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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Many thanks. The burial was yesterday. It'll take time for the grieving' date=' but her pain is over, anyway.[/quote']


The loss of my mother 6 years ago still creeps up on me and hits me like a ton of bricks sometimes. This post had me in tears, in part in sympathy for your loss, and in part because it reminded me of my own. This is, at least to me, not a bad thing, BTW. Oddly the usually brief bouts of sadness generally leave me feeling actually pretty good.


I don't know if I had a point. This just felt more useful to me than the standard "you have my sympathy". You do have it, but now you also have my incoherent rambling as well. :)

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Re: The cranky thread


Too many trucks to load. Too many trucks to unload. Too much office politics. Too cold to be working outside. Not enough time to get it all done. Not enough floor space. Not enough sleep.


And what exactly in the holy living f!!k did I do to my knee?!!


I have frequent problems with my knees and occasionally they just do the "PAIN!" because they can. But my knees were screwy from a young age. It usually tells me I need to lose more weight.

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Re: The cranky thread


My knees aren't in good shape, either, but not from anything I did: I've got Osgood–Schlatter disease. It was impossible for me to do distance running without causing myself serious amounts of pain. Made it hard for me to build any endurance, either, as running is the #1 way coaches and trainers want you to build stamina. A damned shame, really, because I am (or at least was) a very fast runner. Fast enough that in a 100m dash, I was able to smoke runners on the school track team. Alas, thanks to my low END and REC, and with Real Life using long-term Recovery rules, after 2 races, I was out of wind and couldn't run anymore.

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Re: The cranky thread


Ever been in a situation where the cure is worse than the disease? I've got a sinus infection' date=' got some antibiotics prescribed, and I feel worse now than I did when I just had the sinus infection. :P[/quote']


On the bright side' date=' afterwards, no sinus infection.[/quote']


Though it is important to keep in mind that even if the antibiotics make you feel bad in and of themselves it is important to keep taking them until the prescription is finished. Not doing so helps create even more antibiotic resistant little buggers...

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