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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


As you all know, I do tech support. Well, this morning, 4 of the 7 exchange servers broke down all at once (crashed hard drive connects to the fail safe switch, the fail safe switch connects to the network switch, etc). To stem the flow of THOUSANDS of people of calling in at once, we put a message on the phone queues that the people hear as soon as the automated system answers:


The exchanged servers are nozzed. YOU will not be able to check email, yes, we mean you! (Of course it's a bit more professional than that, but that's about how it comes off).


So, what do I get? I get 15-20 people just myself (times that by 44 other employees and you get the idea of the call flow) that all say: Are you sure that pertains to me?


I tell them: Does your email work? They of course say no, and I reitertate: You are affected by this outage. They ask again: Are you sure? I again say: Is your email working? They again say no. Then, yes, YOU ARE AFFECTED! They then say: Oh, ok, I just wanted to make sure.


Gawds, I hate these people somedays. What I need is some sort of electrode hooked up to their chair from their PC that allows me to ping their PC NIC and shock the funk out of them for being so dumb and pushy.


EDIT: Now they are calling: Are the email servers working yet?


Do you have email?




Then I'm going to go with my gut instincts and say they are still broken.


Are you sure?



been there..

done that..

except that i've gotten managers asking those same types of questions too!

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Re: The cranky thread


I tire of this human body. For about a million years now I've been dealing with oily skin, excess body fat, and hair that grows uncontrollably and in the wrong places. I waste so much time bathing and sleeping and eating and excreting that, after the full-time job, there's just no time left in the day. And this is when I'm healthy. I just can't wait for things to go wrong, because then it'll be all of the above with a little bit of pain and discomfort on top.

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Re: The cranky thread


As you all know, I do tech support. Well, this morning, 4 of the 7 exchange servers broke down all at once (crashed hard drive connects to the fail safe switch, the fail safe switch connects to the network switch, etc). To stem the flow of THOUSANDS of people of calling in at once, we put a message on the phone queues that the people hear as soon as the automated system answers:


The exchanged servers are nozzed. YOU will not be able to check email, yes, we mean you! (Of course it's a bit more professional than that, but that's about how it comes off).


So, what do I get? I get 15-20 people just myself (times that by 44 other employees and you get the idea of the call flow) that all say: Are you sure that pertains to me?


I tell them: Does your email work? They of course say no, and I reitertate: You are affected by this outage. They ask again: Are you sure? I again say: Is your email working? They again say no. Then, yes, YOU ARE AFFECTED! They then say: Oh, ok, I just wanted to make sure.


Gawds, I hate these people somedays. What I need is some sort of electrode hooked up to their chair from their PC that allows me to ping their PC NIC and shock the funk out of them for being so dumb and pushy.


EDIT: Now they are calling: Are the email servers working yet?


Do you have email?




Then I'm going to go with my gut instincts and say they are still broken.


Are you sure?



Man, do I feel your pain. Sorry.

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Re: The cranky thread


Allow me to volunteer.

*POW* OUCH! *BANG BANG BANG* Ouch Ouch Ouch!


Hey some of us are fragile. Not so hard.



Thanks, Bazza. And sorry, sometimes I don't know my own strength. :o


Hermit, things are already getting better for me and Kly. I'm just seriously angry at the friend, because (1) she seems to buy into emotional blackmail -- "Do it my way or I'll kill myself"; (2) she "needs" immediate gratification of all her whims, even if getting it means that Kly's and my marriage will not survive -- "Do it now or I'll kill myself"; and (3) this particular method of emotional blackmail leaves no one with any room to call her bluff -- I/we must submit to this low attack, do it her way, do it now, because if I/we don't, she may die. She's just being so dang unreasonable that there's no talking to her, and she's the one who's making the situation we all want to go away worse.


Ah, the urge to strangle. So tempting. So familiar. So frustrating. So freakin' impossible.

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Re: The cranky thread


Well in any event' date=' best wishes for navigating this.[/quote']

Thank you, Zornwill, and you too, Bazza. We're workin' on it.


Kly says his discussion with the parson in question was productive in that she's no longer being unwilling to listen to reason. He says she's still uncertain of how much she's going to lose (she's uncertain of how much she'll loose? Sheesh!), but she's planning to be less grabby of other people's rights (like mine, dag nabbit!), so it's all good.


For the record, Kly has done nothing immoral, here. There is a gag order in effect that prevents me from offering any further details, but I really don't want anyone jumping all over Kly for this. All right, guys?


Just 'cause I vent is no reason to abuse Klytus. Just so it's said.

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Re: The cranky thread


Thank you, Zornwill, and you too, Bazza. We're workin' on it.


Kly says his discussion with the parson in question was productive in that she's no longer being unwilling to listen to reason. He says she's still uncertain of how much she's going to lose (she's uncertain of how much she'll loose? Sheesh!), but she's planning to be less grabby of other people's rights (like mine, dag nabbit!), so it's all good.


For the record, Kly has done nothing immoral, here. There is a gag order in effect that prevents me from offering any further details, but I really don't want anyone jumping all over Kly for this. All right, guys?


Just 'cause I vent is no reason to abuse Klytus. Just so it's said.

Didn't at all take it that Klytus did anything immoral, I took it as just someone you guys disagree strongly about is all.

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Re: The cranky thread


Kly says his discussion with the parson in question was productive in that she's no longer being unwilling to listen to reason. He says she's still uncertain of how much she's going to lose (she's uncertain of how much she'll loose? Sheesh!), but she's planning to be less grabby of other people's rights (like mine, dag nabbit!), so it's all good.

