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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Doesn't yellow and purple mean it's an old bruise? You're not a bleeder' date=' are you?[/quote']


I'm not a bleeder, no. I can't verify if yellow and purple means old bruise or not ... when they first tried to set me up for dialysis, in my left arm, the entire underside of my left forearm turned purple and yellow (despite the operation being on my left upper arm ... go figure).

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Re: The cranky thread


Dear morons,


I wish it were, but sadly my car is not a Romulan starship--it has no cloaking device. If you didn't see me, maybe next time you could try turning your empty head, or using what I like to call "mirrors". Also, if you still insist on killing me with your minivan, at least give me a sporting chance and use your turn signal. Thanks so much!

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Re: The cranky thread


Dear morons,


I wish it were, but sadly my car is not a Romulan starship--it has no cloaking device. If you didn't see me, maybe next time you could try turning your empty head, or using what I like to call "mirrors". Also, if you still insist on killing me with your minivan, at least give me a sporting chance and use your turn signal. Thanks so much!


Another accident?

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Re: The cranky thread


Dear coworker,


You know I rarely close my office door, so when it is closed, that means that I don't want to be bothered unless it's an emergency. No, helping you take computers out of boxes is not an emergency. Also, you could at least knock. But then again, you're in sales, so maybe it's my fault for expecting you to have minimal amounts of common sense and tact.

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Re: The cranky thread


I want to find the sodomizer of diseased underaged reptiles who wrote the DataStudio interface software and see him hanged, quartered, and drawn, after running him through a cement mixer loaded with glass shards and rock salt for just long enough to render him unconscious, after which he is to be brought back to wakefulness by holding him face down for a two minutes in a trough of skunk urine. I would vote to put out his eyes with rusted broken corkscrew except I think he deserves the experience of seeing a horse walk away with his entrails. Vivisection with a chainsaw that's out of gas, making the initial incision through the urogenital opening, is another suggestion worthy of consideration. Crucifying the idiot would be a waste of lumber, burning him alive a waste of fuel, and he's probably too toxic to turn into Chinese pet food. And all this omits what I want to visit upon his offspring while he watches, most which involves hooking up said offspring to electric currents controlled by the interface the offending wretch created and giving them the task of turning it off.


For an interactive software product that is supposed to be used by students who are, by their nature, unsure of what's supposed to happen, it is a paragon of brain-damaged design flaws and incompetently executed coding, then ported from one platform to another by someone unfamiliar with both platforms and unsure of the function of the software to boot. It does not even register on a scale from zero to Fail, it is so pathetically written. You cannot adjust the parameters of your experiment from where you think you should. The place where you can adjust them comes with one important control seemingly greyed out, though if you insist on what should be futile (that is, clicking on the control) that is in fact where you can change that setting. In none of the pull-down menus is there an entry for accessing the settings; it's in some random place that I can never find without twenty minutes of searching every control exhaustively.


Every year I have to try to coach students through this abortion of a lab, and every year my students learn new words for their vocabulary and are shocked by suggestions that would get me instantly expelled from today's public schools. And this despite herculean restraint on my part.

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Re: The cranky thread


My friend's World of Warcraft account got hacked. Since she's the guild master they wiped out our guild bank, took all the gold and sold the items. She got it back - Blizzard is fast. but then she disappeared again. And I'm worried. I'm sure she went back to work but I'm a tad on edge.

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Re: The cranky thread


Because your blood doesn't seem to be coagulating properly. That's bad. Could be all sorts of things' date=' but I'd guess you'd like a doctor to check up on you.[/quote']


Good point. Would frequent dizziness upon standing be another effect of this? That's happened to me a bit lately.


I have to go to the clinic tomorrow for my usual treatments, so I'll just let them look at it. I can't get to the E-Room right now anyway, no vehicular access.

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Re: The cranky thread


*Pops two Valium in Cancer's mouth*


So once the Valium kicks in' date=' do you think it will be safe to ask him what DataStudio does and why he is stuck with it?[/quote']


I dunno. We better hide everything sharp first.


makes note: "do not piss off Cancer"


Oh, I easily found Datastudio's website. Apparently they won an award for it. I have a feeling I know which one Cancer would award them as well.

The software and hardware are part of a package for doing 100-level physics experiments. Lots of different experiments, and I expect that versatility is what wins it awards. In this case, the experiment is RC circuits, measuring the time constant of the resistor+ capacitor combination when you put a long-period square wave through it. But at bare minimum you have to be able to adjust the time-sampling rate of the voltage sensor, and that sampling rate is inaccessible from the menu/control which says "Sampling". Instead you ahve to hunt it down and nail the bloody carcass to a tree to make sure you can tweak it again if needed. And that's a software interface design problem that should get the coder fired and retroactively stripped of his of paychecks and college degrees. But that's ground we've already gone over.


It hacks me off so much because this part of the curriculum is mandated by the department, so I have to wrestle with this Utter Fail once a year every year.


Those around may have their ears assaulted by invective, but not much more than that. I get angry at things very quickly, and I have a very loud mad. But anger at people and animals, not so much.


And I'm more a blunt-trauma-weapon sort of guy. When you're a real-life DEX 6, you have fewer serious self-inflicted wounds that way. Hiding sharp objects is doing me more of a favor than others. A four-pound cross pein, though ... "If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning...."

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