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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


I'm sleep deprived, cranky and irritable. Maybe it would have helped if I left the house today, but someone canceled on me and I'm not OK to drive. I want to go to bed but it's not even 7:00 pm. If I go to sleep now I'll be up again at midnight wide awake, then the cycle will repeat itself. Sigh.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm sorry for all of you who have lost pets recently. It doesn't seem to have been a good period for pets at the non gaming Discussion board lately. McGinty a couple months ago, now my poor old mini-Schnauzer Honey Bear is having problems. I am afraid she is losing control of her bladder, and may be going Diabetic, based on the amount of water she has been drinking. She is about 15 years old, and has done pretty well considering the MAULING that some damned thing gave her the day Tavish was born. She plays and wrestles with the puppy, though he is now twice her size, but he wears her out thoroughly.


Also, I hope all who are fighting the creaping Cruds feel better soon. I think I am finally over it...

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Re: The cranky thread


My dad has been in the hospital since last night. He had a blood transfusion today. They will be sending him home, but he's still not in good shape. I wish I could be there physically, instead of just in spirit. But at least we're going to help him with his medical bills.

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Re: The cranky thread


Yesterday I was "lucky" enough to get the chance to deal with some teenaged "trick-bikers" at work. We have a fairly simple "NOT stunts, Transportation only" policy. Two of the three kids(about 17 yrs old) have been coming around for a couple weeks, just to be jerks. They were playing "hide and seek" with me one day, and I finally cornered them and thought I had gotten through to them. I don't have time to play tag with them. If they deliberately act suspicious to get me to follow them, they might distract me from keeping the ACTUAL crooks off of the Campus. I have a 3 year old son that I need to keep a roof over his head and food on the table for. I THOUGHT I had convinced them to go away.


Last week they were screwing around again, and as I was talking to them, one started getting mouthy. My co-worker drove up, and realized that he had kicked them off campus for suspicious activities 6 months ago. Their return, combined with their mouthiness irritated him. The taller, mouthier of the two (6'1", 190lbs or so?) nearly took a swing at my co-worker. I got out of my patrol vehicle, and his buddy said "WHat, You need to back him up against us?" I replied "No, I don't need to back him up, he would tear both of you apart with one and." If I as being COMPLETELY honest, I would have said "No, I am hoping to keep things calm so he doesn't cripple you both, and if I fail at that, I will perform first aid on you and call an ambulance for you." My friend is about 57, 5' 11" tall, 190 lbs, and a black belt in judo before he got serious about martial arts and self defense.


Yesterday the morons came back, with a friend. I told them to leave, but... I told the mouthy one who was getting aggressive with ME (5'11", 240 lbs, fat, slow, old...) that he really had no idea how close to disaster he was last week. He replied something about " What, that guy is what, 70?" I am sure I rolled my eyes...

Punk dares me to touch his bicycle, says he will beat the hell out of me if I do. I comment that it would be a shame for him to end up in the hospital. He says that if I hit him, his dad will shoot me.:rolleyes:

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Re: The cranky thread




So here is the part that really annoys me.


I was standing there, watching him, wondering if he was going to be stupid enough to lay a hand on me.


I was asking myself "cripple or Kill?"


I was leaning toward cripple, but he did have two friends not too far away...


Oddly enough I was not frightened. I SHOULD have been. It is not like I am highly trained, or highly experienced in fighting. I just wasn't really worried about what HE might do.


I had already planned out my 3 most likely actions, depending on what exactly he did.


I don't think he realized that I was not planning on "playing" with him. I don't have the endurance, speed, toughness, or skill to mess around, particularly with a kid in good shape about 27 years younger than I am.


oh well. Thank GOD he didn't go any farther.

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Re: The cranky thread


My dad has been in the hospital since last night. He had a blood transfusion today. They will be sending him home' date=' but he's still not in good shape. I wish I could be there physically, instead of just in spirit. But at least we're going to help him with his medical bills.[/quote']



I'll pray for him... What is the problem?

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Re: The cranky thread


I'll pray for him... What is the problem?


Thanks. Basically, he's dying from cirrhosis. My aunt says he needs a bone marrow transplant, but he doesn't have the money, so we're going to send him some to help with the bills.


