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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


I am at a very low point emotionally. Still got the cough and the hoarse voice. But that isn't the main problem. I am freakin' huge and although I know it probably means my subconscious thinks I need protection, it's really got me down. I tend to eat for comfort too. I'm too sick to exercise, I had trouble just walking from my car into the Super Market today. The parking lot sloped slightly up. I never even noticed that before, but today it was like climbing a hill.

I hope I get well and can exercise again soon.

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Re: The cranky thread


I am at a very low point emotionally. Still got the cough and the hoarse voice. But that isn't the main problem. I am freakin' huge and although I know it probably means my subconscious thinks I need protection, it's really got me down. I tend to eat for comfort too. I'm too sick to exercise, I had trouble just walking from my car into the Super Market today. The parking lot sloped slightly up. I never even noticed that before, but today it was like climbing a hill.

I hope I get well and can exercise again soon.

There's some exercises you can do without moving; mostly tensing and relaxing muscles.

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Re: The cranky thread


It didn't rain today, but that's the only thing that went right. Somebody around here needs to be fired.


The cabinet was wired about halfway backwards. And nothing was grounded*. There was a short somewhere which kept causing random components (fuses, two transformers, and a contactor coil I think) to fail -- one of the transformers blew up in my face, but that just made me mad. I kept having to drive back to the shop to scrounge up parts that should've been installed already. About halfway through the afternoon I finally said F**k it! and ripped out all the wiring so I could start over from scratch. It's wired up properly now, but still needs work. Going back first thing in the morning to finish.


And it'll probably rain.


*Well, sort of. Three ground lugs, with a ground rod on #1, and all the ground wires hooked up to #2 and #3. No jumpers connecting them. How stupid do you have to be not realize that won't work?

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Re: The cranky thread


That almost sounds like it was done on purpose.


Well, the individual in question is a licensed professional who thinks he knows what he's doing. But he's getting near retirement age (read: maybe starting to go senile) which means things have changed a lot since he went into business, and he refuses to do anything differently. So yeah, it was sort of on purpose, but not malicious.


Next time around I'll know -- just rip out all his work and start from the beginning. Or if possible, do the whole job myself before he gets involved....

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Re: The cranky thread


I dunno if this really goes here or not, but ...


My wife is out of town for the weekend, at a family reunion. It was impossible for me to schedule around my dialysis needs to go with her, so now I'm sitting in the house all by myself.


Now, my wife and I have settled well into 'old married couple'. Most nights, one of us will be on the computer, the other sitting on the couch ... she might be reading a book or playing her Nintendo DS, I might be watching a movie or looking up some game stuff. To be honest, most nights we don't talk to one another that much ... we just zone in on our pasttimes, let each other have their own personal downtime. When we do this, we scarcely pay attention to each other.


But she's not here now.


And I can feel it. I'm still just looking at the computer screen, typing away on forums, listening to music streaming on Second Life ... but I can feel that she's not there on the couch, nose buried in a book that I couldn't get out of there if I used a crowbar.


I'm lonely.

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Re: The cranky thread


Who can be lonely when we have the NGD?


If we're not online, we're screwed?


But I can understand where CC is coming from. Being a solitary person by nature, I don't often get lonely. But I still do from time to time, and I don't usually find company when I do.


Today was my 17th anniversary as a teacher. I left work early (someone was able to cover for me) because I was extremely fatigued today. I did stop by the wine bar for a quick celebration of my anniversary. I drank alone, but considering the occasion has no meaning to anyone but me, I suppose it's appropriate.

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Re: The cranky thread


If we're not online, we're screwed?


But I can understand where CC is coming from. Being a solitary person by nature, I don't often get lonely. But I still do from time to time, and I don't usually find company when I do.


Today was my 17th anniversary as a teacher. I left work early (someone was able to cover for me) because I was extremely fatigued today. I did stop by the wine bar for a quick celebration of my anniversary. I drank alone, but considering the occasion has no meaning to anyone but me, I suppose it's appropriate.

Congo rats! Plenty of teachers do a lot of hard, useful work. :)

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Re: The cranky thread


To all smokers out there.


OK, I'm not one of those militant anti-smoker types. We've all got our vices and our little pleasures. You want to light up? Go right ahead. Enjoy yourself. I'll even hang around and keep you company while you have your smoke.


But when you're finished? Throw your f***ing cigarette in a trashcan


For god's sake, people, were you born in a barn? Did your mom teach you to just throw your s**t everywhere? The ground is not a g*dd**n ashtray. The nearest flower planter is not a g*dd**n ashtray. My lawn is not your g*dd**n ashtray. Don't stick your cigarette butts into cracks on the wall, or set them on an outdoor table. Jesus f**king christ on a pogo stick, Is that the kind of person you are, that you just throw your trash on the ground?


Because make no mistake, cigarette butts are trash. They aren't unseen. They aren't biodegradable. You don't get an exemption on throwing your trash in a frigging trashcan just because you're a smoker. And you know what? I know that you know it's trash, because I don't see you throwing your butts on your own damned lawn. What makes you think it's OK to throw trash in mine? Do I walk around tossing empty pop cans and big mac wrappers in your grass? No? Then don't throw your g*dd**n trash in mine.


And if there's not a trashcan right there? Hey, here's an idea. Do like every other person on the planet does with their trash: Hold on to it until you find a trashcan. And if you see a fellow smoker throwing his butts on the ground? Tell him to cut it out.


Like smokers need another hit to their reputation, but there it is: You guys are a bunch of g*dd**n slobs, and you need to grow up and knock it right the f**k off.

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