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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Gillian is getting divorced for the second time and Old Man suggested that was my way in. I made the point that it would make me the rebound guy instead of the right guy.
Yeah, I got that, but I thought that Lolth consumed her mates or is that limited to drow?


And I am feeling cranky that your rep surpasses my own.
Don't feel bad, I repped you while you were away. I'll do it again when I'm able.
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Re: The cranky thread


My client is certain that he's a genius, and goes on about it at length.


I must continue to be polite and professional with him for at least three more weeks.


On the brighter side, my family crisis is more or less over, and the kittens remain cute.

But, I am a genius!

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Re: The cranky thread


So the Oracle consultant is holding a class next week, which would be fine, except that he's overbooked his class and now wants me to come up with two more PCs for him by monday. Yeah, it's being paid for out of his department, but there is no one to do the installs now--as it is, my whole group will be working through sunday morning.

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Re: The cranky thread


holy frack... a magazine just fell off a shelf above my head and tagged me right in the left eye.


but DAMN that smarts something f-ing fierce.

what was the name of the magazine? Or didn't you get a good look at it? ;)



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Re: The cranky thread


Am angry about myself:

Want to go to Ireland (Dublin) in early October to a Secondary Teachers School to improve my English and am applying for a grant fom the EU - and I am such a pumpkin-head that I did not see the FAT PRINT ON THE FRONT of the form that says:

Apply 5 months ahead.


It's only 4 months and 2 weeks ahead! :mad:


Knowing the anal driven bureaucrats of the Fatherland pretty well, I figure to have about twice the chance of a snowball in hell to get the grant ...


DUMB, DUMB ME! (bonk :ugly: bonk :ugly: bonk)


(Well, maybe I am lucky and hell freezes over?)

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Re: The cranky thread


My work made the paper for humanitarian aid.


This makes me cranky because I'm underpaid by a rather large margin, and they couldn't spare me another 50 cents for my raise this year.


Priorities, I guess, but one would think that a company that could afford to donate $70K worth of crap would have SOME money to spare for the woefully underpaid IT person.

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Re: The cranky thread


I need a Servant to do my laundry' date=' d@mmit !!!!![/b']


I second that. *nods*



Being tired and being on these boards is not fun. I mean, I'm beat and want to go to sleep, but there are so many threads on here I want to reply to.


Bah. I suppose replies can wait till tomorrow. :P

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Re: The cranky thread


My Karate Instructor tonight channeled a Marine Drill Seargent. I don't even want to walk now. Tomorrow I may not be able to very well.

He's such a cheerful guy too.....:help:

I must have done the same today. One of my tkd students couldn't finish the class. Granted, said student is recovering from an injury and may have returned to class too soon.


And I liked the look of horror on the faces of my math students when I said, "Okay, pop quiz!" They HATE it when I start a sentence with "Now that you understand the basic concept..." or "In that case..."


Of course, the latter has nothing to do with channeling a drill sergeant. I'm just sadistic that way. :eg:

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Re: The cranky thread


I must have done the same today. One of my tkd students couldn't finish the class. Granted, said student is recovering from an injury and may have returned to class too soon.


And I liked the look of horror on the faces of my math students when I said, "Okay, pop quiz!" They HATE it when I start a sentence with "Now that you understand the basic concept..." or "In that case..."


Of course, the latter has nothing to do with channeling a drill sergeant. I'm just sadistic that way. :eg:


I second that. That sums up being a teacher pretty nicely - give the sadistic son-of-a-gun inside yourself a big "YEEEHAW!" and let him run wild!

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