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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Maybe if you're on the schedule to do a thorough cleaning, you might want to make a passing effort towards it. And maybe clean the tools for the next person, so they don't have to bleach and dry tools first thing...


Why do people unhappy with their job have to make everyone else unhappy?

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm having to work with a WinXP box or the first time, which includes working around the mommy-may-I security policy the cretins in IT installed on it.


Oh, and just show me the file extensions, thank you. It's not like they're genitals, or anything.

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Re: The cranky thread


Grrrr. I wonder what diseased mindless reptile-sodomizing acephalic parasite went in there and just deleted files rather than use the nice, clearly-labeled uninstall utility, so it left all kinds of wreckage behind that keeps any installation of a new version from working. Whoever it was, they need to ingest about six cases of Pearl Light in bottles, with each bottle individually inserted into their ventral orifice and carefully opened with a shotgun. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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Re: The cranky thread


My parents have gone bush for easter. I was going to record a tv program for them. Simple right?


Wrong. Why are entertainment devices so user unfriendly? Things used to be simple back when their was just a VCR. Now our entertainment system has a tv, cable box, VCR connected to the DVD/HD Recorder. And DVD/HD Recorder is again, not working well. When it was working well, it was a champ and I loved the ease of recording programs on the hard drive was 5-stars.


I also seems that the VCR is not even connected to the DVD Recorder, don't even know why that is.


After trying for 2 hours to get these devices to "work" I've given up. It would be far easier to get the Handycam and "bootleg" it. Seriously.


I give up. You 'win'.




In DVD Recorder Hell.

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Re: The cranky thread


I have a very good reason to be cranky right now.


I'm supposed to be at work at 7 in the morning, and it is 2 am right now.


Why can't I sleep? All day I've been tired and as soon as I lay down I was wide awake????


And I laid in bed from 11pm to now, when I decided to post this.

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Re: The cranky thread


Ugh! Sorry to hear that, Tim. I know all too well how it feels. It happens to me all the time. I should be in bed now, but I have been dozing off all day today. I've been really tired today, so I probably won't sleep until maybe 3 am or so (it's midnight where I am right now).

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