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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Well, on the 9th it will be a solid month I've had this cough. I'm still coughing, still hoarse, it's a tiny bit better but not much. I cough my inhaler right back out again. I cough while breathing my Nebulizer. I cough while trying to sleep and waken OddHat. I wake up coughing at 2:00 am.

Really, I can't take this anymore. The Doctor has done all he can. Maybe if my Insurance Company approves the Nexium that will help. But somehow I doubt it.

I'm very down at this stage.

Hang in there. A lot of us are pulling for you. :) (Whether you believe in or not) :)

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Re: The cranky thread


So how much is it likely to cost to replace a radiator on a 1994 Honda Accord station wagon?


The last time I had to have the radiator changed on my '95 Teg it was about $220, I think. I think you pretty much just drop it in, but having never done it myself I couldn't say for sure.

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Re: The cranky thread


The new job doesn't come with parking, so I have to find someplace downtown to stash my car. Fine, whatever, right? First place I looked costs $350 a month for an unreserved space. :nonp: Worse, it looks like that's one of the better deals.

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Re: The cranky thread


The new job doesn't come with parking' date=' so I have to find someplace downtown to stash my car. Fine, whatever, right? First place I looked costs $350 a month for an unreserved space. :nonp: Worse, it looks like that's one of the better deals.[/quote']

Well, they have to pay maintenance on all that concrete.

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Re: The cranky thread


Well' date=' taking a peek at an online auto parts warehouse site, the most expensive one listed was about 160 bucks. That obviously doesn't include labor or anything of the sort, though.[/quote']


The last time I had to have the radiator changed on my '95 Teg it was about $220' date=' I think. I think you pretty much just drop it in, but having never done it myself I couldn't say for sure.[/quote']


We'll try the radiator additive gunk first, though I suspect the problem is too big for that to work.

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Re: The cranky thread


How's Hawai'i for public transport?


Bus system is top notch. I'd seriously consider it except I'm going to need to drive to appointments from the office. Fortunately I found a couple of options that only cost one limb instead of two, it's just that they're bordering the more oodgie side of town.

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Re: The cranky thread


Somebody decided to "tag" one of the passenger windows on my car with a ring or sharp object while I was in work last night. It's just deep enough that if I want to remove it, I'd have to replace the window for $150 plus re-tinting.



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Re: The cranky thread


My home internet connection is down again. I've tried two different wi-fi adapters and two different computers, with the same result. (zip) Since I'm using my next-door neighbor's wireless for internet access, I bought them a new router last night. Everything else checks out; the router is pretty much the only thing left to troubleshoot. We'll see if this helps....

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Re: The cranky thread


I've known for quite some time that Oracle has the worst user manuals in the software industry. Recently, I've discovered that their technical writers aren't even native speakers of English.


If they were, they would understand what the words "From" and "To" mean. You would think that the phrase, "Copy from database A TO database B" would mean "This process copies items from database A to database B," right?


Except no. No, according to this documentation "Copy from database A TO database B" means exactly the opposite of what it says. Apparently, to these people, "From" means "To" and "To" means "From." So instead of copying my data FROM the live database TO the test database, I now have a screwed up database.


Thanks a lot, Oracle. You have reaffirmed my faith in your utter incompetence.


For what it's worth, if your company is evaluating enterprise-level software and Oracle (in particular, JD Edwards) is on your list, I would strongly advise you to think again. Especially if you are tapped to support it.

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Re: The cranky thread


I've known for quite some time that Oracle has the worst user manuals in the software industry. ...

For what it's worth, if your company is evaluating enterprise-level software and Oracle (in particular, JD Edwards) is on your list, I would strongly advise you to think again. Especially if you are tapped to support it.


My few years in IT support convinced me that technical serviceability is not usually among the reasons enterprises -- especially big ones -- adopt certain software platforms. Only the minions care about what it takes to make things work. It all seemed to be determined at executive level by people who could be impressed by things utterly irrelevant to how well something worked.

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Re: The cranky thread


Thanks a lot, Oracle. You have reaffirmed my faith in your utter incompetence.


Incompetence? That's deliberate. How do you think Oracle DBAs justify their outrageous hourly rates?


For what it's worth, if your company is evaluating enterprise-level software and Oracle (in particular, JD Edwards) is on your list, I would strongly advise you to think again. Especially if you are tapped to support it.


Organizations should avoid Oracle for the exact same reason they should avoid inviting a vampire into their home. That's even before we get to the technical reasons.

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Re: The cranky thread


My few years in IT support convinced me that technical serviceability is not usually among the reasons enterprises -- especially big ones -- adopt certain software platforms. Only the minions care about what it takes to make things work. It all seemed to be determined at executive level by people who could be impressed by things utterly irrelevant to how well something worked.


That's not entirely true. All our customers with half a clue were really pushy about support--how good it was, how fast it was, whether the call center was in the U.S., and so on. However, some customers do not have half a clue. And sometimes the most important consideration is the up front cost, or maybe the person making the purchasing decision doesn't give a damn about support because it doesn't come out of their budget. Worst of all, IT is complicated, and if you don't know what you're buying, it is extremely hard to find unbiased information on the web or anywhere else.

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Re: The cranky thread


Worst of all' date=' IT is complicated, and if you don't know what you're buying, it is [i']extremely[/i] hard to find unbiased information on the web or anywhere else.


You could just do what we do, and ask the nice IT guy to recommend something that you'll like, and then hand over your credit card. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?

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