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Heroes, healers and vigilantes...


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Here is a nice title for a book that, I beleive, should have been out by now.


Let me explain, I play with a group of players that are currently on an evil thread, they like to play villains but the champions universe is not really developped enough to provide a big bunch of heroes to fight my villains. Lets face it, they provide the champions that are, in reality, well.... not really strong. At their first encounter, my pc's destroyed their base and nearly killed them all.


Recently, they also fought UNTIL for some time and put the organization in a major set back that will take at least a year for them to get out of. The only opportunity that UNTIL has at the moment is to try to set a trap for the pc's and try capturing them by involving the hero group that is associated with them.


I need more of them, I need a book, just like Conquerors, Killers and Crooks but filled with heroes.


I am also sure that such a book would also be very helpfull to other groups who play good heroes. It would provide friendly rivalries, allies and more than anything, role playing opportunities.


Since I am sure that this won't appear for the comming year, I looked at the release schedule, could I be correct in hoping for such a book in the near future?


While waiting for that, I am in the process of imagining some groups and villains from Conquerors, Killers and Crooks and change them to heroes by inverting some psy limits and altering their history. Might be an interesting exercise.


Any other ideas on web sources of Hero groups to fight my villainous PC's?

BTW, The more you point to me, the more happy I will be, time is a precious thing and prefab heroes would be a nice thing.

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Re: Heroes, healers and vigilantes...


There is also the old 4th edition book called Allies. If you can get your hands on a copy of that it would give you a few new teams for your players to face. It should be pretty easy to transfer them to 5th and up the power level so that they they stand a bit of a chance against your team.

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Re: Heroes, healers and vigilantes...


It is almost a good title, but not quite. Gotta keep the illiteration going... and vigilantes drop the ball.


Heroes, Healers and Helpmates? nah.


Heroes, Healers and Hermaphrodites? whoa.


Heroes, Healers and Hecklers. mmm....


But if you include a couple of bases, then it could be:


Heroes, Healers and Hearth. Although, that sounds kinda fantasy like.


So, lets go another direction....


Allies, Agents and Advocates. Now, that sounds more super-hero-y. Besides, the last part could do a tie-in with Super-villain law.



But the major problem? Allies (4th ed) did not sell well. In other superhero lines (DC heroes, Marvel etc) books about Heroes don't sell as well either. This is based on discussions I've had over the years only, no raw data, but i've heard it enuff times to believe it. Villain books tend to do better, because more GM's can use them.


Heroes, Healers and Hope

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Re: Heroes, healers and vigilantes...


If you click on the "Hero Links" link in the blue banner at the top of this page, then on "Champions Links", you'll be able to access several fan-generated websites which collectively have a TON of writeups for the heroes from their campaigns, with character sheets. For powerful heroes, I'd particularly recommend the following sites: The Global Guardians (you'll have to follow several links by clicking on character pictures to get to the character sheets, but there's a lot of 'em); The Wild Hunt (some real heavyweights there); Titans of Tomorrow; and Neo-Dawn Champions.


If you'd like your PCs to meet heroes from published comics, The Great Net Book of Real Heroes is probably the most complete archive of writeups on the net.

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Re: Heroes, healers and vigilantes...


Also CKC is still a good research as it is, after all just because you are a villain and they are villain, doesn't mean you will get along. For instance if your team have stolen the Ruthford Diamond that enhances psionic powers, well Menton or PSI might come after them. Also Viper may not like the competetion or may try to recruit them or use them as tools. Just Some Ideas.....



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Re: Heroes, healers and vigilantes...


Hehe, my players are already allied with some viper nest leaders. Good thinking :)


As for other villains, you are right, some competition does exist but I did not really explore that avenue really much. Might give it some thoughts.


In my campaign, the world started seeing supers about 1 and half year ago. So a majority of the CKC are not yet introduced. I thought of using Dr. Ds write up for another villain, since my players fought him extensivelly in the 80's and 90's and know him to much. But as a new villain, with the same writeup..... might be nice to have him as a competition to my players.


My players are extremelly chaotic, and are thus named the Chaos Fiends by the world media, and Dr Ds alias might not approve of such rampant destruction all around the globe and, this way, provoke a weapon race to be able to detain and fight supers.


Thanks for the comment, got my brain acting in the right direction :)

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Re: Heroes, healers and vigilantes...


Also CKC is still a good research as it is' date=' after all just because you are a villain and they are villain, doesn't mean you will get along. For instance if your team have stolen the Ruthford Diamond that enhances psionic powers, well Menton or PSI might come after them. Also Viper may not like the competetion or may try to recruit them or use them as tools. Just Some Ideas.....[/quote']


Yup. To quote the Master: "A do-gooder I can tolerate, for I know I will win in the end. But competition, that I cannot abide."


And just because you're allied with another villian or villian group doesn't mean that someone won't come along and betray you. That's what women do.



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Re: Heroes, healers and vigilantes...


Yup. To quote the Master: "A do-gooder I can tolerate, for I know I will win in the end. But competition, that I cannot abide."


And just because you're allied with another villian or villian group doesn't mean that someone won't come along and betray you. That's what women do.



Ouch! Not too bitter, are you!


The point about betrayal is a good one, though- I'm curious how long anyteam of supervillains can last before the infighting takes over. Lots of hero teams have the same problem, I know, but I just can't help but think it would be even more intense with bad guys. Not necessarily, I know, just food for thought...

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Re: Heroes, healers and vigilantes...


Ouch! Not too bitter, are you!


The point about betrayal is a good one, though- I'm curious how long anyteam of supervillains can last before the infighting takes over. Lots of hero teams have the same problem, I know, but I just can't help but think it would be even more intense with bad guys. Not necessarily, I know, just food for thought...


Ok, I don't know how it was done, but someone else edited my post. I wrote "That's what villians do." I never said a word about women.


Ben, some help here!



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