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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Ever coughed so hard you felt a sharp pain between your shoulder blades, then kept coughing until you threw up?


Oh, while driving.


I hope you pulled over safely! Haven't done all that, but back when I was a smoker I would occasionally cough so hard I'd crack a rib. I developed a zen-like ability to shut off my cough reflex and short-circuit an incipient sneeze.

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Re: The cranky thread


I hope you pulled over safely! Haven't done all that' date=' but back when I was a smoker I would occasionally cough so hard I'd crack a rib. I developed a zen-like ability to shut off my cough reflex and short-circuit an incipient sneeze.[/quote']


Yeah. I'd've mentioned if I'd wrecked the car, 'cause that would have made me even crankier. :)

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Re: The cranky thread


Little Miss Vengeance was up at 4:00 this morning. Which is OK. Normally, we feed her and she falls back to sleep. But not this morning. BunnySue had her from 4 to about 4:45, then I took over so she could get a little sleep. I discovered, when I took Baby V into the other room where a light was on, she calmed down. So we sat on the floor and played, me hoping that she'd fall asleep. She kept yawning and rubbing her eyes, so I gently, quietly took her back into our room... and she immediately began crying again.


So I took her back out to her room and she calmed down instantly. I started wracking my brain... what's different between the two rooms? Then it came to me... our room was dark, this room has a light on. So I put her into her bassinet, left the light on, and began rocking her. In <5 minutes, she was sound asleep.


Unfortunately, by that point it was almost time for me to get up. :(


On the plus side, we've now got something else we can try if she just won't quiet down and go to sleep...


A couple things that used to work with Tavish:

gently stroke up and down on his forehead right between the eyebrows with a finger tip. For some reason that sometimes let him relax right into sleep.


Let him hold onto a finger. It was so pronounced we were looking for a good fake rubber hand... Let him hold onto my finger, often asleep in a minute or less.


I would Lie on my back and lay him on my belly. His cheek on my chest... Maybe it was just that I make suck a large, soft pillow...

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Re: The cranky thread


Nice day off' date=' so I walked up to Chapters Books to look around. (Got this.)


Then I made the mistake of looking at a Walking Dead graphic novel. Not to piddle on anyone's favourites, but c'mon! How many murdering cannibalistic raping lying psychopaths have you run into in your lifetime? Apparently, on the basis of the sample size, about, what, one in ten of your acquaintances?


And for gosh sakes, could someone start using their brains? Zombies chasing you, wearing you down? They have these things called "bicycles" now. Zombies biting you and infecting you? Leather jackets are harder to chew through than wife beaters. Zombies surrounding your compound that you can't shoot because near-complete brain death causes zombies to have homing hearing? Throw rocks at them.


No. Seriously. Throw rocks at their heads. It's the leading cause of human-caused death for cavemen, and they were a lot smarter than zombies. And stop killing each other and chopping each other's hands off and committing murder-suicides and and and... Yes, I know that stress does funny things to people, but, at the same time, most people cope. The whole post-traumatic stress thing comes after. That's why it's called "post."


Reminds me of my experience this week, I read two of the "Northmen" graphic novels. Sven the returned was at best mediocre. "The Hammer and the Cross" was absolutely lousy. IF they were trying to make a political commentary about the US invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, IMO they missed by a mile.


So the "Good Guy" was the Viking "Criminologist" who felt completely justified in invading, Conguering, and ravaging Ireland, and who blithely ordered all the Celts in the area murdered to draw out the "Criminal". Who was a Schizophrenic murderer. Whose own daughter... never mind. NOt worth the mental energy.


It is very possible that I misunderstood it all, I am a fairly simple man and NOT a literary critic (in fact I pray I never am one).

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Re: The cranky thread


Dear nurse at my dialysis clinic,


I was informed, from day 1, that I was to be at the clinic at 7am. For many months, there was a sign on the door to the treatment room that said 'First shift starts at 7am'. I was there at 7am today. My treatment started at 7:13 because it took the nurse 13 minutes to hook me up to the F**KING MACHINE and start the process. I was not late. Do not accuse me of s**t I didn't do, you f**king b***h. It really pisses me off, you whiny wh*re. I'm already feeling crappy because I've got bronchitis or something. I can't sleep because it's hard to f**king breathe, so I would appreciate it if you do not bust my hump for goddamn s**t I didn't f**king do. You don't like me, I get it. We have never really gotten along. We rub each other the wrong way. We'd probably be very happy if we never saw each other again in our lives. But I really. Do. Not. Appreciate. being accused of s**t I didn't do.


