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Character Posting Game: Restart

Guest Worldmaker

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: Character Posting Game: Restart

And for my challenge give your favorite rock/popstar superpowers.
Here is the actor I was talking about. Go to his IMDB Page for more information on him.The HierophantPlayer:
Val Char Cost
13 STR 3
18 DEX 24
15 CON 10
10 BODY 0
25 INT 15
20 EGO 20
15 PRE 5
12 COM 1
3/11 PD 0
3/11 ED 0
5 SPD 22
6 REC 0
30 END 0
25 STUN 0
6" RUN02" SWIM02 1/2" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 100
Cost Power END
26 Know It All: Elemental Control, 52-point powers
41 1) I Know You: Telepathy 10d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Armor Piercing (+1/2) (87 Active Points); Receive Only (-1/2) 3
17 2) Mental Deconstruction: Ego Attack 3d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Armor Piercing (+1/2) (52 Active Points); Only After a Successful Telepathic Probe (-1/2) 2
43 Omniscient Library of Knowledge: Variable Power Pool, 35 base + 8 control cost, (52 Active Points); Knowledge Skills at 17 or less or Professional Skills at 17 or less Only Very Limited (-1)
16 Body Armor: Armor (8 PD/8 ED) (24 Active Points); OIF (Body Armor; -1/2) 0
27 Detect Minds: Detect A Class Of Things 14- (Mental Group), Discriminatory, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Sense, Targeting 0
2 Shades: Sight Group Flash Defense (5 points) (5 Active Points); OAF (Sunglasses; -1) 0
21 Vault of My Mind: Mental Defense (25 points total) 0
Powers Cost: 193
Cost Skill
10 +2 with Mental Combat
15 +3 With Knowledge Skills
5 +1 With Interaction Skills
9 Acting 15-
3 Conversation 12-
5 Cramming
3 High Society 12-
1 Language: English (imitate dialects) (5 Active Points)
3 Mimicry 14-
3 Oratory 12-
11 Power: Memory Tricks 18-
3 Scholar
2 1) KS: Active Superhuman Crimefighters Worldwide (3 Active Points) 14-
2 2) KS: Actors and Actresses (3 Active Points) 14-
2 3) KS: Checkmate Field SOP (3 Active Points) 14-
2 4) KS: Movies and Television (3 Active Points) 14-
2 5) KS: Tarot (3 Active Points) 14-
3 Traveler
2 1) AK: California (3 Active Points) 14-
2 2) AK: Los Angeles, California (3 Active Points) 14-
2 3) AK: The United States (3 Active Points) 14-
2 4) CuK: Celebrity Culture (3 Active Points) 14-
Skills Cost: 92
Cost Perk
12 Contact: The Screen Actors Guild (Contact has very useful Skills or resources), Organization Contact (x3) (12 Active Points) 11-
Perks Cost: 12
Cost Talent
5 Eidetic Memory
12 Combat Luck (6 PD/6 ED)
Talents Cost: 17
Val Disadvantages
20 Hunted: the Global Guardians 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
20 Hunted: Checkmate 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
15 Hunted: Local Law Enforcement 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Limited Geographical Area, Capture)
15 Hunted: The Emperor 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)
10 Psychological Limitation: Fears The Loss of His Acting Career (Uncommon, Strong)
20 Psychological Limitation: Has Complete Trust in the Emperor (Very Common, Strong)
15 Psychological Limitation: Lives Beyond His Means (Common, Strong)
15 Social Limitation: Married to Jean Tripplehorn (Frequently, Major)
15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Leland Orser) (Frequently, Major)
Disadvantage Points: 145

Base Points: 200Experience Required: 69Total Experience Available: 69Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 414

Height: 1.75 m Hair: Light Brown
Weight: 68.00 kg Eyes: Black
Appearance: Leland Orser is a fairly non-descript man, being of average build and height with dark hair and eyes. On Tarot missions, he will wear a high priced business suit and tie with a simple silk mask covering his eyes.Personality: Leland is a first rate character actor. He could never be a lead actor or leader, but fits well in the role of support actor or right-hand man. With regard to Tarot, he is the Emperor's right hand man, for two reasons. First, because of The Heirophant's trust of the Emperor, he is one of the few members of Tarot's major arcana whom the Emperor has little suspicion. But, perhaps more than that, the wealth of knowledge that he holds helps to facilitate The Emperor's control over the vast secret organization.


Leland likes to lead the high life, spending more than his take from acting jobs. He relies on The Emperor to provide cash for that difference. He loves acting, even if he will likely never get a lead role, and sometimes worries that his activities with Tarot might one day cause him to lose his actor's credentials. Furthermore, Leland is a good actor, which in combination with his vast array of knowledge, suits well for him taking any type of role assigned.

