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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Sorry to hear it Klytus! Depression is a tough hole to climb out of on your own. For what it's worth (from my experience), feeling tired, empty, etc afterwards is not at all unusual. Not that that makes it any more enjoyable, of course. You've been through a lot the last several months; cut yourself a little slack. :)


Welcome back.

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Re: The cranky thread


Yeah, I got a free shot through work.


I started getting flu shots in college, and they've worked every year but one. I figure, at the very least, it makes me one less person to carry that virus around.


Looks like work is handing them out to employees from October 30th to November 17th. I'll probably get one. Since I'm getting married on November 12, I should either get one the first day or wait until after. Just on the off chance that it has the same effect the other two times that I've gotten one.

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Re: The cranky thread


I guess this is as good a place for this post as any... no need for me to have delusions of adequacy and think people would read a new thread started by me just to tell folks why I'm so down here lately...


Reader's Digest Version: White Heat and I had out 10th wedding anniversary this past March. In April, we separated. Things with me and WH had been strained for years - it just finally broke. In May, I moved to my current residence. My depression had long been clouding my perceptions, and it continued to taint my relationship with my closest and dearest friend and her family - so much so, I am no longer as close or dear to her as I once was. Reaching out to people is difficult because a) everyone I know is shoulder-deep busy in other stuff, and B) no one wants much to do with a depressed person, anyway. My depression finally broke a couple of weeks ago, but I seem to be on a backslide now - feeling tired, empty, worthless and disconnected from the world all over again.


But on the bright side... I now live just 1.5 miles from work.

:( :( I hope that you recover (abiet temporary) before you enter the full force of your depression.
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Re: The cranky thread


. . . A thought: Klytus' date=' are you taking exercise at all? Moving about releases endorfins . . .[/quote']


I do as much walking at work when I can, and I always take the stairs unless I'm moving equipment heavier than a desktop PC. I'll even walk at night if feeling restless enough. I dunno how effective its been with depression, but I have lost 30 pounds since January. :)


As far as endorphins go... well... for that, I just "fly solo" if you know what I mean. Its also good stress relief.

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Re: The cranky thread


Walking is fine, and I fully endorse it (speaking as one who must walk, oh, three, four miles a day at work :)), but if you have the time and means, I recommend something a bit more strenuous.


I am very much biased, but I recommend Kendo, if there's a club near you. Or Kumdo, the Korean variety (tkd, you still into that?) It's a sport for everyone -- last year we had a fifty year old, overweight gentleman as a beginner, and he has aquitted himself honorably (being an old officer may help, o'course). My sensei says that if you want, you can quit Kendo at the age of ninety-nine.

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Re: The cranky thread


I am very much biased' date=' but I recommend Kendo, if there's a club near you. Or Kumdo, the Korean variety (tkd, you still into that?) It's a sport for everyone [/quote']

I can't even think of looking into stuff like that untill the finances become more stable. I've no illusions that walking, alone, will get me buff, but its a start.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm tired and cranky because my Husband snores a lot and it interferes with my sleep. Wish he had a Sleep Apnea mask.


Earplugs. Even if he had a sleep apnea mask, you'll still need earplugs. The Mack's pillow soft ® earplugs are amazing. They're made with wax, and when you put them in right, you may as well be deaf. :)

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Re: The cranky thread


I can't even think of looking into stuff like that untill the finances become more stable. I've no illusions that walking' date=' alone, will get me buff, but its a start.[/quote']. . . There is that, yeah . . . The sport isn't like Golf or anything, but it definitely requires a sound financial footing.
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Re: The cranky thread


I can't even think of looking into stuff like that untill the finances become more stable. I've no illusions that walking' date=' alone, will get me buff, but its a start.[/quote']

Walking is better exercise than most people give it credit for; walking 2 miles actually burns the same number of calories as running 2 miles. (Tho obviously your aerobic system doesn't get as much of a workout.) You can always work up to running after awhile. It's also surprising how much good you can get out of basic push-ups, sit-ups, etc if you do them on a regular basis. And all you need is a decent pair of running/walking shoes and some old sweats.


And don't forget to stretch before and afterwards. You're not quite my age, but ... ;)

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