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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


I had the opposite sales rep last night--the one who kept ignoring me, the person buying the clothes, in favor of bothering my wife with idle chitchat. "Do you have this in light gray? Do you have this in light gray? Do you have this in light gray? Am I just talking to myself here?"

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Re: The cranky thread


I had the opposite sales rep last night--the one who kept ignoring me' date=' the person buying the clothes, in favor of bothering my wife with idle chitchat. "Do you have this in light gray? Do you have this in light gray? Do you have this in light gray? Am I just talking to myself here?"[/quote']

Somewhat similar thing at Chipotle, I often get a burrito that only has the spicy vegetables, rice, lettuce, and cheese. I don't even put on beans, mainly because that is heavy by itself. So technically it's even less than their veggie burrito. Well, the guy who made it (it was slow so he did the whole line) says something in Spanish to the guy at the checkout. The guy at the checkout gets confused. I tell him it's a veggie burrito but he ignores me, talks to his manager, who basically is telling him the same thing (of course, all of this is in Spanish since that's our primary language in this nation...). I repeat he can ring it up as a veggie burrito, but first he has to ring it wrong and have his manager correct it to be, of course, a veggie burrito as it should be. I tell him 3 times it's "for here" and still get a paper bag.


Of course in his case perhaps he doesn't speak English. In which case he certainly shouldn't be working with the public. That's another whole issue that gets me cranky, how people can now live in this country with no sense of urgency to learn the language. People say it enables them to learn and survive better - poppycock, it enables them to stay impoverished in the barrio, that's all it does. And meanwhile degrades customer service further.

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Re: The cranky thread


For a second I read that as "Time for another nice happy evening of playing Ogre" which wouldn't have belonged in this thread at all. The one semester I graded papers, I learned to do it at 2am, a time of day when you couldn't help but be coldly efficient.

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Re: The cranky thread


My Day At Work

by Old Man


9am-10am: Now that we have successfully plugged a 30A IBM BladeCenter into a 20A circuit, we began the heroic effort to make it boot off the NetApp by the end of the day. The former just doesn't see the latter for some reason.


955am: Guess it would probably help if we plugged in the network cable right side up.


10am-1010am: Conference call, kept very short mostly because I'm the one controlling it.


1015am: Reminded, again, that I need to rush to make up a parts list for the local bank's archival storage system so that IBM can have a full week to peruse it at their leisure.


1020am-11am: Phone call with the storage engineer which veers off on several tangents despite my best efforts.


11am-1155am: More troubleshooting the BladeCenter.


1156am: Eureka! The cause of the problem is that we're mixing fibre channel and iSCSI blades in the same chassis, and apparently that's not allowed. Too bad that that was the whole point of the god damned demo.


Noon-1230pm: Disgusted, I eat lunch.


1230pm-130pm: Frantically I try to get hold of people several time zones ahead of me to get them to work on the storage specification. Earliest we can get the parts list is tomorrow, which is late, but survivable.


130pm-215pm: Help to clean out old cube. I have many other things I ought to be working on, really, but I'm practicing work avoidance by... working?


215pm: Company president comes down to accuse all his employees of stealing laptops and demands that I track them all down immediately.


230pm: Pissy phone call from HR, who is upset that one of my engineers is upset that his expense reports get processed too slowly. What is this, fifth grade?


3pm-4pm: Conference call with the whiny NetApp rep, who wastes precious minutes of my finite lifespan by demanding that we not even jokingly imply that a NetApp could possibly ever go down, even though it can unless the customer buys the much more expensive clustered version.


4pm-415pm: Arrange tomorrow's schedule, which has me out at customer meetings all afternoon long. Need to start delegating that crap.


415pm-430pm: Catch up on email. Only 171 messages left to read, I **** you not.

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Re: The cranky thread


Do you notice how sales representatives don't take no for an answer until you get loud? And then they're offended. :rolleyes:


Actually, I can't really say that I have. If it is a phone solicitation I hang up before I have a chance to get loud. If it is in a store, I walk out before I have a chance to get loud. :D

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Re: The cranky thread


Unfortunately, I had to call them in order to cancel a subscription, which I had asked them to do before. The sales rep kept trying to give me the runaround until I started yelling.


If someone called me, I would have had the answering machine pick it up.

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Re: The cranky thread


*fights the urge to stab her boss with her pen to get his damn attention*


If he's going to dump something on my lap, he could at least spend the TWO SECONDS I need him to be in his office long enough for me to get the information I need to DO this stupid thing! :mad:

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Re: The cranky thread


*fights the urge to stab her boss with her pen to get his damn attention*


If he's going to dump something on my lap, he could at least spend the TWO SECONDS I need him to be in his office long enough for me to get the information I need to DO this stupid thing! :mad:

I know that feeling.

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Re: The cranky thread


Why the music industry must die:


I just paid $20 for 2 songs. Ok, what I really did was pay $20 for the Non-US release of the Anthrax album The Greater Of Two Evils which is a 2-disc release of the US version of the album.


The difference? The second disc contains 3 tracks, one of which is a hidden track on the US release. Oh, and it's a fold out digipack.


The two tracks that don't appear in the US are flippin' AWESOME. John Bush rules.


They need to switch to a single worldwide release model where everyone gets all the music without having to chase this crap down. I'm sure this whole thing was some stupid inter-record company shiznit and all that. They shall feel my wrath ....



collecting music is not an addiction. it's a sickness.

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Re: The cranky thread


I buy very few CDs, but I've been buying a few lately. Turns out that, even when you buy a track off Napster, you can't actually listen to it. Not for long, anyway, and you CERTAINLY can't burn it onto a CD to listen to in the car.




So that's my musical purchases lately - songs I wanted to listen to in my car.

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