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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread




*sounds of smacking head against brick wall*



My father just shot a rat out in the orange tree.

What, those of you in aggie country might ask, is so bad about that.

It was, after all, probably raiding his precious oranges, and moreover, a roof rat sitting in a tree in broad daylight, not moving with its sides heaving and its eyes staring wide is probably in the latter stages of some nasty disease.


Allow me to clarify, and in the process vent my frustration.


We don't live in aggie country. We live in a rather urbanized suburb 40 minutes south of San Francisco, heart of Silicon Valley, with a population who are mostly richer than Creosote, quite liberal, and mostly radically anti gun. Yes, my family has been here since the town was a sleepy little college town, mostly dominated by fruit orchards. Yes, the trees here were planted back in said orchard days by my great grandfather.Yes, Dad grew up in said orchards.


Doesn't matter a bit.


The simple fact of the matter is, in broad freaking daylight, in the middle of town, I was startled by a *crack* and looked out the window to see dad lowering his Ruger Mk1 (.22 pistol) after plugging the rat from 2 feet away. There were contruction workers up ladders RIGHT NEXT DOOR, looking down on the scene.

Yes, he is an excellent shot.

No, he didn't miss.

Yes, he was firing a very low velocity rimfire .22 short

Yes, he was conscious not to point it in the direction of the workers


What I can't seem to hammer into his skull is that Unlawful Discharge of a Firearm within City Limits is a CRIME around these parts. As is Reckless Endangerment. And he did this in front of the Construction workers...all of whom have cell phones, and any of whom could be like 80% of the population around these parts and be rabidly anti gun. What do you call a construction worker in a case like this? The Witness for the Prosecution, thats what.

He refuses to see what the big deal is.

"So it's agianst the law," says he, "So is speeding."

"Speeding," Sayith I, "is a citation. You just committed a possible felony"

"Not all laws are right" Says He.

"Thats right," Agreed I "But it won't keep you from jail, a heavy fine, and loosing the right to own all of the guns you inherited from your father. This isn't equall to speeding... this is like getting in your car to drive drunk... in a school zone... in front of witnesses"




*As the smacking sounds become more erratically spaced and gradually moister sounding*


This is the man you insists on lecturing about gun saftey to us at the range, despite the fact that we've all been shooting for years. He insists that my GF doesn't know proper gun saftey... the girlfriend with a guard card, certifications on almost every caliber, and an "in uniform" carry permit.


What is it that causes old peoples brains to calcify and stop learning?

I WARNED him about this when he told me why he had the wee popgun ammo... I ran a few through the rifle last time I went to the range, and could neither hear the report nor feel the recoil. It's a lot louder out of a 5" barrel than it is out of a 22" one, however.


I think I need to get him an airgun.



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Re: The cranky thread


We might be losing another cat. Waiting for the wife to call & tell me what the vet says.


EDIT: Nope, he's fine. Turns out the little idiot had eaten a great big honkin' piece of grass, and it was lodged, after partial regurgitation, up his nasal passages. So he'd been retching repeatedly, refusing food & water, hiding out under the bathroom sink, and generally acting like he'd been poisoned (or eaten a bee or spider that stung him on the way down) for that reason. Remove that grass, and he's fine. Only thing to be cranky about is the $50 vet bill. :straight:

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Re: The cranky thread


I finally popped in my copy of Naruto vol1 DVD to find out it only has the edited for Cartoon Network version on it. Dangit I want to see that blood shoot out of people's noses when Naruto uses the "Sexy no Jutsu." Plus I can only deal with him saying "Believe it!" so many times. So it looks like I'll have to wait until July for a box set with the unedited version.


That and my copy of Final Fantasy VII has gone MIA at the time when I decided to finaly get around to finishing it.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm still having problems with the dentist's billing company, even though I've paide them in full ahead of schedule. And it's all because of the inept record keeping of the dental office. I juat had to fax them a copy of my receipts and they still want me to call them about it.

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