned his mother in the head with a book. How am I supposed to discipline a one-year-old?


Just realized my credit card payment is going to be late.


I seriously hope somebody had a good Halloween.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm not sure whether that's worse' date=' or the fact that some jerk here at my work turned on the AC today. It's November, dude! WTF?[/quote']


I've been known to do that, particularly after someone has turned the heat up so far that just turning it off doesn't cool it off fast enough.


The real WTF to me would be when someone at my old job would turn on the heat when it was 100+ outside, because the temp had dropped to 76. And they were shivvering. At 76.

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Re: The cranky thread


Man. And I thought I had a bad cold tolerance.


No, I'm trying to recover from a lingering cold, and some joker turned the AC to 67 degrees. It was 77 degrees the last time I was outside, with a cool breeze (and the warehouse doors were open). I was perfectly comfortable in jeans and long sleeves, then this weirdo had to go and turn on the air conditioning.


If I had a door to my office, this wouldn't be an issue. But even with the space heater as warm as it'll go without tripping the breaker, and even with several layers on over my regular clothes, if it's cold in the hallway, it's cold in my office.


However, I do understand the thinking of turning on the AC in the winter (or summer) if it's too warm and it needs to cool down quickly. A friend lives in a Victorian house that's been divided into apartments, and the landlord turns the heat up to 90 every winter. Even with all of her windows open during a blizzard, it's still around 75 degrees right next to the window, and warmer the closer you get to the heating vents.


But the heat wasn't on, and it was comfortable in the back offices. This person was passing through, decided he needed to cool off, and turned the AC on, setting the temp to 67.



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Re: The cranky thread


Man. And I thought I had a bad cold tolerance.


No, I'm trying to recover from a lingering cold, and some joker turned the AC to 67 degrees. It was 77 degrees the last time I was outside, with a cool breeze (and the warehouse doors were open). I was perfectly comfortable in jeans and long sleeves, then this weirdo had to go and turn on the air conditioning.


If I had a door to my office, this wouldn't be an issue. But even with the space heater as warm as it'll go without tripping the breaker, and even with several layers on over my regular clothes, if it's cold in the hallway, it's cold in my office.


However, I do understand the thinking of turning on the AC in the winter (or summer) if it's too warm and it needs to cool down quickly. A friend lives in a Victorian house that's been divided into apartments, and the landlord turns the heat up to 90 every winter. Even with all of her windows open during a blizzard, it's still around 75 degrees right next to the window, and warmer the closer you get to the heating vents.


But the heat wasn't on, and it was comfortable in the back offices. This person was passing through, decided he needed to cool off, and turned the AC on, setting the temp to 67.




77 to me would qualify as Hot. I don't know that I would've turned the AC down to 67, but I'd probably have done 70 or 72. Particularly if I was doing anything that required physical effort.

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Re: The cranky thread


Heh. I'll be skipping the tree for my two rambunctious kittens. I can't have flowers on the table either. They have to go on the corner of the China Cabinet where the cats never go. I'll miss my tree - it's a set of three Palm Trees with Florida - Or Bust ! ornaments. I just bought it last year.


Maybe I'll try to hunt up some NO ! to spray on it. I don't want to be "The House Without a Christmas Tree".

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Re: The cranky thread


Man. And I thought I had a bad cold tolerance.


No, I'm trying to recover from a lingering cold, and some joker turned the AC to 67 degrees. It was 77 degrees the last time I was outside, with a cool breeze (and the warehouse doors were open). I was perfectly comfortable in jeans and long sleeves, then this weirdo had to go and turn on the air conditioning.


If I had a door to my office, this wouldn't be an issue. But even with the space heater as warm as it'll go without tripping the breaker, and even with several layers on over my regular clothes, if it's cold in the hallway, it's cold in my office.


However, I do understand the thinking of turning on the AC in the winter (or summer) if it's too warm and it needs to cool down quickly. A friend lives in a Victorian house that's been divided into apartments, and the landlord turns the heat up to 90 every winter. Even with all of her windows open during a blizzard, it's still around 75 degrees right next to the window, and warmer the closer you get to the heating vents.


But the heat wasn't on, and it was comfortable in the back offices. This person was passing through, decided he needed to cool off, and turned the AC on, setting the temp to 67.




The time has come for you to carefully set the thermostat to where it ought to be, and then tenderly rip it out of the damn wall.

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