Quote:"Just tell me what you need to know."Background: The non-descript man sat in the plush chair in the elaborate dining room of the Hotel Bel-Air. He inhaled the aroma of his cafe au lait then took a sip of the very expensive blend. Somebody rich and important had paid to meet him. A limousine complete with wet bar, jacuzzi, and a masseuse picked him up from his penthouse apartment. And, in fact, he found that the loan that he had taken out last month was paid up.


Leland pondered upon who it was. Would he get a big role at last? He hadn't really sought out any. Most of the time producers called him up to offer him a role that they thought he fit well, always a supporting role, but each time he had fit it well. And he hadn't even heard from his agent for two weeks. Jeanne said that she heard a rumor going around that his agent had died of a heart attack recently. Well if he did, someone should have told Leland.


A tall middle-aged man with graying-brown hair walked in. (Funny,) Leland thought as he tried to scan the man's mind, (I didn't notice him.)


"It would not do well for our first meeting, if you were to read my mind." The man, who had an air of extreme self-assurance, said, "Now let us discuss a role that I have to offer you."


A wave of the imperious man's hand brought a wine glass into his hand, full with some sort of very clear red. He took a sip and then spoke, "your acting ability is only secondary to the reason that I am trying to sign you for this role. You have much more important abilities that you do not use to your fullest potential. I am certain that your infallible memory is a great aid whenever you need knowledge to act as this character or that, but there is more to do with it. I assume that you remember everything."


Leland was somewhat perplexed with this man, whose mind he could not read and who was sipping a glass of wine that did not exist a mere half minute earlier. But what the man said was true. Leland could remember the birthing room's lights and the words of the doctors when he was born. He could even remember the sound of his mother's heartbeat from when he was still in her womb. He didn't always have such a good memory. That came about when he was a teenager. For an answer to the man, Leland simply nodded in affirmation.


"Well, I would like to offer you a role, the role of The Heirophant. In this role, you will make the most of your abilities," the man paused. He smiled and said, "Indeed, you may think of me as the producer and director as well as your agent. Of course, I am, in many ways, also the studio for I will pay you well for this role. You will never need to worry about paying for your lavish lifestyle."


"Will I still be able to act?" Leland asked.


"But of course." The Emperor said. "If need be, I could even arrange for you the roles that you desire..."

Powers/Tactics: The basis of the Heirophant's powers is control of knowledge. Anything that he has ever sensed, he remembers. It's all stored in his memory. He can delve into his target's thoughts to find information that he needs, and then he can deconstruct the target's mental activity. The Heirophant will never be on a solo mission because of his lack of physical combat ability. His role in such actions are always in support.Campaign Use: The Hierophant is an operative of Tarot, a monolithic criminal organization fulfilling the same role in the Global Guardians Universe as Viper does in the Champions Universe.My challenge: an Iron Age character, using the name Streetlethal.
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Re: Character Posting Game: Restart


Street lethal

Val** Char*** Total Cost

15** STR 15 5

20** DEX 20 30

16** CON 16 12

15** BODY 15 10

16** INT 16 6

12** EGO 10 4

10** PRE 15 0

14** COM 14 2


3** PD 3 0

3** ED 3 0

3** SPD 3 0

6** REC 0

32** END 32 0

31** STUN 32 0


6"** RUN 6 0

2"** SWIM 2 0

3"** LEAP 3 0

cost Power END

27 Desolidification (40 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (man made structures only; -1/2) 4

10 Flight 10", Position Shift, No Turn Mode (+1/4) (31 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about two-thirds of its effectiveness (only within the walls etc of a man made structure; -1 1/2), Linked (Desolidification; -1/2) 3

8 Clinging (normal STR) (10 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (only man made structures; -1/4)

30 Invisibility to Sight , Hearing and Smell/Taste Groups , No Fringe, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points); Only When Not Attacking (-1/2), Linked (Desolidification; -1/4), Only When In Contact With man made structure (-1/4)

19 Armor (15 PD/13 ED) (42 Active Points); Ablative BODY or STUN (-1), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

20 Leaping +10" (13" forward, 6 1/2" upward) (Accurate, x4 Noncombat) 2

7 N-Ray Perception (Sight Group) (10 Active Points); Linked (Desolidification; -1/2)

22 Detect the structure of the city A Large Class Of Things 12- (Unusual Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Range, MegaScale (1" = 10 km; +1/2) (45 Active Points); Always On (-1/2), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (feels any damage to the city; -1/2)

11 mantel of the city: Multipower, 20-point reserve, (20 Active Points); all slots Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

1u shield of stone: Physical Damage Reduction, 50% (20 Active Points); Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

1u fists of clay: Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6 (20 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 2

1u Built of glass and steel: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6+1 (2d6+1 w/STR) (20 Active Points); Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Physical Manifestation (-1/4), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 2

1u Strike from the wall: Hand-To-Hand Attack +1d6, Affects Physical World (+2) (15 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 1

