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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


At 3:25 a.m. I was disturbed by my neighbor across the hall and some friend of hers having a loud, agitated conversation in the hallway in front of my door—which is about 3 feet from my bedroom, with only a partial wall in between. When I threw on a bathrobe, opened my door and reminded them it was the wee morning hours and they were not in an empty building, the non-resident friend who appeared to be drunk or high went into a loud partially coherent rant about how she'd just come from speaking to the police. I told her to keep it down; my neighbor snottily told me that we'd never spoken before but I could go ahead and be rude if I wanted and then flounced off into her apartment.


No Princess, rude would have been having our little talk at the end of one of my hockey sticks and raising my own voice to the level yours was at. First thing this morning when the landlord's office opened I calmly informed the property's Controller about what went down, her jaw dropped at your gall, and she assured me that I was a valued tenant and steps would be taken. If this develops into a he said/she said conflict you're going to find out some unpleasant truths about how much landlords value long term middle-aged renters with good credit ratings and no children, pets, or taste for parties and loud music compared to entitled college students that have been in residence less than six months.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm cranky 'cuz Old Man is getting other people indestructible immortal (and probably really hot) android bodies, but thanks to him I'm stuck (literally!) with a freaking voodoo doll.


Life just ain't fair.


Fine, fine, I'll also get you an indestructible immortal smokin' hot android body.


With the pain receptors jacked up to 11. :D

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Re: The cranky thread


No' date=' what we really need to do is create an indestructible, immortal android body and transplant your brain into it.[/quote']


I'd be willing to exist as a brain in a jar (or more likely as a computer 'program') for a period of time if that technology comes about before the android bodies do.

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Re: The cranky thread


[h=6]Thursday was a day from H#LL. I was up early so that I could climb under the house and try to run a snake into the plumbing, for the second time in about 2 months. Before I could get under there, Theresa Comes running into the house. "We have bigger problems! Paka (her sick old horse) is down!" I go out with her, and the horse is down on her belly, unable to get up. She is waving her head around, but... The slush and mud made it very obvious that she had been down and moving around for a while. There was some blood on the snow... So I got to start my day by putting the horse down. Then I called in sick to work so I could dispose of the carcass. Then we called Tavish's school and told them we were keeping him home.

I managed to find someone to haul off the carcass. While I waited for him, I got under the house and snaked the drain. That didn't work, so I took a toilet apart and tried from there. That didn't work. Fortunately I found a local guy who came out to help me out. We only had to dig out PART of the Septic tank, and then use the heavy duty snake I rented to work from there. I won't go into any details about the mess I found under the house, just to say that my insurance will not cover anything related to the Septic tank...

I think Nietzsche was incorrect. That which does not kill us, does not kill us. Stronger, weaker, unchanged, we can only definitively state that we survived.


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