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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Thanks Zorn:


Now the walls must be painted so I had to cancel a dinner party. Also had to empty the linen closet to be painted. The toilet overflowed today too. Tons of laundry. Need more hangers, drawers and book storage boxes. The electric socket in my bathroom isn't working.

Just tried to drive and found I'm so Con shell-shocked I can't even drive a few lights down the street right.

Somehow, I feel this is going to be a bad weekend.......

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Re: The cranky thread


Well, it was not me, but yesterday, my assistant manager, called and told me she'd be in late because her daughter was sick. She was staying home with her. I thought she said the highschool aged daughter and was bemused but not surprised. Then her husband got hit by a dial-a-bus on his way to work, and at midnight her daughter's face exploded. She has some sort of virus that apparently causes random swelling on the body/face.


so she had a crappy day.


Me? I found it amusing. So I get to go to a special hell. :whistle:

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Re: The cranky thread


Well, it was not me, but yesterday, my assistant manager, called and told me she'd be in late because her daughter was sick. She was staying home with her. I thought she said the highschool aged daughter and was bemused but not surprised. Then her husband got hit by a dial-a-bus on his way to work, and at midnight her daughter's face exploded. She has some sort of virus that apparently causes random swelling on the body/face.


so she had a crappy day.


Me? I found it amusing. So I get to go to a special hell. :whistle:

I'll meet you there. I had to bite back a laugh.

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Re: The cranky thread


So to make a long story short, I had to have 10,000 copies of a particular flyer printed up by today so I could get it to an event on wednesday. I had the files to the printer on thursday, printing was to take place friday, giving them the weekend to dry, everything's cool, right? Except my subordinate called them friday morning to put a different order on hold, which was of course mistaken for my rush order. Now it is very late on monday, and I am waiting to hear back from the printer as to what, if anything, can be done.


I am so enraged right now I can barely think straight, which is unfortunate because I need to finish a five-page white paper on SAN booting by the end of the day, which I haven't even started yet.

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Re: The cranky thread


Well, my troubles still weren't over. Just when I thought everything was unpacked, fixed, (it took them two visits to fix the socket, by the way) painted, dried and squared away I went to bed Thurs. night hoping for a good weekend and woke up Friday morning sick with a fever. Had to cancel all my weekend plans. The fever was gone Sunday morning but the symptoms were not. Today the sore throat is gone, but my head is still clogged. Had to cancel my Meisner Method Acting class tonight as it is very physical and involves deep emotion. Think a White Wolf Larp with physical activity such as crawling on the floor. That's three out of four classes I've missed for one reason or another. If I'm not well enough for Karate by Thurs. I'm going to be really pissed, as I missed two weeks of that. :help:

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Re: The cranky thread


Yuck' date=' sorry, that's a bad story. Hope something breaks right.[/quote']


Nope, I'm ****ed. The earliest the printer can get me the flyers is tomorrow at noon, with a heroic effort; but noon is when they would have to be at the DHL office at the airport in order to have a chance of making it on time. Meanwhile I'm still so pissed about it that I can't concentrate on the white paper which absolutely must, be, finished, by, tomorrow morning EST. I am going to be up all night and the white paper is going to be crap anyway. ****, ****, ****!

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Re: The cranky thread


Bloody hell.


I need more Hard Drive space.


What I want is a 40TB RAID Array. What I can afford is another 250GB Firewire Drive.


The sacrafices I make.


Look at the bright side. If you had that 40 TB RAID, someone would come to you asking for a data integrity test, and the checksums wouldn't work. Then you'd have to confirm all 40 TB in some other way.

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