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The cranky thread


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I just sent them a cease & desist letter. Legally, they need to stop calling after they receive it. If they don't, I'll report them not just to the FTC, but also the BBB and even the Attorney General, since calling after receiving a written letter to stop is illegal.


If that doesn't work, the next time they call, I'll blow an airhorn at the speaker when they're talking.


You know, I used to be much more against litigation, but nowadays my definition of 'casual lawsuit' has moved. Its become one of the few ways the 'little guy' can actually defend himself or fight back (Even if its his lawyer who will really cash in) so if they persist, do consider that option if its possible

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For the first time in the last few weeks I can honestly say I haven't been cranky in a couple days thanks to the pain management specialist, and despite the complete lack of professionalism by my knee surgeon and his nurse. Now I just have to find a new knee specialist to see while pursuing a complaint against them with the county hospital they work for.


Fortunately, the physical therapists I'm seeing (at the same hospital) are as good as I could ask for. They've taken my difficult rehab as a personal challenge and learning opportunity. The head of the department has even gotten personally involved. I'm a little worried that I may not ever reach the range of motion we're shooting for, but it definitely won't be due to any lack of expertise or effort on their part.

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Crap! My unemployment check hasn't come in, but the bills are. I mailed my form at the post office, so there's no reason they didn't get it. Hopefully, it's just the holiday on Tuesday that's delaying it. I can't talk to a live representative until tomorrow morning.


Hopefully, I can clear it up. I am officially on panic mode.

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Crap! My unemployment check hasn't come in, but the bills are. I mailed my form at the post office, so there's no reason they didn't get it. Hopefully, it's just the holiday on Tuesday that's delaying it. I can't talk to a live representative until tomorrow morning.


Hopefully, I can clear it up. I am officially on panic mode.


That truly sucks.


Thankfully, my situation seems to be taking a turn for the better. After 30 minutes working with my therapist and her boss to loosen up my hip, I can almost walk normally. I'm still going through 40mg of Oxycodone a day, but you gotta start somewhere. 

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Crap! My unemployment check hasn't come in, but the bills are. I mailed my form at the post office, so there's no reason they didn't get it. Hopefully, it's just the holiday on Tuesday that's delaying it. I can't talk to a live representative until tomorrow morning.


Hopefully, I can clear it up. I am officially on panic mode.


So I have a 4-hour window to speak with a live representative. I've just called half a dozen times within the last hour, and I still can't talk to a live person, as there are "more calls than they can handle." And the automated service "can't process my request." In the meantime, there's nobody to send an email to (no link), and there's no chat room to contact anyone.


Seriously, WTF?! I'm going nuts here! :thumbdown

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Well, I thought I had a part time job with the Post Office. I was supposed to start training at the beginning of the month. There was a paperwork mistake, and so I had to wait until the 17th. Turns out that though the position is needed, somehow it was listed as if it were an existing, filled position. The postmistress was trying to get authorization for an extra, as the person in it was wanted for a different position. Tonight I found out that Headquarters turned us down. Now, the other person will go off to other position but her position will need to be listed, so I guess I will have to re-apply, or something.


So, instead of starting a part time job(at a decent pay rate), I am still unemployed, living on what little is left in my retirement fund.


I am not sure what to do next. My laptop is dead, with my current resume on it.


Last month I had to replace the heating element in our dryer. Yesterday when I went to put my studded snow tires on, one of them had a hole in the sidewall, so I had to buy a new one.

Today our well head froze. I bought a new heater for the shed where our pressure tank is, re-glued the separated joint in the pvc piping. Put a halogen bulb down the well to thaw that area.


If I was superstitious, I would wonder if our three black cats...

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The only one of those things I can help with is the laptop. How exactly is it dead?

One day it worked, the next it would not boot up. Iirc, it said the boot files were damaged. I'll look at it tomorrow, double check.


Tonight we are chilling out and watching "Fairy Tail" on Netflix. Of course the Windows disk is lost...

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1.5 years ago, our black car overheated and gave up the ghost. We were out of town when it happened and had to buy a replacement right away. That car has been giving us a little transmission trouble for while and yesterday the fuel pump went out. With the transmission, it's really not a good investment to fix it and without the pump working, we can't sell it. So I get to start looking for a replacement. Yippee.

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