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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Around here' date=' "bad power" isn't a computer issue, it's a fact of life. The infrastructure stinks. I mean, a lightning bug farts in the general direction of a transformer and half the grid goes down.[/quote']

Why would a place that seems to get so many lightning storms have bad power infrastructure?

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Re: The cranky thread


It's a rural area. Low population, low tax base, low expectations....


Oh, hell, I live in the middle of *&^%$#@! nowhere and it's a miracle I'm online at all. This place is barely civilized.


I once had chronic off-again on-again problems with my PC. I replaced the power supply three times and switched out the RAM, all to no avail. But once I replaced my UPS power-strip, lo and behold, no more random bluscreen reboots.


Ergo, a good UPS with strong filters against spikes and filtering out "dirty"power might solve a lot of your problems. Granted, if components of the computer have been damaged, they'll need to be replaced, but a good power strip will help prevent them from get damaged again.

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Re: The cranky thread


I once had chronic off-again on-again problems with my PC. I replaced the power supply three times and switched out the RAM, all to no avail. But once I replaced my UPS power-strip, lo and behold, no more random bluscreen reboots.


Ergo, a good UPS with strong filters against spikes and filtering out "dirty"power might solve a lot of your problems. Granted, if components of the computer have been damaged, they'll need to be replaced, but a good power strip will help prevent them from get damaged again.


Ooohhh... hadn't tried that yet. The power strip I'm using is was a good piece of gear, but like pretty much everything else I own, it may be past time to replace it. I suspect the damage is done as far as the computer is concerned, but it wouldn't hurt to have better protection for the peripherals and the eventual replacement computer.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm in a rural area that has frequent power troubles. I upgraded my UPS' to deal with it since it wasn't just power outages, but brownouts and an occasional spike to deal with.

Need to put the entire house on ones. Light bulbs that are supposed to last five year, last maybe six months.

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Re: The cranky thread


Spoilered in case you haven't seen the results yet:



USA lost the championship game in penalty kicks. :thumbdown



On another note:


One of the newer workers (not a total n00b, but still less than 2 years in the company; I have 10 years seniority) starting to get uppity. Time to set that coworker straight.

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Re: The cranky thread


Ooohhh... hadn't tried that yet. The power strip I'm using is was a good piece of gear' date=' but like pretty much everything else I own, it may be past time to replace it. I suspect the damage is done as far as the computer is concerned, but it wouldn't hurt to have better protection for the peripherals and the eventual replacement computer.[/quote']


If the computer isn't that old, try replacing the RAM (which is dirt-cheap nowadays) and/or the power supply. Those are the components most vulnerable to power spikes, and fairly inexpensive to swap out and test.

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Re: The cranky thread


If the computer isn't that old' date=' try replacing the RAM (which is dirt-cheap nowadays) and/or the power supply. Those are the components most vulnerable to power spikes, and fairly inexpensive to swap out and test.[/quote']


One thing I'm having major problems with is keeping my wi-fi connection. I'm not exactly sure what's causing it, but sometimes the connection goes out for no reason -- the router's okay, the wi-fi adapter is okay, and the ISP is fine. But the computer can't make the connection, or if it does, it won't stay connected for more than a few seconds. I switch to using my laptop for a while, and an hour later, the desktop connection is just fine again. Maddening.

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Re: The cranky thread


One thing I'm having major problems with is keeping my wi-fi connection. I'm not exactly sure what's causing it' date=' but sometimes the connection goes out for no reason -- the router's okay, the wi-fi adapter is okay, and the ISP is fine. But the computer can't make the connection, or if it does, it won't [i']stay[/i] connected for more than a few seconds. I switch to using my laptop for a while, and an hour later, the desktop connection is just fine again. Maddening.


I hate WiFi. Even with the very best routers and WLAN cards, they are prone to interference. As is so perfectly illustrated here... :)

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Re: The cranky thread


I hate WiFi. Even with the very best routers and WLAN cards' date=' they are prone to interference. As is so perfectly illustrated here... :)


I don't think it's interference. The connection is stable with one machine, and not with the other... it's a hardware problem.