When somebody falls hard into The Pit, getting them out of the Pit is the first thing you must do before they can even think about being reasonable again. It sometime just takes some doing to get sombody who is that depressed to come out of The Pit.


But I can most certaintly empathise with White Heat's crankiness. Her patience in this has been nothing short of stellar, and I want to publicly acknowledge this.


There's a reason this woman is my Sweetie :)

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Re: The cranky thread


But I can most certaintly empathise with White Heat's crankiness. Her patience in this has been nothing short of stellar, and I want to publicly acknowledge this.


There's a reason this woman is my Sweetie :)

Ok. I feel much more betterer now. Y'all can stop hiding and come out. Even you, Bazza. I'll quit smakin' stuff. Although, that doll was quite therapeutic. She's a little worse for the wear now, however... ::returns to Bazza something resembling a small, limp, pink balloon:: Sorry 'bout that.

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Re: The cranky thread


Put an offer on a house on Tuesday. My first offer on my first house. I was one of two. They said they'd let me know Wednesday since they were gonna consider both that night. Thursday afternoon rolls around and finally someone lets me know a dark horse third offer came in Wednesday morning for more money, so no go.


It's not that I'm cranky, really, but I hated the waiting. THAT made me cranky.

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Re: The cranky thread


just out of sick curiousity Kara' date=' is [b']everything[/b] about you Perky? :angel:


Shows how often I look at this thread anymore. I'm just now seein' this! :lol:


Yuppers. Have a perky disposition, which freaks out people when I'm gettin' slammed with work. Nobody expects ya to still be in a good mood when they've just handed you a ton of work. :nya:


On the physical side, too. ;) Perky boobs and a perky li'l butt. :D

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Re: The cranky thread


::returns to Bazza something resembling a small' date=' pink balloon:: Sorry 'bout that.[/quote']:graciously accepts pick balloon.:


ps: Kly/WH, thanks for being relatively open about this, my uncle is going through a similar experience for about a month now. :thumbup:

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Re: The cranky thread


:graciously accepts pick balloon.:


ps: Kly/WH, thanks for being relatively open about this, my uncle is going through a similar experience for about a month now. :thumbup:

You're quite welcome. Personally, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the NGD Forum, for giving me a place to rant.


Much appreciated, guys and gals.

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Re: The cranky thread


I just want to scream


Tonight, I had an annoying concert across the water on the beach. I could hear them and had to turn up the volume of the tv to compensate. I recall I have to water the pot plants as I should have watered them yesterday but forgot.


So I turn the outside lights on and turn the tap on. Bam. lights go out, blackout. I fumble to the tap, and turn it off. Fumble my way to the kitchen and grab a torch. light isn't that good but it'll do.


I check various lights, fans as they are on different circuits to see if it only affected one circuit or all of them. It is all of them, not power t'all. All circuits in the meter box all are ok. by this time I suspect the concert.


I water the plants the best I can with the dim light from the torch. I go back inside and check the lights. Still off and getting very annoyed. Bingo. Lights come back on.



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Re: The cranky thread


I think I have new neighbors in the apartment downstairs. I think this because over the weekend I had to put up with a lot of loud music from that area. That didn't bother me so much. When it happened again this morning at 1, it bothered me. Sure, they turned it down after a couple minutes, but by then I was already awake and angry. And if you've seen my results in the 'going to hell' thread you know you don't want to make me angry. I'm already fantasizing about how to get a grenade down there.

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Re: The cranky thread


I think I have new neighbors in the apartment downstairs. I think this because over the weekend I had to put up with a lot of loud music from that area. That didn't bother me so much. When it happened again this morning at 1' date=' it bothered me. Sure, they turned it down after a couple minutes, but by then I was already awake and angry. And if you've seen my results in the 'going to hell' thread you know you don't want to make me angry. I'm already fantasizing about how to get a grenade down there.[/quote']

nuke 'em and be done with it! ;)

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


I think I have new neighbors in the apartment downstairs. I think this because over the weekend I had to put up with a lot of loud music from that area. That didn't bother me so much. When it happened again this morning at 1' date=' it bothered me. Sure, they turned it down after a couple minutes, but by then I was already awake and angry. And if you've seen my results in the 'going to hell' thread you know you don't want to make me angry. I'm already fantasizing about how to get a grenade down there.[/quote']

Don't use a grenade.


A pick axe provides much more catharsis.

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Re: The cranky thread


Don't use a grenade.


A pick axe provides much more catharsis.


True. Why risk some shrapnel punching holes in your floor?


We had a similar problem several years ago. Someone playing heavy metal loudly in the apartment below us. In the middle of the night.


Kara determined when they slept, went out, bought Debbie Boone's "You Light Up My Life" and started cranking that sucker up loud. It didn't bother her much. She took her hearing aids out. And I was at school.


Three days of that and she never had to play that God awful song again. :)

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


That's cruel and unusual punishment, Kara.


Who needs a pickaxe when you've got that?


Well, I probably would, just to poke my own brains out... but... ;)

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Re: The cranky thread


That's cruel and unusual punishment, Kara.


Who needs a pickaxe when you've got that?


Well, I probably would, just to poke my own brains out... but... ;)


She has her moments. lol She's used her "handicap" to her advantage on more than one occasion. She also took her hearing aids out when the twins were on a pan banging binge when they were about a year old.

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