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The cranky thread


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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


Ah. More fun from the king of mass murdering toys.


Ok Dougie boy! Lets get this mess out here in the open! You like sending me private e-mails saying I'm this and that so say what you got to say here! Just what is your military

background? Mouth! Don't threaten me with dropping out of the group cause buddy you wont be missed a bit! keep up your crap and you wont need to drop out You'll be banned!

Now as far as I'm concerned this darn issue is over! I don't need your or anyone else's

aggravation! Much more crap and this group gets deleted! It's no skin off my rear end!

Now dude put up or shut up! Got it???

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


My last word in, edgewise.


Typical response.


You bring up my military background, which is none, when you endorse someone's proposal to murder 100 foreign civilians in response to every single American soldier lost on a foolish vendetta.


Because I don't condone mass murder, by either terrorists or cowards like you who don't believe in doing your job, just impotently lashing out at unarmed civilians, I'm what, an enemy of the United States of America?


You mentioned my using an F-word in a private e-mail to you, an f-word not directed at you.


And yet, you blasphemously and cheerfully spout a ringing endorsement of the very tactics Saddam Hussein used to slaughter hundreds of thousands of innocent people in his reign for several decades.


That is not the American ideal. You are not anything resembling a "warrior" you mewling little crybaby.


"Wah. An American soldier is dead. KILL those brown people! Kill them ALL!"


I don't need to be a soldier to realize that you are a foul disgrace of a human being, slavering like a rabid rodent rolling in its own filth for even thinking about engaging in the slaughter of civilians as a political tool. You are no better than the cowards who perpetrated 9/11, but at least those men had enough of a vestige of a spine to die for their beliefs. Not you. You'd rather kill and kill again, doing nothing more than inspiring more and more generations of terrorists.


Do me a favor and dry up.


Once you grow a soul, then maybe I won't want to vomit at the thought of you breathing the same air I do.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


I know I'm supposed to be cranky... but instead, I'll display "toysoldierman's" crankiness.




You no this has really gotten out of hand! I would like to no where

Jim Tadlock is? He's suppose to be taking care of the group until I

get back on my feet from major surgery. It seems like everyone can

express their opinion but when I express mine I'm a hate mongor,a

baby killer,scum,etc!I cann't believe this all started because some

one posted they where banned from entering their dioramas in a

contest.The man that posted only wanted to make a point and I'm sure

had no intention of starting WW3!Like I said earlier I really don't

need nor think I deserve all the accusations and such that has been

thrown my way this day. I have no qualms about making this group

history.One press of a button and the group is deleted for ever!

I've already asked that we get back to why were here twice.I wont ask

a 3rd time.If I cann't even get help from my moderator then whats the

use of trying to carry on? This is your group you can make it better

or take it apart its really all up to you's

Thanks for letting me breath some of the same air here as I'm

supposedly a coward and a rotten hate filled person and supposedly

a disgrace to my country. I'll try to be a little less smelly in the





:rofl: :rofl: :lol: :lol: :rofl: :rofl:



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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


Skaramine' date=' I hope that neither you or toysoldierman have any [b']real[/b] guns handy when you get cranky! :whistle:

Who needs toy guns when I have real knives and swords? :whistle:

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Re: The cranky thread


In the last couple of weeks I've seen the "server is busy" message a lot. It's getting to the point that any post of mine over one sentence long (including this one) needs to be written on a Word document of some sort and pasted in, because I seem to get it at the worst times (during long posts that I can't recover). :mad:


Is there a reason the server has been so darn busy lately?

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Re: The cranky thread


In the last couple of weeks I've seen the "server is busy" message a lot. It's getting to the point that any post of mine over one sentence long (including this one) needs to be written on a Word document of some sort and pasted in, because I seem to get it at the worst times (during long posts that I can't recover). :mad:


Is there a reason the server has been so darn busy lately?



I've had the same problem. Not that that helps you.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


I've been getting a lot of Server too busy, and when I've been trying to post my gun a day threads, or posting a new girl, DJ Wallis, to the catsuit thread...




Ah well.


We're probably all off and bored as smeg.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


I get it alot at work. It just means the Hero Community is united' date=' eager to share, and have nothing remotely resembling lives.[/quote']

That, or Zornwil is just HAMMERING THE CRAP out of these boards.




He's just one ma... er... lizard!

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


Yea' date=' but they keep missing at least.[/quote']

Reminds me of a T-shirt I wanted to design once.


"I miss my ex-husband/ex-wife. But, my marksmanship's improving."

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Re: The cranky thread


It annoys me that a thread you were enjoying reading and posting to one day suddenly turns into something else completely overnight, usually because one person took something out of context and ran with it. I don't mean your basic thread derailment of the Kara variety. I'm talkin' serious thread mugging and hijacking with only the barest hint of relation to the original topic. And it's not like the new conversation is stimulating. It's aggravating and trollish.




It's not gonna affect my life in the grand scheme of things, but it's pretty annoying. It's downright irksome pre-caffeine.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


It annoys me that a thread you were enjoying reading and posting to one day suddenly turns into something else completely overnight, usually because one person took something out of context and ran with it. I don't mean your basic thread derailment of the Kara variety. I'm talkin' serious thread mugging and hijacking with only the barest hint of relation to the original topic. And it's not like the new conversation is stimulating. It's aggravating and trollish.




It's not gonna affect my life in the grand scheme of things, but it's pretty annoying. It's downright irksome pre-caffeine.

Man, I already gave you rep a few minutes ago.


I wish I could give more out.

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Re: The cranky thread


Who needs toy guns when I have real knives and swords? :whistle:


I just saw the ticker on Headline News. One guy tried to stop a street brawl and lost a hand when someone hacked at him with a 3-foot sword.


Strangely enough, on the way home, I saw a bumper sticker that said "If guns are outlawed, are we allowed to use swords?"

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


I just saw the ticker on Headline News. One guy tried to stop a street brawl and lost a hand when someone hacked at him with a 3-foot sword.


Strangely enough, on the way home, I saw a bumper sticker that said "If guns are outlawed, are we allowed to use swords?"

I'm gonna have to take a picture of my sword/knife one of these days. It's a loverly piece of work.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


I have a bunch of swords and knives myself' date=' as well as a handaxe and a bow.[/quote']

It was everything I could do not to buy myself a neat little camp axe when I saw it on sale at Home Depot.


And then, there are all those lovely maces and morningstars I keep seeing at SF/Fantasy conventions. :angst:

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Re: The cranky thread


I was just thinking of trying to make a "brush knife" basically a long(possibly slightly curved) handled curved blade similar to a naginata or possibly a scimitar or Darn Do. The haft would be probably a little over 2 feet long, with a full tang extension of the blade, then scales of wood mounted on it and probably cord wrapped.


I figure the blade probably 12-18 inches, maybe 2 " wide at the widest point.


Kind of inspired by a lot of things, including the "hand Glaive" I read in I think "Men of Iron" when I was a kid.


It was everything I could do not to buy myself a neat little camp axe when I saw it on sale at Home Depot.


And then, there are all those lovely maces and morningstars I keep seeing at SF/Fantasy conventions. :angst:

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