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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Salonpas has been a pretty effective product for decades. I don't remember how fast it works, though.


Hopefully my meeting with the owner will be productive, as I'm having most of the problems from that level. I actually get along great with my supervisors, it's the big boss that makes me feel undervalued. If we can come to a consensus, great. Otherwise, it's unemployment time.

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Re: The cranky thread


Thanks. My doctor recommended massive doses of Alleve for the swelling (and the knee brace) but that takes a bit of time. Do those patches work fast?



Yes, they do. They are not instant, but... very handy. They also last 8+ hours if you can keep them on(they make a more expensive version that is more flexible) and are much less likely to tear up the stomach.

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Re: The cranky thread


Salonpas has been a pretty effective product for decades. I don't remember how fast it works, though.


Hopefully my meeting with the owner will be productive, as I'm having most of the problems from that level. I actually get along great with my supervisors, it's the big boss that makes me feel undervalued. If we can come to a consensus, great. Otherwise, it's unemployment time.


Just an update:


Meeting with the owner went okay. We cleared up any misunderstandings, and we able to make nice with each other. So I get a "stay of execution," as a wine merchant I know put it.

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Re: The cranky thread


Thanks. In all fairness, it seemed the boss was just overwhelmed, and I misunderstood. And like I said, the current management are 100% better than the previous batch. And my boss did point out my work actually is appreciated a lot.


Still, I am pretty burned out on teaching, and I need something full-time with benefits.

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Re: The cranky thread


My air mattress developed a puncture on my camping trip, so I spent Friday constantly re-inflating it all night. I went out to buy a new one on Saturday after all efforts to fix the hole failed. Alas, the damage was already done. I am now limping about like a hunchback as the muscles in my lower-back loudly voice their grievances with me about their mistreatment.


Beyond this snafu, though, I had an awesome vacation.

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Re: The cranky thread


Tell me about it. We have a Management Trainee who suffered a lower back injury six months ago; she hasn't been able to work since.


Although she does get to hang around work five shifts a week getting paid. Remind me what "debilitating" means, again?


She probably doesn't have the erectile disfunction part, anyway. :rolleyes:

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Re: The cranky thread


So much for my workload getting covered on my vacation.


I came back to work to find 10 new laptops and 2 desktops waiting to be imaged, plus 3 laptops arrived today needing repairs. This was in addition to the five or so tickets I reassigned before I left that nobody did a lick of work on, so those were waiting for me, too. This, in addition to other cases in my queue, is more than enough to keep two full time technicians busy for a week. But I'm the only hardware tech on the help desk right now. Yeah, they brought back my former co-worker part-time to help out (he'd transferred to a different project), but for all the good that it did, they may as well have told him to take up knitting. I even, just now, had one of my clients call me on my cell asking for an update on the status of his broken laptop and if there is any chance he could have access to any recovered data. I had to tell him that I'm home for the day, and that I hadn't even had a chance to open the package with his machine in it, let alone attempt any data recovery.


On the plus side, it seems that I have some pretty damn good job security.

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Re: The cranky thread


So much for my workload getting covered on my vacation.


I came back to work to find 10 new laptops and 2 desktops waiting to be imaged, plus 3 laptops arrived today needing repairs. This was in addition to the five or so tickets I reassigned before I left that nobody did a lick of work on, so those were waiting for me, too. This, in addition to other cases in my queue, is more than enough to keep two full time technicians busy for a week. But I'm the only hardware tech on the help desk right now. Yeah, they brought back my former co-worker part-time to help out (he'd transferred to a different project), but for all the good that it did, they may as well have told him to take up knitting. I even, just now, had one of my clients call me on my cell asking for an update on the status of his broken laptop and if there is any chance he could have access to any recovered data. I had to tell him that I'm home for the day, and that I hadn't even had a chance to open the package with his machine in it, let alone attempt any data recovery.


On the plus side, it seems that I have some pretty damn good job security.

...Yeah, but is that hopefully so?

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Re: The cranky thread


...Yeah' date=' but is that hopefully so?[/quote']


Well, my Grand-boss (i.e., my bosses boss) is very pleased with the work I'm doing, especially my getting ahead of the curve on another project right before I left on vacation. Had I not done so, we would be in a serious crunch with my having to put all other work on hold to deal with the issue. But since I had foresight and anticipated the problem, the issue is manageable, and things can be finalized well before the deadline. He is also well aware of the fact that I am desperately overloaded, so if things get delayed even when I'm averaging 5 hours of overtime a week for the past 3 months, he gets it, and is happy to get in the face of anyone who tries to give me $h!t for not giving their "crisis" the attention they think it deserves.

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Re: The cranky thread


Well' date=' my Grand-boss (i.e., my bosses boss) is very pleased with the work I'm doing, especially my getting ahead of the curve on another project right before I left on vacation. Had I not done so, we would be in a serious crunch with my having to put all other work on hold to deal with the issue. But since I had foresight and anticipated the problem, the issue is manageable, and things can be finalized well before the deadline. He is also well aware of the fact that I am desperately overloaded, so if things get delayed even when I'm averaging 5 hours of overtime a week for the past 3 months, he gets it, and is happy to get in the face of anyone who tries to give me $h!t for not giving their "crisis" the attention they think it deserves.[/quote']

Well, that's good.

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Re: The cranky thread


So I've got my marching orders for tomorrow morning....


About four o'clock this afternoon one of the field-hands comes into the office. He tells me up in Wabash county, the electrical cabinet on unit #10 is completely fried. No problem, we've got a replacement ready... only I'm thinking this is gonna be an all-day job and it's supposed to rain again tomorrow. But no, that won't be necessary, they already sent the local electrician up there to replace the cabinet and do the wiring; they just need me to finish up the control system.


Yeah, right. Our friendly local electrician is certifiably insane -- I've seen his work, and it ain't pretty. I'll wire up the controls after I've inspected his wiring, found all the mistakes, completely re-wired the cabinet myself, verified it's safe to power up, and completely tested everything.


In the *&^%$#@! rain.


Or not. If I see any lightning, I'm gonna pack up and head back to the office. I may be cranky, but I ain't stupid.:idjit:

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