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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


So, I was watching 'old' cartoon intros and theme songs on YouTube just now, and looked at The Real Ghostbusters ... and ... in the comments ...


I really hope this guy was just screwing around, but someone was all 'You know, they should make this into a movie. Who would you cast as ...' and my face hit the desk. I feel OLD.

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Re: The cranky thread


I've been home sick all week. So much so, I had to cancel plans this weekend I'd made two weeks ago because i knew I;d need time to recover. Plus, I went over my total accrued sick leave at work. No problem, I figured: I can make up some lost hours this weekend now that I no longer have other plans. No dice - my supervisor (who is not in until Monday) totally nixed the idea for reasons that will not be made clear until Monday. Furthermore, since I had to go to work today, I had to drag my sick and weary self outside yesterday to dig my car out from 1 foot of snow so I'd not be trying to hack my way through frozen slush in the dark early in the the morning. It seems that I was so addled from that effort on top of being sick, that I'd forgotten to lock my car up again. This detail was not not overlooked by the thieves who ransacked my car (along with several others) last night and took my GPS and (useless to them) prescription sunglasses. Luckily, the theft is covered by my renters insurance. Unluckily, I have a $500 deductible, and the total value of the items stolen does not exceed that.


This has not been a good week.

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Re: The cranky thread


Did you at least get someone to come in and clean the litter box ?


My roommates are the actual owners of the cats, so they clean the litter boxes. And, yes, the uber-stinky cat-mess did get cleaned. It must have been as offensive to them as it was to me.

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