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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


The brochure indicated that the shed was simple to put up. A three-step process in fact


I spent most of today putting it up. With help from my wife and father-in-law. And it isn't finished yet - the walls and ridge-beam are up, and that's it. No roof, no door.


Tomorrow's forecast is for rain, so I may not be able to finish it untio next week.


And once that's finished.... I have a second shed to put up next to it.

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Re: The cranky thread


The brochure indicated that the shed was simple to put up. A three-step process in fact


I spent most of today putting it up. With help from my wife and father-in-law. And it isn't finished yet - the walls and ridge-beam are up, and that's it. No roof, no door.


Tomorrow's forecast is for rain, so I may not be able to finish it untio next week.


And once that's finished.... I have a second shed to put up next to it.

Oooo, what fun! :D

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Re: The cranky thread


Well, the instruction manual has a warning on the front that the company is not liable for damage resulting from leaving a partly-assembled shed overnight. It also says not to assemble a shed in strong winds. So, after partly-assembling the shed on Saturday (walls up, ridge-beam in place, but no door frame or roof) in an ever-increasing wind, I was forced to leave it overnight as the wind increased to gale-force, with rain squalls and hail mixed in. It made for a very restless night - I woke up to the sound of hail several times, wondering whether the shed would still be there in the morning. To my surpsrise, it was. I think it was lucky I was building it between the carport and the fence, so it was partly-sheltered on two sides by the fence. The other loose side (not attached to the ridge-beam nor against the fence) was supported by heavy bins on both sides, which had both moved during the night but the shed was undamaged. In fact, the only damage we could find was one screw joining two of the panels which had popped out during the night.


Whilst that was good news, the bad news was it took us the whole of Sunday (interrupted by the occasional five-minute downpour) to finish constructing it. The structure itself is complete, but the sliding doors still have to be put to together and installed, and then we need some means of fastening it down. And I still have a second one to put up at some stage. No idea when, though, since I don't think I'll have any spare weekends for a few months as the two Uni subjects I am doing will take over my free time. In fact I wanted to spend some time this weekend doing some homework, but the shed follies put paid to that idea!

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Re: The cranky thread


Bah. Why do some people get away with wearing jeans on a day they aren't supposed to wear jeans? And they do it every week? Such an *** kisser the person is too.


ETA: And maybe I'm just obsessive compulsive...but I can't stand when invoices packets (stuff that I have to key into our accounts payable) are all crooked and have like more than one staple in the packet. Drives me batty. >_<

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Re: The cranky thread


My client is certain that he's a genius, and goes on about it at length.


I must continue to be polite and professional with him for at least three more weeks.


On the brighter side, my family crisis is more or less over, and the kittens remain cute.

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Re: The cranky thread


Glad to hear things are getting back to normal, OddHat. As for my rant...


I wish some parents would potty train their kids properly. The bathroom in the company is a complete mess every day.


Why do I keep getting the train with all the loudmouths and crazies? I want peace and quiet by the end of the day!


I have to stop watching the news before I go to bed. I've been plagued with really disturbing dreams the last two nights.

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Re: The cranky thread


Why do I keep getting the train with all the loudmouths and crazies? I want peace and quiet by the end of the day!


This one we share. :)


Twice now I've been on the train heading home and overheard guys telling crime/prison stories. Not what I want to hear at the end of the day. Unfortunately, parking in the city costs a fortune. I sometimes charge it to a client, but that's not a practice I like to follow.

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Re: The cranky thread


Bah. Why do some people get away with wearing jeans on a day they aren't supposed to wear jeans? And they do it every week? Such an *** kisser the person is too.


The one that bothers me is why some people can get away with wearing shorts, t-shirts and sandals to work and others cannot. I'll never understand why a female wearing the above ensemble is making an acceptable fashion choice while a male is just dressing inapropriately. *grr*

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Re: The cranky thread


The one that bothers me is why some people can get away with wearing shorts' date=' t-shirts and sandals to work and others cannot. I'll never understand why a female wearing the above ensemble is making an acceptable fashion choice while a male is just dressing inapropriately. *grr*[/quote']


yeah. that is really puzzling. we've come to the conclusion that she asked her supervisor if she could wear jeans twice a week, but we can't be certain about it. but, this woman (and I say woman because she's like 37 or 38) dresses like she's in her late teens or early 20s...she's got a bit of a belly pooch and wears shirts that, when she raises her arms above a certain level, her belly sticks out. Drives me nuts. It's like "come on...dress your age...not your shoe size." *shudders at the thought of this woman and the way she dresses*


Anywho. My other crankyness is all these bloody headaches I've been getting. Not kidding. In the last week, I've had a headache a day (except for yesterday...I didn't have one at all). I don't know if it's my constant use of the computer (the only time's I'm not on it is when I'm commuting to or from work and when I'm sleeping, so maybe 10 hours a day without it) or it's cause it's time to have the eyes checked again...but...it's killing me. :(

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Re: The cranky thread


yeah. that is really puzzling. we've come to the conclusion that she asked her supervisor if she could wear jeans twice a week, but we can't be certain about it. but, this woman (and I say woman because she's like 37 or 38) dresses like she's in her late teens or early 20s...she's got a bit of a belly pooch and wears shirts that, when she raises her arms above a certain level, her belly sticks out. Drives me nuts. It's like "come on...dress your age...not your shoe size." *shudders at the thought of this woman and the way she dresses*


Anywho. My other crankyness is all these bloody headaches I've been getting. Not kidding. In the last week, I've had a headache a day (except for yesterday...I didn't have one at all). I don't know if it's my constant use of the computer (the only time's I'm not on it is when I'm commuting to or from work and when I'm sleeping, so maybe 10 hours a day without it) or it's cause it's time to have the eyes checked again...but...it's killing me. :(


I am fortunate that jeans are acceptable daily wear at work. I just wish that shorts were. Some of the people I work with feel that 78F is cold, while to me 70 is uncomfortably warm, especially while wearing long pants. What irritates me is that it tends to be those people that wear t-shirts and shorts (though I'm sure the actual articles of clothing have different names) are the ones that insist on turning the heat up. :nonp:

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Re: The cranky thread


I have a coworker who always turns the air conditioner down even in winter.


I have certainly been known to turn on the AC in the wintertime at my currently place of employment. Mostly as a response to 80+ degree temperatures resulting from co-workers cranking the heat up way too high.

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