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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


I haven't slept a damn for over a week. The insomnia thing is really getting to be aggravating... :(





I know the feeling. I've been watching Modern Marvels on the History Channel at 2 am since I can't sleep early. On the bright side, I learned a bit about bricklaying from that show. :yes:

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Re: The cranky thread


I haven't slept a damn for over a week. The insomnia thing is really getting to be aggravating... :(


Quit trying to sleep. That's what I do anyway. If I've been flipping around in bed for over an hour, I figure I'm just wasting irreplaceable hours out of my lifespan, so I get up and try to do something useful or at least entertaining. Nothing cures insomnia like scrubbing the tub at 230am. Nothing, that is, except having a newborn infant. That thing makes insomnia seem like an unattainable fantasy.

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Re: The cranky thread


I love my Mom and Dad. I really do. But their problems with my weight, my (mostly) 16 years of unemployment, every friend and SO in the past they didn't like and EVERY SINGLE TIME THEY WANT X, BUT MY MAN WANTS Z, ALL THE WAY BACK TO MY VERY FIRST SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP IN COLLEGE, are constant sources of tension for me. It is a chronic, neverending thing that has had me pulling my hair out. Tomorrow they follow the other Snowbirds to Arizona. They won't be back till May. Like I said, I love them, but Whew ! Now don't get me wrong ! They give and give, they love me dearly and I always enjoy time spent with them 95% of the time, it's just that 5% that's such a b&*ch.


End Rant.

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Re: The cranky thread


I've had this cold for almost three weeks now. I haven't been this sick in ages. I've been coughing up a lung for days, and I'm so congested, I have to sleep sitting up, or I can't breathe at all. The weather hasn't helped. At least today was actually sunny. And I'm taking the next two days off. I can't really afford it, but I'll never get better if I don't rest. And I haven't been able to do that during the holiday season.

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Re: The cranky thread


That sounds like it's not really a cold any more and perhaps you should go see someone about it. The transition from cold to sinus infection, for me, has usually been a seamless one, marked only by slight changes in the gallons of mucus emanating from my nose.


As for me, I have no cold... but the boy kept waking up last night, and on top of that I had a nightmare so horrific that I refuse to discuss it. The end result is that I don't think I slept for more than an hour at a stretch all night, and work is gonna suck.

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Re: The cranky thread


I think I will see my doctor ASAP. I haven't been this bad in years. Doubtless, exhaustion played a part in it, since I exerted myself quite a bit last year. I do sound better, though, and I have been taking this new medicine called Mucinex, which is supposed to loosen the plegm. It has helped a bit.


And Old Man, sorry to hear about the awful night. Having my share of sleepless nights, I know how it is to have to work the next day. On Tuesday I had to teach tkd at noon and go to my regular job afterwards, after my cough prevented me from getting any sleep.

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Re: The cranky thread


So... one lens of my glasses popped out last night as a screw again came loose. God knows where it went. I know the room it should be in, and have been up all night, took a nap, and then gone at it again trying to find it.


Fortunatley, I DID find an old pair of glasses, with an outdated perscription but still better than my own natural ( near #$#$ing useless for anything) eyesight. Which is why it was possible TO look around.


But still nothing.


I expect to find it in roughly six months wedged between things I never knew my room had. If I had the cash availible, I'd say #$#$it and just go out and get a new lens or pair of glasses that didn't have the #$#$lunking screws.


Lasik is looking better and better except 1. Cost. 2. I'm so nearsighted it I've been told it wouldn't likely help me anyway.


EDIT: Now the lens is found. Wish I could say I was the one who found it, but a friend's daughter helped me look. She declined reward, but I made her take a dollar anyway. The "worker is worth of his (or her) hire", and besides, as I explained to her, it made me feel less like a schuck ;)

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Re: The cranky thread


I know the feeling, Hermit. I once had to tape the lens to my glasses because the frame had broken. I only had about $8 in my account, so I couldn't get a new pair. The lens popped out during Latin class, which caused the instructor to exclaim, "Good Lord, his eye popped out!" The only response I could say was "Yeah, it did."


My cold isn't much better despite two days of rest. Whenever I blow my nose, it sets off the dog because he thinks someone is ringing the doorbell.

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Re: The cranky thread


So... one lens of my glasses popped out last night as a screw again came loose. God knows where it went. I know the room it should be in, and have been up all night, took a nap, and then gone at it again trying to find it.


Fortunatley, I DID find an old pair of glasses, with an outdated perscription but still better than my own natural ( near #$#$ing useless for anything) eyesight. Which is why it was possible TO look around.


But still nothing.


I expect to find it in roughly six months wedged between things I never knew my room had. If I had the cash availible, I'd say #$#$it and just go out and get a new lens or pair of glasses that didn't have the #$#$lunking screws.


Lasik is looking better and better except 1. Cost. 2. I'm so nearsighted it I've been told it wouldn't likely help me anyway.


EDIT: Now the lens is found. Wish I could say I was the one who found it, but a friend's daughter helped me look. She declined reward, but I made her take a dollar anyway. The "worker is worth of his (or her) hire", and besides, as I explained to her, it made me feel less like a schuck ;)




Lasik is a lot cheaper than it used to be when I got it done.


How bad is your vision? I had 6.5 diopters in one, 6.75 in the other, iirc.

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Re: The cranky thread


I know the feeling, Hermit. I once had to tape the lens to my glasses because the frame had broken. I only had about $8 in my account, so I couldn't get a new pair. The lens popped out during Latin class, which caused the instructor to exclaim, "Good Lord, his eye popped out!" The only response I could say was "Yeah, it did."


My cold isn't much better despite two days of rest. Whenever I blow my nose, it sets off the dog because he thinks someone is ringing the doorbell.


You have my deepest sympathy for your bad cold, tkdguy, but that line about the dog is the funniest thing I've read all day. :rofl:

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