At this point, I'm just praying he lasts until after the New Year, so his family won't spend the holidays grieving.

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Re: The cranky thread


next time we see them, as soon as we recognize them we call the Sheriff's department. I doubt they will actually be able to detain them for a very thorough trespass warning, but...


OTOH, if they keep it up, their luck might just run out, as they are on very thin ice... I don't want to be involved in the cleanup or the reports if they try their luck with my co-worker and/or the new guy he is training...

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Re: The cranky thread


As tempting as it can get (and these punks like to puch people's buttons), it may be wiser to hold back. A friend got in legal trouble for hitting a teenager who just smashed one of my friend's lawn statues. Of course, he did chase him down the street. If one of the punks is trespassing and starts the brawl, the use of force is justified, as long as it's not excessive.

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Re: The cranky thread


We were supposed to get together to play Champions today - for the first time in months. We were all really looking forward to it, too. So what happens? Not just a snow storm, but a freaking blizzard! The worst storm we've had in years. The entire DC area is already under 10" of snow, and it isn't going to let-up until Sunday. We had made provisions in case people got snowed in at our place, but we didn't anticipate it would be so bad that no one even could get here.

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Re: The cranky thread


Same here. Snowing like crazy in MD, RPG cancelled. Shoveled our walk and got the the car dug out to go grocery shopping 'cuz I didn't go yesterday. (Friggin' migraines!)


And now, I must go forth and pelt my room-mate with a custom-made snowball, just for him! :sneaky:



Don't look at me,

Xavier Onassiss

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Re: The cranky thread


As tempting as it can get (and these punks like to puch people's buttons)' date=' it may be wiser to hold back. A friend got in legal trouble for hitting a teenager who just smashed one of my friend's lawn statues. Of course, he did chase him down the street. If one of the punks is trespassing and starts the brawl, the use of force is justified, as long as it's not excessive.[/quote']


Yeah, I have no intention of doing anything to START anything, and my co-worker won't either. However, if they are stupid enough to start something with HIM, well...


I realized after I left last night that I may have given a slightly off impression of my mindset when I was dealing with the punk on Thursday. Intellectually, I knew that I was in potentially serious danger. I was just far more calm than I had any real reason to be. Maybe adrenaline.




Maybe I am just not very smart sometimes!

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Re: The cranky thread


Yeah, I have no intention of doing anything to START anything, and my co-worker won't either. However, if they are stupid enough to start something with HIM, well...


I realized after I left last night that I may have given a slightly off impression of my mindset when I was dealing with the punk on Thursday. Intellectually, I knew that I was in potentially serious danger. I was just far more calm than I had any real reason to be. Maybe adrenaline.




Maybe I am just not very smart sometimes!


No worries. I had a similar experience with a couple of young punks on the bus a few days ago. They seemed like they wanted to start something. I pretended to ignore them, but I was ready to star swinging my fists if they started. They did the smart thing and moved to the back.

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Re: The cranky thread


No worries. I had a similar experience with a couple of young punks on the bus a few days ago. They seemed like they wanted to start something. I pretended to ignore them' date=' but I was ready to star swinging my fists if they started. They did the smart thing and moved to the back.[/quote']


This has worked for me a lot. If you ignore people, stare vacantly into space, or look right through someone, the person tends to really freak out. I figure that this strategy gives the impression that you're crazy and most people don't want to mess with crazy.

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Re: The cranky thread


Same here. Snowing like crazy in MD, RPG cancelled. Shoveled our walk and got the the car dug out to go grocery shopping 'cuz I didn't go yesterday. (Friggin' migraines!)


And now, I must go forth and pelt my room-mate with a custom-made snowball, just for him! :sneaky:


I think it got clear down into the high 60s here last night.

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Re: The cranky thread


I came down with another cold last night. I think my defenses are down because I'm stressed over family problems.


Of course, I traditionally get sick around this time of year. Between that and having to spend money I don't have, no wonder I hate the holidays so much.

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Re: The cranky thread


Thanks. I had our Honeymoon in Maui and it was nice. Which island are you on' date=' Hawaii or Honolulu ?[/quote']


Oahu, which has the city of Honolulu on it.


Oddly, we got hail on Maui yesterday, as well as a waterspout and snowfall on the Big Island. But the weather has returned to normal now.

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