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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Yeah' date=' I've been fighting with the wife all day. And much of yesterday. I think I made it eight and a half hours into 2012 before the first hissy fit.[/quote']


THAT LONG?! I was cranky by 2 am! ;)


Seriously, I hope you and your wife are on better terms now.

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Re: The cranky thread


It's the end of the month and my anxiety makes it difficult to get out of the house and pay the bills. Mental illness is weird and frustrating. I'll get around to it' date=' but many years of not quite enough to pay bills has trained me to be anxious, and even though I'm on Social Security [i']and[/i] getting military retirement (part of which is disability pay) and paying the bills should be no sweat, the primitive part of my brain gets all panicky and wants to stay under cover. "No safe! You stay home!"

PTSD, here. Going out somewhere once a week for a few hours is about all I can manage, right now.

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Re: The cranky thread


A month ago the install group said they couldn't do the work in the RFP, so I spent a month contacting subcontractors to find ones who could do the work and get pricing. Now, two days before the proposal is due, the install group suddenly thinks they can do the work after all and all the subs can go pound sand. Great job, fellas.

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Re: The cranky thread


I've done that before. I almost hate to say it' date=' but it was fun, especially when the reason I had to leave my house was to go to my dialysis treatment (aka 'thing I have to do regularly or I die').[/quote']


Years ago I seriously considered grounding an extension cord across some jerks vehicle when his alarm went off EVERY Weekend at 0300...

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Re: The cranky thread


Ah. Now I understand. When you described your wife's predicament, I thought "Wow, her co-workers must all be absolutely useless."


And... the last time I went into a Hastings was over six years ago -- I haven't been back because every employee I ran into there was, in fact, absolutely useless. Took me 30 minutes to check out, with one item, because nobody at the front knew how to operate a POS terminal.


I sincerely hope your wife finds a better place to work, CC. I'd wanna cry too if I had to deal with that kind of incompetence on a daily basis.


Some of their stores are decent, but even they have challenges. My wife runs the Books department. They had to fire a girl who was a pretty good worker in the Books section. Unfortunately the Corporate shift scheduling program would not let them schedule her so she did not work the register. She was so nervous about working with cash, that she screwed up her tills. EVERY TIME. She had witnesses that she was not dipping into it, but...


Nice kid. Too bad.

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Re: The cranky thread


This was in the Random Musing threads, and thought it too good a post (unfortunately about bad things) that it should also be shared here. Hope you don't mind, James. :)


Dear Motherf@#%ers at Work,


When are you going to put the phone connection in my workstation? When you guys moved my team up to this unventilated upstairs attic office (which, among other things, means our wheelchair-bound Call Quality Analyst can't consult with us face-to-face anymore), you got everybody's computer and workstation connected with an office phone. Except mine. Which means I can't call the company answering machine to see who called in late or sick. Which means I can't call agents to tell them they're over break. Which means, basically, I can't do the job you expect me to do. Since week after Thanksgiving I have had to play a game of Musical Chairs every time I get to work trying to scope out a seat that is both a. working and b. unoccupied. Or I could just wait for a seat to be left over after a supervisor leaves work for the day, except we also have to log in to the phones in order to get paid.

Of course, this is of a piece with everything else that's been going on around here, for instance again shoving us up the most inconvenient place for some of us to reach, or leaving supervisors in the dark while wondering why there's so much turnover with supervisors. The term that's been bandied about in this place is "red-headed stepchild department."

Should I actually find a job that pays the bills from check to check, as opposed to one that blames "the economy" for why I haven't gotten a raise in almost three years despite passing every quarterly review to qualify for one, I will be sure to let everyone know the reasons why.


Oh, and if you're going to close off the break room kitchen for remodeling and tell us the work will be done by "December 23," please be sure to specify which YEAR.


Thank You,


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Re: The cranky thread


Thursday morning at 7 AM I was free (for a time). I had just finished working 16 consecutive days of 12 hour shifts (11, really since I get an hour for lunch). OMG I was so freaking tired by the end of it. I will be *so* glad when our trainees are trained enough to be able to take some of the OT load when someone goes on vacation.

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Re: The cranky thread


Whoever invented Automated Voice Mail for Customer Service needs to be shot.

Often, if I keep pressing "1" I eventually end up talking to a real person. Of course, after that, I occasionally end up being the "buck" that gets passed between different "departments" and/or "supervisors".

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Re: The cranky thread


Often' date=' if I keep pressing "1" I eventually end up talking to a real person. Of course, after that, I occasionally end up being the "buck" that gets passed between different "departments" and/or "supervisors".[/quote']


I often get similar results by repeatedly pressing "0" until I get an operator.


There are also a number of websites that list the exact steps needed to get a human being on the phone for various companies' automated customer service systems, such as http://www.get2human.com/get2human_list.asp which I've used successfully on occasion.

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Re: The cranky thread


Dunno if any of you remember Shadowpup but he's been given ten days' notice at his job.


that really sucks. Time to clean out the storage closets! ;) Not really, but the temptation is there.


Actually when I was younger I would have given serious thought to a party with my girlfriend on the boss's Desk, on the last night. I was a sick puppy.

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