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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


That's right! From an economic perspective' date=' I am well pleased. From an artistic and accuracy perspective, not so much. It is basically a cheesy mainland cop show that happens to be set here. I like it for what it is, but episode 2 alone had more gunplay than occurred in the entire state over the past decade. I assure you life is much more boring here, canine bounty hunters notwithstanding.[/quote']

The original Hawaii Five-0 was the last regular TV series show I made it a point to watch, and I expect it was sort of the same.


I always wanted Wo Fat's little submarine.

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Re: The cranky thread


Do something else. :) I'd suggest watching Pinky and The Brain.


I'll try that, thanks.


Why is it that I always get sick right before a crucial event? Is it too much to ask to be able to *sometimes* function at somewhat optimal capacity for when it really matters?




Sorry to hear that.

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Re: The cranky thread


Why is it that I always get sick right before a crucial event? Is it too much to ask to be able to *sometimes* function at somewhat optimal capacity for when it really matters?




If you always get sick right before a crucial event, then it's not coincidence. Your subconscious really does not want to deal with these events. I'd suggest, if you want to get to the bottom of it, you get counseling and find out what's really going on.

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Re: The cranky thread


So, my wife locked her keys in the car while going to pay the mobile phone bill.

I do not have a vehicle of my own.

Everybody we know is at work or otherwise unavailable.

I have no cash to get a cab, and they're stupidly expensive in this town anyway.

So, I start walking. This is about a 3 mile hike, sayeth Google Maps.

I have one of the most sedentary lifestyles imaginable without being in a vegetative state, so I am now, officially, hot, tired, sweaty (it's in the mid-80s with no cloud cover and little shade between here and there), and tired.

I am going to have a tall glass of ice water, and if the nurses want to bitch about my fluid intake tomorrow, they can kiss my ass.


Edit: On the upside, I've figured out how to win every argument with my wife. Considering the state of my health, a 3 mile hike (though I managed to get a ride for the last mile or so) was rather ... unwise. When my wife asked me why I did that, I responded simply: "Because I'm stupid."

She couldn't argue. :)


Edit2: Holy s**t my legs hurt now.

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Re: The cranky thread


Tonight I found myself remembering when I was a kid. While I don't want to be a kid again, I wish a lot of things were like they were then. So many of my loved ones are getting old and sick. I've lost a lot of them, some of them way too soon.


Nostalgia can really suck sometimes.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'd say this is a moral dilemma, but it isn't; it's a social one.


Saturday evening my daughter got a phone call from a friend of hers, a classmate. Nothing unusual there. But ... said classmate was drunk. 8th grade, 13 years old, and drunk, early on a Saturday evening.


She was home, with her dad, while mom and little sister are out of town on a trip. Dad didn't know (we think and hope); he's pretty disengaged, probably not in substance abuse but in on-line games or other legal pastimes. We also don't know if this has happened before. She has utterly no respect for her mother, who (I must admit) is pretty ineffective.


Mom and sister will be back in a week, or so we understand.


Seems pretty clear the girl -- hell, probably the whole family -- needs help. But saying so is a delicate thing, of course. And it's not clear that taking it up with the mother will be enough to trigger the counseling they all need.



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Re: The cranky thread


I'd say this is a moral dilemma, but it isn't; it's a social one.


Saturday evening my daughter got a phone call from a friend of hers, a classmate. Nothing unusual there. But ... said classmate was drunk. 8th grade, 13 years old, and drunk, early on a Saturday evening.


She was home, with her dad, while mom and little sister are out of town on a trip. Dad didn't know (we think and hope); he's pretty disengaged, probably not in substance abuse but in on-line games or other legal pastimes. We also don't know if this has happened before. She has utterly no respect for her mother, who (I must admit) is pretty ineffective.


Mom and sister will be back in a week, or so we understand.


Seems pretty clear the girl -- hell, probably the whole family -- needs help. But saying so is a delicate thing, of course. And it's not clear that taking it up with the mother will be enough to trigger the counseling they all need.



That she's drinking at that age indicates to me more problems underlying it. Such as feeling abandoned by her family.

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Re: The cranky thread


That she's drinking at that age indicates to me more problems underlying it. Such as feeling abandoned by her family.


Could be. Most of the teen alcohol/drug problems I saw were from families that didn't actively parent. Or set up contradictory or arbitrary rules. Sadly, the ones that I saw pull out of the self destructive cycles were usually because some other kid went further and completely self destructed.


edit: If it was the first time, maybe the hangover helped. And other friends that don't drink may help the cause as well.

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Re: The cranky thread


I simply don't know enough about the family to know what's gone wrong' date=' but something clearly has.[/quote']


It's hard to know. I know I grew up better adjusted because a few of my friend's parents offered safe havens. They knew something was wrong, just not the full story. And my situation wasn't that bad in comparison to others, just in the well below average area.

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Re: The cranky thread


This is more depressing than cranky, but I have a few ghosts I need to dispel.


I was taking a walk just before going to the office. Since I was early, I decided to take the scenic route. After all, a leisurely walk in a nice neighborhood is very relaxing. That was indeed the case until I saw a notice on a lamp post. It was an ad about adopting older dogs. The featured dog was a 12 year-old poodle whose owner recently passed away. The contact information was in strips that interested people could tear off and keep; so far there were no takers.


I would have looked at the website, but there are a couple of complications. One is the cats now living in my house. I've grown attached to these cats, and I don't want to lose them by bringing a dog in here. Second, while I don't have a problem with adopting an older dog, I wouldn't want to go through the pain of losing another dog so soon. I lost both my dogs within 13 months of each other and I'm still grieving for them.


I don't know why all this makes me feel so depressed, but it does.

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Re: The cranky thread


I know I should be more understanding here, but ...


There's this kid about two houses down the block who spends all afternoon outside screaming ... something. It has a long A in it, but halfway through the A turns into a shrill, high-pitched long E. Think Minnie Pearl's classic 'How-DEEEEEEEE'.

Over and over.




Now, I can tell by even a cursory glance from this distance that the kid is, shall we say, 'special'. He looks to be in his early teens and is riding a tricycle with a helmet on. But it is growing harder and harder for me to resist the urge to stick my head out the door and tell him to stuff a f**king sock in it.

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