And then, when I explain that I wasn't late, don't talk to me like I'm a f**king moron. "do what you need to do to get here on time." I WAS F**KING ON TIME, YOU C**T. "It's not an issue ..." IF IT'S NOT AN ISSUE, WHY ARE YOU BUSTING MY HUMP? "You're making someone else late." NO I'M NOT, BECAUSE I WAS ON F**KING TIME, and that sign I mentioned earlier also said that the second shift doesn't start until f**king noon, so even if I'm not out of there until 11:45, he's still fifteen f**king minutes early. Maybe it's just me, but maybe an apology might be in f**king order?!


So, here's the deal. I am going to start showing up at the clinic at six f**king thirty in the goddamn morning, even though I have heard the nurses complain about it. And I swear to f**king Ceiling Cat, if I hear word one about being too f**king early, I am going to go off on a vulgar, vile rampage of foul language that will peel the f**king wallpaper.

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Re: The cranky thread


I can't move my left thumb at all. I also can't touch its joint. I am in pain. I see the Orthopoedist Friday am. I will probably get a Cortizone shot. It will hurt a lot.

Now I know why they say getting old sux.


youch. It is a crash course in human Physiology, unfortunately.

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Re: The cranky thread


Dear nurse at my dialysis clinic,


I was informed, from day 1, that I was to be at the clinic at 7am. For many months, there was a sign on the door to the treatment room that said 'First shift starts at 7am'. I was there at 7am today. My treatment started at 7:13 because it took the nurse 13 minutes to hook me up to the F**KING MACHINE and start the process. I was not late. Do not accuse me of s**t I didn't do, you f**king b***h. It really pisses me off, you whiny wh*re. I'm already feeling crappy because I've got bronchitis or something. I can't sleep because it's hard to f**king breathe, so I would appreciate it if you do not bust my hump for goddamn s**t I didn't f**king do. You don't like me, I get it. We have never really gotten along. We rub each other the wrong way. We'd probably be very happy if we never saw each other again in our lives. But I really. Do. Not. Appreciate. being accused of s**t I didn't do.


And then, when I explain that I wasn't late, don't talk to me like I'm a f**king moron. "do what you need to do to get here on time." I WAS F**KING ON TIME, YOU C**T. "It's not an issue ..." IF IT'S NOT AN ISSUE, WHY ARE YOU BUSTING MY HUMP? "You're making someone else late." NO I'M NOT, BECAUSE I WAS ON F**KING TIME, and that sign I mentioned earlier also said that the second shift doesn't start until f**king noon, so even if I'm not out of there until 11:45, he's still fifteen f**king minutes early. Maybe it's just me, but maybe an apology might be in f**king order?!


So, here's the deal. I am going to start showing up at the clinic at six f**king thirty in the goddamn morning, even though I have heard the nurses complain about it. And I swear to f**king Ceiling Cat, if I hear word one about being too f**king early, I am going to go off on a vulgar, vile rampage of foul language that will peel the f**king wallpaper.


Is there someone to whom you can report this nurse? Or find the HR department and file a formal complaint.

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Re: The cranky thread


There are usually five or so nurses on duty during any given shift. I can request that this one not stick me, but ultimately she has administrative duties that will require her to be the one to speak to me at some point. I strongly suspect raising a stink will just increase her nagging me and treating me like an idiot, so I may just take a serious look into home dialysis.


I was sorely tempted to rip her a new one, yes, but I think it would have ultimately been counterproductive. I realized long ago that my temper has no throttle; if I don't keep it tightly contained, I explode. I'm certain I'll step over the line, and I'm reasonably sure they can choose not to treat me if I cross that line, which leaves me, well, dead.

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Re: The cranky thread


No, what we really need to do is create an indestructible, immortal android body and transplant your brain into it.


Meanwhile, does anyone know why the advanced-search button is getting placed about 100,000 pixels to the right? It's making the boards really, really wide. I'm on Mac Firefox if it helps.

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