The most important thing I've learned about wireless technology, however, is that it works for other people!

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Re: The cranky thread


I don't think it's interference. The connection is stable with one machine, and not with the other... it's a hardware problem.


The most important thing I've learned about wireless technology, however, is that it works for other people!


You may be right. But just for giggles... try relocating the PC a few feet in random directions to see if the reception improves and/or the enxt time the PC cannot connect, try using the laptop in the same physical location as the PC and see if the WiFi connection craps out. Interference can sometimes be localized.

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Re: The cranky thread


That sucks' date=' but at least you have a diagnosis and a course of treatment. So perhaps it will only suck for a week or three? As for gaming, just make sure you run the deaf mute character. ;)[/quote']


Actually, running a character who was functionally mute in combat was an interesting experience. He wasn't deaf, he wasn't stupid, but he couldn't talk.

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Re: The cranky thread


Bad power is one of the most maddening computer issues to try and fix.


You doing work up at an observatory? McDonald had the biggest isolation transformer I have ever seen. As the tech put it, "We're at the far corner of 40,000 square miles of lightning-collecting power line grid stretched across West Texas from the nearest big generator."

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Re: The cranky thread


You doing work up at an observatory? McDonald had the biggest isolation transformer I have ever seen. As the tech put it' date=' "We're at the far corner of 40,000 square miles of lightning-collecting power line grid stretched across West Texas from the nearest big generator."[/quote']


Heh, about ten+ years ago we got the contract to provide servers and storage for Keck. Did you know that hard drives use aerodynamic effects to maintain separation between the head and the platter? And that hard drives have a maximum altitude rating as a result? Certain IT hardware makers lost money on that support contract, let me tell you.


Around the same time we had an architecture firm as a client that was really mad because the gear we were selling them had a really high failure rate. The building they were in was... historic. We finally got them to let an electrician in there to check the power, and when he did, he started laughing--the power was so bad he couldn't make out the 60Hz signal against the noise. Client wasn't mad at us any longer, but suddenly their IT budget got diverted to facilities.

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Re: The cranky thread


Did you know that hard drives use aerodynamic effects to maintain separation between the head and the platter? And that hard drives have a maximum altitude rating as a result?


I do now, and that's really good knowledge to have! Thanks for the tip :)

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Re: The cranky thread


Heh' date=' about ten+ years ago we got the contract to provide servers and storage for Keck. Did you know that hard drives use aerodynamic effects to maintain separation between the head and the platter? And that hard drives have a maximum altitude rating as a result? Certain IT hardware makers lost money on that support contract, let me tell you.[/quote']


I did know that, for the same kind of reason I never understood why vacuum column tape drives got installed at McDonald in a couple of places. Supposedly they were OK at 7000 feet, but I had my suspicions and avoided using them.

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Re: The cranky thread


Ah, 9-track tape. I spent a summer helping an IFA astronomer rescue her irreplaceable comet data from disintegrating 3M Blackwatch tape. mt -f /dev/rmt/0 fsf 1, mt rewind, ... and then I had to copy it to exabyte. Hopefully she's moved it to DVD-ROM by now, if not to the cloud somewhere.

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Re: The cranky thread


Exabyte tapes went unreadable faster than any other medium I tried using. And I know of zero function drives for them now. I don't even have an existance theorem for a functioning exabyte drive now.

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Re: The cranky thread


AFAIK, no one in the astronomy community has a working exabyte tape drive. No one. The closest I've heard is that there are the pieces of several of them at New Mexico State that one might be able to scavenge a single working unit, but no one really believes that. Data on exabytes is irretrievably lost. By contrast, I know there are still functioning 9-track (half-inch) tape drive out there.

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Re: The cranky thread


Yeah, but the tape itself was disintegrating after 2-3 years on the shelf. (I understand this problem was particularly acute with the Blackwatch brand.) Can you even buy 9-track media new now? Surely it'd be better to pay monthly for some space on a couple of Amazon S3 zones.

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