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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Melvin who? (I'm totally clueless. Somebody loan me a clue' date=' here?)[/quote']


A few years ago, someone (I think it was Hermit) noticed that there was no one on the board with the name of Melvin. Ergo, he proposed that for those times when we really needed to rip into someone, and a "generic nameless someone" just wasn't good enough, we would flame/abuse/tear-down/pick-on/etc. poor old Melvin.

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Re: The cranky thread


We've had a bit of that here' date=' too. I know a guy whose house sustained serious water damage when some pipes burst in his attic. Hope your place is alright.[/quote']


Just annoyance factor. Went into the crawl space under the house with a hair dryer to see if I could warm the pipes up. Not sure if it was that or turning the heat up in the house to 90 that did it, but we had water at 8pm. I'll have to post the picture of the black widow that was sitting at the entrance to the crawl space tomorrow. Frozen to death, but the daddy long legs further in were all eager to get close to my body warmth while I was down there. :eek:

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Re: The cranky thread


F**K you' date=' Rams. How the F**K did you lose to the frickin' Seahawks?![/quote']


If it makes you feel any better, I won my office fantasy league because of that. But I didn't watch the game, how could they lose when the seachickens had Whitehurst at the helm?

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Re: The cranky thread


If it makes you feel any better' date=' I won my office fantasy league because of that. But I didn't watch the game, how could they lose when the seachickens had Whitehurst at the helm?[/quote']


I think the Seahawks were better off with Whitehurst than Casselback (?), even if he was healthy, apparently.

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Re: The cranky thread


I thought I would be embarrassed if my Seahawks became the first team with a losing record to make the playoffs. Now that they are in, I'm just happy that we have another chance to pull off an upset. I am a bit cranky that all the national TV folks can seem to talk about is the 7-9 record.


CC, Whitehurst looked real good today. He showed the value of a mobile quarterback which Hasselbeck is not even when healthy. There were a couple of times that I felt that Hasselbeck would have made a better decision but it sure looked like the team rallied around Whitehurst and so I hope Pete Carroll stays with him.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'd be surprised if Hass came back. He just doesn't have the arm strength or mobility any more, and he's always playing hurt. He has no upside and Whitehurst does. It's too bad because he was a pretty good QB, especially when he had WRs to throw to, but then his team fell apart around him.


Rams fans got robbed, but they have a lot to look forward to. Bradford just turned the best rookie QB season since Dan Marino, with a WR corps that looked like a trauma ward. My only concern is that the playcalling sucks, their OC better get a clue in the very near future.

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Re: The cranky thread


Yeah, I suppose it was too much to ask for to get into the playoffs so soon after a one-win season, but still ... I think I'd've rather the Rams went 5-11 than get so close and then let it slip away. I still would have been able to go 'We're getting better!' without this horrible bitter taste in my mouth (apparently, the flavor of Seahawk droppings) after week 17.


Edit: Argh. My wife really needed to call in sick today; she has ear infections, a sinus infection, and a sore throat/cough, but she got beaten to the punch; too many people called in sick before her, so she had to go in. And now, she's having to stay late. Bulls**t.

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Re: The cranky thread


Yeah' date=' I suppose it was too much to ask for to get into the playoffs so soon after a one-win season, but still ... I think I'd've rather the Rams went 5-11 than get so close and then let it slip away. I still would have been able to go 'We're getting better!' without this horrible bitter taste in my mouth (apparently, the flavor of Seahawk droppings) after week 17.[/quote']


Well, the Rams are getting better, but they still went 7-9. Which is a huge improvement over the prior... eight years?


Edit: Argh. My wife really needed to call in sick today; she has ear infections, a sinus infection, and a sore throat/cough, but she got beaten to the punch; too many people called in sick before her, so she had to go in. And now, she's having to stay late. Bulls**t.


What is this, retail?

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Re: The cranky thread


Well' date=' the Rams are getting better, but they still went 7-9. Which is a huge improvement over the prior... eight years? [/quote']


Yeah, something like. Heck, it's better than the last three years combined. But to have a playoff spot dangled so enticingly before me, then snatched so cruelly away ... bah. F**k you, Tantalus. :)


What is this, retail?



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Re: The cranky thread


Edit: Argh. My wife really needed to call in sick today; she has ear infections' date=' a sinus infection, and a sore throat/cough, but she got beaten to the punch; too many people called in sick before her, so she had to go in. And now, she's having to stay late. Bulls**t.[/quote']


I hope she coughs and sneezes all over the manager(s) that made her come in and/or I hope a few dozen customers call to complain about "If I get whatever it is that sick sales lady who waited on me had, I am going to sue your store for all my doctors bills and lost wages!"

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Re: The cranky thread


Someone got into my car last night and went through my stuff. There was no sign that they broke in so I must have left it unlocked. I don't believe anything of value was stolen because I generally don't keep anything of value in it. I wouldn't have even checked yet (working from home today) except that my neighbor came by to tell me his car was broken into and some of his things were stolen they broke a window to get in to his car. It's my habit to lock it but sometimes if I'm distracted I forget and that's what must have happened here. Could have been worse of course but it is still enough to make me cranky!

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Re: The cranky thread


And yet another problem concerning money' date=' damn it![/quote']


No kidding. For whatever reason it took seven days for the company to run the direct deposit for my paycheck. Maybe because it's a new year and there's changes to the taxes and 401k. Whatever. Fortunately I only bounced the one thing that's due towards the beginning of the month--my MORTGAGE PAYMENT. [loud prolonged swearing] Credit rating, [sound of flushing toilet]

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