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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


So I think I was realizing why I was so cranky this week. I'm going stir crazy.

I've been stuck in a studio apartment since early May. Several opportunities to travel via work came up, but three got cancelled and the other one, one of my co-workers went instead. Even though he's supposed to be training the new people who start tomorrow. Originally he was to be back last week, but got held there because he was needed. Not that they couldn't of had me go in the first place or swapped us at this point.

I mention this to my manager (in much nicer language) and I got the distinct impression this was the first time we had ever discussed me going down there. Apparently she gets a mind wipe every evening or perhaps more frequently.

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Re: The cranky thread


I've gained twelve pounds and the jeans I'm wearing are too tight, so I'm cranky ! I want to lose at least 20 by 5/1, when my Mom returns from Arizona and so far, nothing. My Mom smokes like a fiend and has for at least 55 years, yet she's always giving ME health tips and wants me to get tested for Diabetes, so I'm cranky. Well, at least she doesn't nag me about my lack of a job anymore. She's too busy worrying about my health. My blood pressure, as taken last Wed. is a cool 110/78. My resting pulse is a not-too-bad 78. She's been on blood pressure medication for years. Yet she nags me about MY health ? AAAAUUUUUGGGHHHHHHHH !!!!


So yes, I'm cranky. :mad:

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Re: The cranky thread


Since I can't PM or email you, I'll just say I guess you're right. Mostly my weight bugs me personally. That's my main problem, not what Mom says. :o

And you've already given your weight-loss advice, which is just common sense. So Thanks.


You can't PM me? That's odd.


FWIW my weight bugs me too. I need to lose about 20 pounds, plus I'm totally out of shape having not exercised since my kid was born. (Carrying the kid around the house at 3am to try and get him to go back to sleep doesn't count as aerobic exercise, I'm afraid.)

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Re: The cranky thread


Okay, so for the last three days I have been unable to play City of Villains because after the latest patch it would not connect. I finally figure out what it is but I don't I only know it's my firewall. And to paly COV I have to leave my self open. Great.

Now two days ago I turn on iTunes and it says it has an update. Since said update it won't start. Notihing. NOTHING! I deleted it and re-installed, rebooted, reconfigured, and regurgitated, and I got nothing! No music, nothing. Slap a cd in the drive NOTHING. I am just about ready to kill someone. Any volunteers?

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Re: The cranky thread


It turns out there's a lot of mold inside the walls in my workplace. You'd think they'd shut the place down for a few days while maintenance is going on, but corporate greed won out and we're working these days. Still, it explains why nobody at work has been feeling very well lately.

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Re: The cranky thread


Time to log off and re-read my lecture notes. It's not a good idea to walk in and start teaching entirely cold.


OTOH, it'd be an absolute hoot if one of my students had a handle on these boards. New NGD thread: "Cancer's Physics 106 homework hints". :sick:

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Re: The cranky thread




It's not the eating of it that I object to, it's GETTING THE STUFF OFF THE FORK AFTERWARDS !!! I couldn't scrub it off, so I threw it in the dishwasher. NOW IT'S DRIED ON AND HAS TO SOAK OVERNIGHT !!! To top it all off I DON'T EVEN EAT THE STUFF !!! ONLY ODDHAT DOES !!!

Next time he can scrub the fork his bloody self ! :thumbdown

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Re: The cranky thread


I don't like parmesan anyway. Down with parmesan!

Hey! It's a fine cheese. It also works well as a cat food topping. If your cat isn't eating because of a cold, the parmesan can sometimes help the cat think "Hey! this is yummy." Or you could use bonito flakes.

Not this is going to make any human change their mind on the merits of parmesan.

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Re: The cranky thread


Hey! It's a fine cheese. It also works well as a cat food topping. If your cat isn't eating because of a cold, the parmesan can sometimes help the cat think "Hey! this is yummy." Or you could use bonito flakes.

Not this is going to make any human change their mind on the merits of parmesan.

That reminds me, we were bundling Monte's pill into cheese, and then he got wise to that and not only now will he not take the bait, he won't even eat cheese at all now! Which is kind of sad, really.

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Re: The cranky thread


I wonder if that car revving its engine outside realized it was 2:30 in the frickin' morning?


Ah, well. At least the Owl Glare (patent pending) worked.

Sometimes I hear a motorcycle going across the street at that time. And once some idiot was playing with fireworks at 4 am. And it was not on the 4th of July.

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Re: The cranky thread


Sometimes I hear a motorcycle going across the street at that time. And once some idiot was playing with fireworks at 4 am. And it was not on the 4th of July.

That sounds familiar.


We're living in some pretty close quarters in our corner of Arden, so it doesn't take a whole lot of noise to disturb us. We might as well be living in an apartment complex, for all the noise.


Scratch that. Apartment complexes usually have rules against this sort of thing, and make moves to shut people up when they're forever setting off firecrackers within 20 feet of the building.

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Re: The cranky thread


I know how that goes. I live near an airport a train station, and a highway. The term "Trains, Planes and Automobiles" isn't just the title of a movie; it's what I hear every night when I try to sleep.


At least the house doesn't shake every time a vehicle goes by like the last place I lived in.

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Re: The cranky thread


The puppy we ended up with after my wife found it at work (about year old black cocker) decided today was a good day to follow all the deer trails on the property.


He isn't smart enough to not try to play with the coyotes...

I wasn't sure he was smart enough to find his way home.


So we tried to chase him and called for him for 30 minutes, he had doubled back and when I found him he was heading up the driveway for the road, 1/4 mile away.


I was only about 10 minutes late for work...

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Re: The cranky thread


I know how that goes. I live near an airport a train station, and a highway. The term "Trains, Planes and Automobiles" isn't just the title of a movie; it's what I hear every night when I try to sleep.


At least the house doesn't shake every time a vehicle goes by like the last place I lived in.

I think that would annoy me less than the revving engines, the spotlight shining in our kitchen window every night, the loud, drunken arguments on our back lawn, and the Spanish polka music at random moments.

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Re: The cranky thread


I think that would annoy me less than the revving engines' date=' [/quote']


Nails in the road.


the spotlight shining in our kitchen window every night,


Pellet gun.


the loud, drunken arguments on our back lawn,




and the Spanish polka music at random moments.


What, you don't like Latin Polka?

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