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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Have you ever had a restaurant in town that you really like' date=' but you start hearing a lot of people saying how bad their experiences were, so you start wondering ... are they just having really bad luck, or is the place really bad and I'm just getting lucky?[/quote']


I had the opposite experience. I once took a coworker to lunch in a Korean BBQ restaurant I liked. As it happens, there were a bunch of flies infesting the restaurant that day. We even moved tables to get away from them. Needless to say, she wasn't very impressed with the place.


The restaurant closed a few years after that. Now there's a Chinese restaurant in its place. However, I've seen that spot change hands over the years. Different types of restaurants occupied that very space.

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Re: The cranky thread


The restaurant closed a few years after that. Now there's a Chinese restaurant in its place. However' date=' I've seen that spot change hands over the years. Different types of restaurants occupied that very space.[/quote']


I suspect that every town of even modest size has a place like that. My home town in Texas had one. First it was a burger place. It closed, and then rose again as a seafood place. It closed, and rose again as a sandwich shop. Rinse and repeat a couple more times. Each place had decent food -- but the location was terrible. Eventually it became office space and remained that way for a very long time.

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Re: The cranky thread


Ah yes. Another reminder why our IT support has such an execrable reputation.


The machine that lives in one of the lecture rooms (and by "lives in", I mean "is bolted into a rolling cabinet that is tied to the wall with a clinched steel cable) is reporting it has no network connection. This must have been true for at least a week; I can only log into it with my old password, the one I changes last Friday.


So I send an email to the helpdesk reporting this, giving the classroom (building name, room number).


I get a response back:


*** Please provide the computer name of the affected computer. You can gather this information for us by right clicking on Computer -> Properties -> Computer Name tab -> Full Computer Name




Trying to decide whether to forward this to the university VP/Technology as a sterling example for why his bailiwick is seen as nothing but a bunch of obstructionist bean-counting off-site layabouts.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm too depressed to write checks for the bills, but it has to be done. I also must sashay over to the office and drop off the rent check, today. Monday is too late. I have been too depressed to leave the house except for necessities all week. I guess I should be thankful I have a nice home and enough money to pay my bills every month but the depression is bad.

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Re: The cranky thread


Ah yes. Another reminder why our IT support has such an execrable reputation.


The machine that lives in one of the lecture rooms (and by "lives in", I mean "is bolted into a rolling cabinet that is tied to the wall with a clinched steel cable) is reporting it has no network connection. This must have been true for at least a week; I can only log into it with my old password, the one I changes last Friday.


So I send an email to the helpdesk reporting this, giving the classroom (building name, room number).


I get a response back:


*** Please provide the computer name of the affected computer. You can gather this information for us by right clicking on Computer -> Properties -> Computer Name tab -> Full Computer Name




Trying to decide whether to forward this to the university VP/Technology as a sterling example for why his bailiwick is seen as nothing but a bunch of obstructionist bean-counting off-site layabouts.


Oooh, it gets better. Turns out the operation they asked me to do cannot be done. I get the "Restrictions" errorbox when I went up there between classes just now.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm too depressed to write checks for the bills' date=' but it has to be done. I also must sashay over to the office and drop off the rent check, today. Monday is too late. I have been too depressed to leave the house except for necessities all week. I guess I should be thankful I have a nice home and enough money to pay my bills every month but the depression is bad.[/quote']


That could have been me last month (and almost every payday week). I'm mostly that way this month, but there are signs of encouragement I cling to with the enthusiasm a drowning man clings to his rescuer. :winkgrin::weep:


Now I have an idea for a new thread!

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Re: The cranky thread


Getting my home dialysis catheter surgery this Friday. It'll be my sixth overall surgery' date=' for various things, and while nothing's really gone wrong, I'm still scared outta my wits about going back under the knife.[/quote']


Good luck, CC. Will it be a local, or a general?

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Re: The cranky thread


My Sleep Apnea has left me so sleep-deprived and tired that I can't do anything. I wanted to go out for dinner, but the place I want to go to is a half-hour away and I just don't have the energy. I can't go on like this. I have puffy, raccoon eyes and can't even leave the house without eye makeup.

Thanks for the support, tkdguy.

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Re: The cranky thread


Funny story. I went to a civil war reenactment with my friends Herb and Wes. I have experience in living history and small reenactments of European conflicts. However, this was my first Civil War reenactment. Anyway, I'd forgotten about a pesky allergy to wool that I had when I was 6 years old. Guess what? you don't outgrow that. Civil War uniforms? Made of wool. Benadryl, the last available hotel room in Pickwick, Tennessee, and a good shower ensured I survived the experience. I viewed the rest of the Battle of Shiloh from the sidelines. Also -- all the mud.

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