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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


The sleep lab I used to go to has started making automatic phone calls. No human being on the phone, just automated questions I don't want to answer, and they're going to keep calling until they get answers. They're also going to call every three months. It's ruining my whole weekend. I'm thinking I'll have to have my number changed or get a Cease and Desist order. To top it all off, they say in their letter about it We know you're going to love our new system as much as we do.


I will call their office tomorrow and tell them to stop. If they don't, I guess I'll have to call my Lawyer.


Edit: Maybe I will just have my number changed.

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Re: The cranky thread


It's not you. "Feature creep" will soon render all our gadgets too useful to be of any use.


I'm always confused when I see people saying things like this. My iPhone does a wide variety of things that I find useful, and I'm able to install application that allow it to do even more. However if someone were to want to just use it as a phone, doing so is very easy. I guess I just don't see what it is about having extra capabilities that you don't want that makes the gadget harder to use for the things that you do want.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm always confused when I see people saying things like this. My iPhone does a wide variety of things that I find useful' date=' and I'm able to install application that allow it to do even more. However if someone were to want to just use it as a phone, doing so is very easy. I guess I just don't see what it is about having extra capabilities that you don't want that makes the gadget harder to use for the things that you do want.[/quote']


Yeah, it's not so much 'there's a bunch of extraneous crap on here, I just want a phone' as 'I can't even figure out how to f**king use this piece of s**t as a phone, much less anything else'.


Creeping featurism has actually saved me, though. My wife had the foresight to get a phone with voice command, so I can just tell the damned thing who to call.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm always confused when I see people saying things like this. My iPhone does a wide variety of things that I find useful' date=' and I'm able to install application that allow it to do even more. However if someone were to want to just use it as a phone, doing so is very easy. I guess I just don't see what it is about having extra capabilities that you don't want that makes the gadget harder to use for the things that you do want.[/quote']


It's not a features issue so much as an interface one. Adding features means more buttons, screens, and/or menu options which quickly gets confusing if the interface is badly designed. And most are.


Then again, my two year old is pretty good at operating an iPhone.

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Re: The cranky thread


It's not a features issue so much as an interface one. Adding features means more buttons, screens, and/or menu options which quickly gets confusing if the interface is badly designed. And most are.


Then again, my two year old is pretty good at operating an iPhone.


This is the new version of kids being the only ones able to open child proof bottles.

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Re: The cranky thread


Yeah, and it gets harder on the road. We had a heartstopping scare one Christmas at one in-laws' place; my toddler son got into the diaper bag, found the children's Tylenol, and consumed approximately all of it. Fortunately, there wasn't enough in that bottle to be dangerous. Otherwise it would have been possibly lethal liver damage.

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Re: The cranky thread


That's the major problem with making it taste like candy.


Yup. Unfortunately you have to balance it with not making it taste good and having kids refuse to take it at all. We've been fortunate that any medication we've had to give our daughter (over the counter painkillers have been the extent of it so far) she hasn't liked, but has for the most part been willing to take.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm sick and tired of hearing about endangered species. If we can clone dinosaurs by using blood from mosquitos trapped in amber' date=' why can't we use cloning to cook up a fresh batch of condors when we need them?[/quote']

...People have actually cloned dinosaurs, or is that just the beans in your brain talking? :P:)

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Re: The cranky thread


It's probably just the beans. But I do wonder if species are as endangered now as they were before Dolly the sheep was cloned. Hmmm. Maybe I should have posted in the random musings thread.


To the extent of my knowledge, cloning has not been used as a method of un-endangering endangered species. I think it could be a good way to go about it, though I'm certain there are issues with genetic diversity ... but that's why we need to stop fartin' around and get this whole genetic engineering thing figured out!

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Re: The cranky thread


To the extent of my knowledge' date=' cloning has not been used as a method of un-endangering endangered species. I think it could be a good way to go about it, though I'm certain there are issues with genetic diversity ... but that's why we need to stop fartin' around and get this whole genetic engineering thing figured out![/quote']


Screw the endangered species, I want genetically engineered superpowers.

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Re: The cranky thread


That's a strange shocked grin you have there.


I don't know what you mean. What's so strange about my shocked face? Maybe I wasn't so expressive, so here it is again: :eg:

And while we're at it, here's my happy face: :eg:

My sad face: :eg:

My angry face: :eg:

My scared face: :eg:

My "I've got an idea" face: :eg:

And, oh what the hey, my horny face: :eg:


You see? There's a world of difference!

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