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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


That's usually true that I've observed. When it's not true' date=' it's because the foreigner is a new student to English, not the product of a lifetime of negligence.[/quote']


Yeah. While I don't have a 100 percent success rate, I can usually tell the difference between 'trying and making mistakes' and 'I just don't care'. Big tip: In my experience, only Americans use 'LOL' as punctuation, and 'u' as a pronoun. :)

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Re: The cranky thread


Yeah. While I don't have a 100 percent success rate' date=' I can usually tell the difference between 'trying and making mistakes' and 'I just don't care'. Big tip: In my experience, only Americans use 'LOL' as punctuation, and 'u' as a pronoun. :)[/quote']


It comes from whippersnappers too cool to actually speak into a phone trying to speed up their typing. When using a 12-key numberpad each key requires one or more presses to type the right character, with a delay before the next keypress will register. Pressing a different key requires no delay. Users began creating a code for regular speech that reduced the number of keystrokes necessary to type in a message.


Of course, if you're not posting to this board from your bargain-basement phone, talk normal like the rest of us. [/fogey] ;)

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Re: The cranky thread


Dear Sir,


While I do commend you for walking down the road towards traffic while wearing your headphones, so that you can see other vehicles approaching and whatnot, I would like to address your attention to that flat, long, narrow concrete surface three feet to your left. It's called a SIDEWALK. Other cars would not have to veer around you if you would merely turn left, take three steps, turn right, and begin walking again.


Thank you.

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Re: The cranky thread


I think my Acid Reflux med is upsetting my stomach. I think my hoarseness is caused by my Steroidal inhaler. I'll have to stop both and see if I improve.


I'm not a doctor or anything, but I sincerely believe you should not stop taking your medicine unless and until your doctor tells you to. I've mentioned before that reflux can take months to get under control with medication. If you stop taking your meds now, you may be short-circuiting your path to recovery.


Talk to your doctor about it before you stop. Seriously.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm not a doctor or anything, but I sincerely believe you should not stop taking your medicine unless and until your doctor tells you to. I've mentioned before that reflux can take months to get under control with medication. If you stop taking your meds now, you may be short-circuiting your path to recovery.


Talk to your doctor about it before you stop. Seriously.


At the very least she should consult her pharmacist.

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Re: The cranky thread


At the very least she should consult her pharmacist.




In other news, for some reason, I cannot look at the word 'white' when I type it without thinking I spelled it wrong, even though I know I haven't. It just ...looks weird.


Edit: In semi-related news ... seriously, guy on D&D forums? How can you play D&D for as long as you claim and not be able to spell the word 'Ogre'? It's not even a hard word to spell! If you were trying to spell Ixitachitl, I might understand. But you spelled Ogre with the 're' reversed five times in four sentences. WHAT THE HELL?! And this post ... really? It's HONOR, not HONER. Geez.

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Re: The cranky thread


Well, today they put a camera up my nose and down my throat. Ugh. The diagnosis is Laryngo Pharyngeal Reflux. One of the many things I should do is wait two hours after eating before laying down. I want very much to lay down and rest but I have to wait another hour. Also I must rest my voice two hours a day and talk softly when I do talk. They said if I can't reach out and touch someone, they're too far away for the ideal level of voice. How am I supposed to game at Gen Con ? I also have to gargle with baking soda in warm water and use baking soda toothpaste. Blech. I also have to avoid coughing. At all. And clearing my throat. It feels like it needs it all the time.


So wish me luck.

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Re: The cranky thread


Edit: In semi-related news ... seriously' date=' guy on D&D forums? How can you play D&D for as long as you claim and not be able to spell the word 'Ogre'? It's not even a hard word to spell! If you were trying to spell Ixitachitl, I might understand. But you spelled Ogre with the 're' reversed five times in four sentences. WHAT THE HELL?! And this post ... really? It's HONOR, not HONER. Geez.[/quote']


Perhaps he was referring to the commune? (Probably not.)

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Re: The cranky thread


Well, today they put a camera up my nose and down my throat. Ugh. The diagnosis is Laryngo Pharyngeal Reflux. One of the many things I should do is wait two hours after eating before laying down. I want very much to lay down and rest but I have to wait another hour. Also I must rest my voice two hours a day and talk softly when I do talk. They said if I can't reach out and touch someone, they're too far away for the ideal level of voice. How am I supposed to game at Gen Con ? I also have to gargle with baking soda in warm water and use baking soda toothpaste. Blech. I also have to avoid coughing. At all. And clearing my throat. It feels like it needs it all the time.


So wish me luck.


Holy spumoni. o.O


Good luck. *hugs offered*

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Re: The cranky thread


I was getting better -- I really was. A day and a half after coming home sick from heat exposure (120F heat index yesterday), I was just about to eat dinner when the power went out -- yeah, we're having another freaking lightning storm. It's after dark, and it's raining, but it's still hotter than f**K-all outside, so my place started getting hot really fast, and that didn't help one bit. Power's back on now (obviously, or I wouldn't be able to post here) and I've got the A/C cranked up high. Maybe I can get back to work tomorrow....

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Re: The cranky thread


Well, today they put a camera up my nose and down my throat. Ugh. The diagnosis is Laryngo Pharyngeal Reflux. One of the many things I should do is wait two hours after eating before laying down. I want very much to lay down and rest but I have to wait another hour. Also I must rest my voice two hours a day and talk softly when I do talk. They said if I can't reach out and touch someone, they're too far away for the ideal level of voice. How am I supposed to game at Gen Con ? I also have to gargle with baking soda in warm water and use baking soda toothpaste. Blech. I also have to avoid coughing. At all. And clearing my throat. It feels like it needs it all the time.


So wish me luck.

Luck and hugs.

