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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


When you say you're going to bill me for the balance, how about a bill, rather than "we had you card on file, so we deducted the amount." The whole reason for billing was to wait for the next payday, not because I wanted you to take out the money two days later. Geez. (Had the money in the account, so nothing bad happened, just annoying as hell.)

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Re: The cranky thread




It's 'one die, two or more dice'. If I see one more person use the word 'dices' in reference to anything other than chopping something into small pieces, I am going to find a way to reach through the computer screen and slap the stupid out of them.


My apoplectic fit begins when someone writes "dies" as the singular OR plural form of "dice". Spellcheck has done evil things to English, and it's not done yet. :P

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Re: The cranky thread


The best two spellchecks are inside your skull and a dictionary.


Yeah, but putting that information inside somebody else's skull (or getting them to use a dictionary) can be nearly impossible. The following phrase (or a paraphrase of this one): "You know what I meant, so it's not important how I spelled it." can be translated as "I don't understand how anyone could possibly misunderstand my meaning". I smile inside when one of "them" gets mad because someone couldn't parse their garbled attempt at communication. ETA: Unless I'm the one who couldn't interpret their thoughtless blather (and sometimes even then).

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Re: The cranky thread


Yes, I suck at DPS.... I was even lower than the healer. Of course, I was at least two levels undergeared, the level was one level higher, and when I asked for tactical advice before the battle began, i was ignored. So you can imagine how being kicked by said healer's request and thus missing out on the chance for the big achievement bums me out. I'm oddly not angry....

but I do find it sad that some people are so very small in the soul.


I'll get it next year

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Re: The cranky thread


Yeah' date=' but putting that information inside somebody [i']else's[/i] skull (or getting them to use a dictionary) can be nearly impossible. The following phrase (or a paraphrase of this one): "You know what I meant, so it's not important how I spelled it." can be translated as "I don't understand how anyone could possibly misunderstand my meaning". I smile inside when one of "them" gets mad because someone couldn't parse their garbled attempt at communication. ETA: Unless I'm the one who couldn't interpret their thoughtless blather (and sometimes even then).


That's odd. I thought that "You know what I meant, so it's not important how I spelled it." translated as "I'm a lazy, indifferent, semi-literate git!" (And I have no idea if that last comma should actually be there....)

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Re: The cranky thread


That's odd. I thought that "You know what I meant' date=' so it's not important how I spelled it." translated as "I'm a lazy, indifferent, semi-literate git!" (And I have no idea if that last comma should actually be there....)[/quote']


That works, too. ;)

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Re: The cranky thread


Also, I can usually recognize the common mistakes that foreigners make and completely disregard them. After all if you are making the effort to communicate with me in my native language when it is not yours, you certainly deserve to be given a break on grammar and spelling. But I do give up when it reaches the point where I just can't understand it at all or it takes too much effort to try to understand.


As for you L. Marcus, I'm impressed on a regular basis by your ability to not just grasp the basic language but slang and idiom too...but don't let that go to your head. :)

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Re: The cranky thread


Most foreigners I've encountered on forums have better English grammar skills than Americans on forums.


The sole exception to this are the Nigerian scam artists who mangle English grammar in such unique ways, it qualifies as a Distinctive Feature.

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Re: The cranky thread


Honda Dealership calls me after I get my car fixed there every time to ask if everything's OK. I do not want these calls. Tonight they called my cell phone when I didn't pick up my home phone. I am ready to strangle them. I consider my cell phone my private phone and I want no junk calls on it.

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Re: The cranky thread


FWIW that's probably Honda Corporate leaning hard on the service providers to follow up, not the service provider themselves being overzealous. I like that they follow up, but then again, they're not calling my cell phone either.

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Re: The cranky thread


FWIW that's probably Honda Corporate leaning hard on the service providers to follow up' date=' not the service provider themselves being overzealous. I like that they follow up, but then again, they're not calling my cell phone either.[/quote']


If this is the case, my usual response won't exactly work. Get the local dealership manager's Honda CEO's home telephone number and call him up to let him know your car is running just fine. I'm sure he'll be glad to hear from you.

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Re: The cranky thread


Most foreigners I've encountered on forums have better English grammar skills than Americans on forums.


That's usually true that I've observed. When it's not true, it's because the foreigner is a new student to English, not the product of a lifetime of negligence.

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