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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Funny how people keep using UPS to send flaming bags of dog poop' date=' isn't it?[/quote']

Apparantly the dead give away from the sound of the huge truck was only marginally worse than my brothers and I chortling and guffawing with glee when we did it. We always got caught.;)

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm on a first name basis with my UPS guy ... of course, he knows I'm not home at his delivery time and nicely puts the packages on the porch. But then - in order to see anything on my porch you have to leave the street so, no targets of opportunity stealing my packages.


Was a time they'd put it around back.


Also - I love the "put the weclome mat over the massive box" trick, hides it oh so well.

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Re: The cranky thread


So the client said, "Better allow for a 10kV overhead line to run in that pipeline corridor."

I gave him the old raised eyebrow. "Sorry? What for?"

"Well, of course we're not going to ever put one in, the pipeline is 300kM long after all, but we have to show that there's a provision for it."

"What for?"

"Well, we have to make provision for supplying local villages along teh pipeline with power."

"Okay, so where will we hook up power generation?"

"Well, we won't."

My bewilderment was approaching record levels for a Friday morning. So we make allowances in the 150M wide, 300kM pipeline corridor for a 10kV overhead line that will never be built, has nowhere to tie into and, due to it's length, could just about supply a volt, maybe 2 at the far end.


I hate it when politics gets into engineering.

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Re: The cranky thread


That was a pretty ordinary birthday. Heck' date=' it didn't even feel like a birthday, just like any other day, other than having a lot of strangers (who I'm actually related to, but who didn't actually talk to me) in my house for a few hours.[/quote']

Happy, belated birthday.

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Re: The cranky thread


Our water heater started leaking last evening, so we shut it off from both water & gas lines. Since I can't stand cold showers, I skipped it this morning. So I am itchy and scratchy, and their off-camera cousin stinky.


I don't belong to a gym, but there's a city pool about six blocks away. I expect I'll go swimming a couple of times this weekend, unless the service dudes are faster than I expect.

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Re: The cranky thread


Dear co-workers:


I've given up trying to get you to help make my job easier. I would settle, quite happily, if you'd stop making it so much more difficult.


For instance: today, when I was register training the guy in the gizmo department who's been here for months and never gotten the training? That's a BAD time to direct phone calls to him.


And when he ignores the first, "Hey, take a phone call on 515," that's a strong hint that he's BUSY! Coming up to him five minutes later when he's in the middle of finally getting the hang of using the register and berating him about "She's been on the phone for fifteen minutes!" is, at best, rude, and at worst, sabotage. Take a message, dumba**.


And boss? Time to remove the stick. Thanks.



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Re: The cranky thread


That was a pretty ordinary birthday. Heck' date=' it didn't even feel like a birthday, just like any other day, other than having a lot of strangers (who I'm actually related to, but who didn't actually talk to me) in my house for a few hours.[/quote']

Belated Happy Birthday.

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Re: The cranky thread


That was a pretty ordinary birthday. Heck' date=' it didn't even feel like a birthday, just like any other day, other than having a lot of strangers (who I'm actually related to, but who didn't actually talk to me) in my house for a few hours.[/quote']


Happy birthday, old man! You may have posted in the cranky thread, but your birthday sounds like a dream come true for me. My birthdays come with sufficient family obligations that I spend the weekends on either end of it at some dinner or party. I know, boo hoo, cry you a river, but all I really want to do is lie on the couch and read a book. Or, gods forfend, watch a football game.

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Re: The cranky thread


Happy birthday' date=' old man! You may have posted in the cranky thread, but your birthday sounds like a dream come true for me. My birthdays come with sufficient family obligations that I spend the weekends on either end of it at some dinner or party. I know, boo hoo, cry you a river, but all I really want to do is lie on the couch and [i']read a book.[/i] Or, gods forfend, watch a football game.

Despite being sick, I did what I like to do on my birthday: stay home, forget about the outside world, and eat pizza.


Considering all the obnoxious jerks I encountered the last two days, I wish I could have done that all week.

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Re: The cranky thread


Freakin' United! My flight home yesterday was... (anyone? anyone? Bueler?) Cancelled, that's right. Reason given? Weather. Tho just like Tuesday, every other airline seemed to be flying just fine. Fortunately, I was able to squeeze onto a Midwest flight, so I only got home about 5 hours late.


Oh then this morning, my paragliding instructor forgot to let me know class was cancelled this morning due to an expected front. So I get up early and drive all the way up to Boulder for nothing. Oh and the storm front? Still hasn't materialized... :mad:

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Re: The cranky thread


Despite being sick, I did what I like to do on my birthday: stay home, forget about the outside world, and eat pizza.


Considering all the obnoxious jerks I encountered the last two days, I wish I could have done that all week.

I enjoy birthdays like that, too, though I usually opt for Subway or something similar.

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Re: The cranky thread


I sleep very poorly. It makes me cranky. I have sleep medication' date=' but I have a sneaking suspicion it does more harm than good. :idjit:[/quote']

I have the same problem. I normally sleep 4-5 hours a night. Last night, I got up to 7 hours, but I was actually more tired at work today than normal.

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Re: The cranky thread


I sleep very poorly. It makes me cranky. I have sleep medication' date=' but I have a sneaking suspicion it does more harm than good. :idjit:[/quote']


Try eating turkey for the tryptophan and wash it down with some red wine, it's full of melatonin which is supposed to be a sleep hormone. Don't let it become a habit though.

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