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Re: The cranky thread


Well' date=' today they put a camera up my nose and down my throat. Ugh. The diagnosis is Laryngo Pharyngeal Reflux. One of the many things I should do is wait two hours after eating before laying down. I want very much to lay down and rest but I have to wait another hour. Also I must rest my voice two hours a day and talk softly when I do talk. They said if I can't reach out and touch someone, they're too far away for the ideal level of voice. How am I supposed to game at Gen Con ? I also have to gargle with baking soda in warm water and use baking soda toothpaste. Blech. I also have to avoid coughing. At all. And clearing my throat. It feels like it needs it all the time.[/quote']


That sucks, but at least you have a diagnosis and a course of treatment. So perhaps it will only suck for a week or three? As for gaming, just make sure you run the deaf mute character. ;)

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Re: The cranky thread


Well, today they put a camera up my nose and down my throat. Ugh. The diagnosis is Laryngo Pharyngeal Reflux. One of the many things I should do is wait two hours after eating before laying down. I want very much to lay down and rest but I have to wait another hour. Also I must rest my voice two hours a day and talk softly when I do talk. They said if I can't reach out and touch someone, they're too far away for the ideal level of voice. How am I supposed to game at Gen Con ? I also have to gargle with baking soda in warm water and use baking soda toothpaste. Blech. I also have to avoid coughing. At all. And clearing my throat. It feels like it needs it all the time.


So wish me luck.



That is a truly nasty sensation. I Had it the camera thing... I have been on prescription antacids for years. :(

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Re: The cranky thread


A dear friend of mine, living in Washington DC, who has been unemployed since early June, and who is presently recovering from surgery, has just been advised by her landlord that she and her dog have 15-days to move the hell out. Unless DC has laws that allow something other than the standard 30-days notice to evict a person, this 15-days bit is pure bull-spit. However, she is still faced with the problem of needing to find a new place to live that is not only pet-friendly, but will take her in while she has no job.


I would help her if I could. Alas, the home I am presently living in is not mine to open. The landlord doesn't want pets or long-term non-renting-paying guests, and I have 2 other roommates, so there is no physical room for her or her mid-sized sweetheart of a dog, anyway.

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Re: The cranky thread


A dear friend of mine' date=' living in Washington DC, who has been unemployed since early June, and who is presently recovering from surgery, has just been advised by her landlord that she and her dog have 15-days to move the hell out. Unless DC has laws that allow something other than the standard 30-days notice to evict a person, this 15-days bit is pure bull-spit. However, she is still faced with the problem of needing to find a new place to live that is not only pet-friendly, but will take her in while she has [b']no job[/b].


I would help her if I could. Alas, the home I am presently living in is not mine to open. The landlord doesn't want pets or long-term non-renting-paying guests, and I have 2 other roommates, so there is no physical room for her or her mid-sized sweetheart of a dog, anyway.

That's rather sad. Particularly how some laws are only enforceable if you have money to press a court case.

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Re: The cranky thread


I don't like to complain. I really don't. I prefer to be zen and just let life bebop along.


However life has been most unkind to me lately.


To whit, last friday (the 8th) was my birthday. In the span of time from then to now, I have:


Been diagnosed with an Umbilical hernia

Burned the bottoms of both feet (blisters are slowly recovering)

gotten an eviction notice (Newly moved into a place, this was the first month they took rent out, it turned out to be a computer glitch)

Slowly drowning in debt with GenCon still looming


And the capper of it all is... tomorrow morning is my divorce trial date.


I don't normally drink, but in the past week I've drained a bottle of rum and a bottle of whiskey.....

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Re: The cranky thread


I don't like to complain. I really don't. I prefer to be zen and just let life bebop along.


However life has been most unkind to me lately.


To whit, last friday (the 8th) was my birthday. In the span of time from then to now, I have:


Been diagnosed with an Umbilical hernia

Burned the bottoms of both feet (blisters are slowly recovering)

gotten an eviction notice (Newly moved into a place, this was the first month they took rent out, it turned out to be a computer glitch)

Slowly drowning in debt with GenCon still looming


And the capper of it all is... tomorrow morning is my divorce trial date.


I don't normally drink, but in the past week I've drained a bottle of rum and a bottle of whiskey.....

You have my sympathies, for whatever they're worth. :)

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Re: The cranky thread


I don't like to complain. I really don't. I prefer to be zen and just let life bebop along.


However life has been most unkind to me lately.


To whit, last friday (the 8th) was my birthday. In the span of time from then to now, I have:


Been diagnosed with an Umbilical hernia

Burned the bottoms of both feet (blisters are slowly recovering)

gotten an eviction notice (Newly moved into a place, this was the first month they took rent out, it turned out to be a computer glitch)

Slowly drowning in debt with GenCon still looming


And the capper of it all is... tomorrow morning is my divorce trial date.


I don't normally drink, but in the past week I've drained a bottle of rum and a bottle of whiskey.....



Damn, it never rains but it pours. Good luck.

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Re: The cranky thread


I don't like to complain. I really don't. I prefer to be zen and just let life bebop along.


However life has been most unkind to me lately.


To whit, last friday (the 8th) was my birthday. In the span of time from then to now, I have:


Been diagnosed with an Umbilical hernia

Burned the bottoms of both feet (blisters are slowly recovering)

gotten an eviction notice (Newly moved into a place, this was the first month they took rent out, it turned out to be a computer glitch)

Slowly drowning in debt with GenCon still looming


And the capper of it all is... tomorrow morning is my divorce trial date.


I don't normally drink, but in the past week I've drained a bottle of rum and a bottle of whiskey.....


You are hereby permitted to drink rum, and good whiskey that's old enough to vote. Hope you make it GenCon so I can buy you a round.

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