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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


My wife can count the number of times she's thrown up in the last 20 years or so on the fingers of one hand. Two of them were last night; she didn't manage to get any sleep until about 6am, and she still got up and was at work at 11. She's going to try to get someone to cover as much of her shift as possible, but I don't rate her chances.

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Re: The cranky thread


My wife can count the number of times she's thrown up in the last 20 years or so on the fingers of one hand. Two of them were last night; she didn't manage to get any sleep until about 6am' date=' and she still got up and was at work at 11. She's going to try to get someone to cover as much of her shift as possible, but I don't rate her chances.[/quote']


Virus or food poisoning? It matters.

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Re: The cranky thread


entering our 8th week of 30C plus weather here. No rain since spring last year. Even the cyclone that struck us was bone dry' date=' the bastard.[/quote']

Kinda makes me rethink how much I'd like some hot dry weather. We've had some "nice" days, meaning partly sunny and high around 55F (13C) but it feels like it has been cooler and wetter than usual so far this year.

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Re: The cranky thread


Grr. The university went ahead and renewed the IT contract with the Mordac-Preventer-Of-Information-Services mommy-may-I imbeciles. So much for any hope of real computing here. If it's not in Microsoft Office, you can't have it.

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Re: The cranky thread


Well, I think the university administration's only concern is that the university doesn't get sued for file sharing or anything else. So anyone who purports to lock stuff down so hard no one can do anything sounds good to them.

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Re: The cranky thread


Computer security organizations are motivated by fear much more than logic and common sense. Government ones are just so much worse because there is no pressure from upper management to actually allow the workers to get things done. This was my experience at the university I used to work for.

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Re: The cranky thread


Well' date=' I think the university administration's only concern is that the university doesn't get sued for file sharing or anything else. So anyone who purports to lock stuff down so hard no one can do anything sounds good to them.[/quote']


Of course if that were the case there wouldn't be such a strong reliance on Microsoft software.


It's ironic because the university out here is getting sued for exactly that--some faculty somewhere put a computer on the internet, and it was full of student SSNs. :rolleyes:

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Re: The cranky thread


You mean there's a university somewhere that still uses SSN's as student IDs? Yeesh' date=' there was a frantic nationwide push to abolish that back ... in the 80s, I think. Maybe the '70s.[/quote']


Really? They practically forced us to use our SS# when I was in school. I refused, so they gave me a number that started with "99x-xx-xxxx". My entire college career, people who saw that number continuously asked me if I was a foreign exchange student. And every time I had to do official business with the school, they tried to pressure me to change it to my SS#.

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Re: The cranky thread


You mean there's a university somewhere that still uses SSN's as student IDs? Yeesh' date=' there was a frantic nationwide push to abolish that back ... in the 80s, I think. Maybe the '70s.[/quote']


They finally quit doing that in the '90s over here, but the records in question were old; whoever it was just pulled a machine out of mothballs and hooked it up the the net. Something like that. Anyway network security there is still not exactly awesome, but I know of some other state and local government departments that are still doing things like sending people's identity information in the clear on open FTP ports.

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Re: The cranky thread


They finally quit doing that in the '90s over here' date=' but the records in question were old; whoever it was just pulled a machine out of mothballs and hooked it up the the net. Something like that. Anyway network security there is still not exactly awesome, but I know of some other state and local government departments that are still doing things like sending people's identity information in the clear on open FTP ports.[/quote']


I'm not seeing the problem here. I mean, first you have to be able to turn the computer on. Every one of those dinguses has its "on" button in a different place. Then, half the time, before I'm done looking for the "Password" [hint: it's taped to the bottom of the keyboard usually. It's the times when it's up on the bulletin board or something that are tricky], the computer shuts down. Then, no matter how hard I hit it or yell at it, it won't do anything. Carl, the office computer geek [he's even got a phone that's a computer, just like Dick Tracy!] can usually get it started again. But no way I can.


..Then you have to figure out where to go. Like on my computer at work, there's this thing in the corner. If you click on it [you know, with the mouse; I try to get the computer with the mouse that has two buttons, because the button on the right isn't all smudged and dirty, but I'm never early enough] it shows a whole bunch of picturey-thingies. Click on one of those, and you get to the page where all the information is. Obviously you're going to need to type a whole bunch of random codes from the cheat sheet when the computer prompts for "user names" and "pswds" and whatnot, but that's the gist of it. But the thing is, those pictures aren't really clear. "ISP via Telnet?" What the heck does that mean? And to get the "website" up you have to click on "Internet Explorer." That doesn't make any sense. You don't have to explore anything, it's right there.


Then usually everything you need is going to be in some bizarre little bitty of the web-page like "Archived Content," and you're going to need another cheat sheet to find it!


With all these difficulties, I really can't see how one of those "Nigerian hackers" are going to find the SSNs. Besides, what harm can they do? Everyone has my SSN, and nothing happens to me. I've never even got one of those "you're preapproved" junk mails, at least since I defaulted on two Visas, a Master Card and a Discover when I was 23.

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Re: The cranky thread


Oh my god' date=' lady, you don't have to wear the entire bottle of cheap perfume at once. And this coffee shop is not that big or that well ventilated.[/quote']


I overheard a co-worker of mine venting about much the same thing the other day about someone else the other day. And my thought was "This coming from a lady whose own cloud of perfume heralds her arrival by a good 10 seconds..."

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