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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


So the damage to the car is up to $9000 and counting. Nice to know it's coming out of the other guy's insurance.


You know it's bad when the assessor sees the car and blurts, "Are you sure no one got hurt?"


Yikes. Been there, though with mine it was "And you survived?"

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Re: The cranky thread


OK, folks. When you leave a message on the emergency hotline, there are two very important things I need: 1) your name, and 2) your phone#. Please skip the 2-minute rambling message about the nature of the problem, how critical it it is, your personal feelings about it, how this always happens at the worst moments, yadda yadda yadda. When I call you, I'm just going to ask for more detail about the problem, anyway, to verify that this truly is an emergency. However, if I cannot understand you when you give me the phone#, or if the # you leave me is no good, then guess what? I can't call you back! And, if I cannot understand your name because you mumble with an accent thicker than London fog, I can't look you up in the system to track you down, either. Ergo, your "emergency" goes unaddressed, you get mad at us for ignoring you, and then you complain to my boss. This means I have to let him listen to the saved recording of your non-message, which only further cements the notion that if you are too incompetent to leave a comprehensible voice mail, no wonder you're having a problem with whatever system you are trying to get to work but can't.


After three days of this, I'm about ready to take up drinking.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm setting up beehives this spring. I was installing the wax foundation sheets into the frames. When I got done for the evening I stacked them neetly in the corner of my living room. The next afternoon I noticed that my cat had discovered them and did what cats do. He hopped on top, tearing 7 sheets. I managed to fit it back to gether but couldn't reinstall all the reinforceing wires. I hope the bees will be able to fix them. :mad:

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Re: The cranky thread


So my brother actually went down to see our mother about a week or two ago and had the nerve to say that the letter he wrote her was true. (It was not and she never replied).

Somehow he could not understand why she hadn't. And anytime my mother mentioned me, he changed the subject.


But what really ticked her off was that he told her that he had married his common law wife. Nearly three years ago, in Australia. And now he tells her.

Neither side of the family has any relations in Australia so what they were doing getting married there is anyone's guess.

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Re: The cranky thread


Hope you're Scottish.


Alas, no. My wife was a MacDonald of Clan Donald, however.


On the laundry front, I have recently found that I own two plaid shirts (I think that my wife bought them, and forgot to give them to me). I've decided to wash them together, in case the first one gets lonely. ;)



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Re: The cranky thread


NOte to self:


Maybe avoiding the Salisbury steak at the Dining Hall would be a good idea in future. :(


It's almost always worth avoiding. And I'm not just saying that because I'm a vegetarian now. May have been one of the causes...


And if you want to see ugly, vegetarian salisbury steak. Though it's pretty indistinguishable from the carnivore version.

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