7 Cosmetic Transform 2d6 (clothes into Armour) (10 Active Points); Limited Target ([clothes]; -1/2) 2

5 Breath of the city: Life Support (Expanded Breathing breathe whilst desolid)

5 Healing 1 BODY, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Continuous (+1) (25 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Hour (-2 1/4), Self Only (-1/2), Conditional Power Power does not work in Common Circumstances (must be on contact with man made structure; -1/2), Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2)

4 +5 PRE (5 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)



Cost** Martial Arts Maneuver

16** +4 HTH Damage Class(es)

4** Choke Hold: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab One Limb; 4d6 NND

4** Fast Strike: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +0 DCV, 9d6 Strike

5** Grappling Block: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +1 DCV, Grab One Limb, Block

4** Martial Escape: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 50 STR vs. Grabs

4** Nerve Strike: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 4d6 NND

2** Weapon Element: Fist-Loads, Off Hand



Cost** Skill

9 AK: The city 18-

3 Acrobatics 13-

3 Breakfall 13-

3 Concealment 12-

10 Defense Maneuver I-IV

3 Lipreading 12-

3 Mimicry 12-

3 Paramedics 12-

3 Shadowing 12-

15 +5 with acrobatics break fall and stealth

3 Stealth 13-

3 Streetwise 12-

6 Survival (Urban) 14-

Skills Cost: 67


Val** Disadvantages

5 Dependence: man made structures Incompetence: -1 to Skill Rolls and related rolls per time increment (Very Common, 1 Hour)

10 Hunted: local super team 8- (Mo Pow, Mildly Punish)

10 Social Limitation: painfully shy (Frequently, Minor)

15 Hunted: super villain 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)

15 Reputation: vengeful spirit of the city, 14-

15 Hunted: corrupt council man 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Limited Geographical Area, Harshly Punish)

20 Psychological Limitation: catatonic if removed from the city (Common, Total)

20 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN sonic attacks (Common)

20 Psychological Limitation: must protect the city from damage (Very Common, Strong)


Disadvantage Points: 150

Richard McKenzie loved the city for as long as he could remember. No one knew how much until he was 8 years old and his family took him away on a camping trip and he collapsed into a catatonic state the moment he was no longer surrounded by buildings.


The child psychologist they took him too couldn’t work out what was wrong with him. His talk of the city singing to him and how he felt the city around him all the time was passed off as childish fantasy.


By age 9 his bedroom was covered in pictures of buildings hand drawn blue prints street maps and even bits of concrete and tile from buildings all over the city.


In high school Richard was a reasonably good student though he wasn’t really interested in anything beside cities and buildings he kept up his studies so he could succeed in his dream of becoming an architect. Everything turned into cities for Richard geography was about cities and the way that the surrounding emptiness affected them history was about cities science cities.


Richard didn’t really have a lot of friends but he didn’t need them he had his city. It was around his 16th birthday some one finally noticed him unfortunately it was a gang of bullies.


Deciding to pick on the quite bookish loner they tormented him relentlessly after school deciding to chase after him and give him a beating but Richard knew the city better than anyone alive or so he thought.


He lead them on a dance through streets and alleyways most people never even noticed, but his pursuers just kept right behind him furious at the chase he was giving them. Richard was almost home though just 3 more blocks he darted through gap between too buildings but some one had parked a van at the other end he was trapped and he could here the sound of running feet. They where almost on him he knew he was going to be badly beaten if they caught him. So he prayed to the city to protect him and then it happened he leaded back against the wall and it drew him in he became part of it.


He stood and watched as the gang turned the corner and couldn’t see him at all after a few moments looking confused they set off to search for him and Richard just stepped back into the alley. Frustrated by their thwarted attempt the bullies kept chasing and Richard learnt more about his strange powers. And as his mastery of them grew so too did

His perception of the city expanding until he could feel every wire pipe and brick but not without cost now he felt every dent and nick every damaged pipe like pins and needles through his body. Richard started taking an aikido class to protect him self if he was ever caught.


It was whilst attending that he discovered a group of La pakour practitioner’s masters of the urban sport of extreme running that was making total use of the urban environment. Falling in with this group he learnt how to harness his body and his new abilities to move around the city with fluid grace and found that his newfound abilities lead to incredible leaping ability.


By this time high school was over and Richard was perusing his dream studying architecture at the local college and by night he would stalk the rooftops leaping from building to building through vacant floors through the walls and floors of empty buildings and sewers.


Until one day he found him self curled up in agony as a series of major sewers collapsed. As the pain subsided he was forced to investigate finding the damaged sewers he discovered that the line had been constructed of inferior materials. using his architectural skills he found out who had been awarded the contract and using his ability to merge invisibly with walls investigated he discovered a series of corrupt tenders by the official in charge anonymously releasing copies of the documents to the police and papers.


The official escaped pushing the blame onto a scapegoat and moved up in city politics. His position allows him to apply discrete pressure to track down street lethal whom he considers his nemesis.


Richard now Works by day as a junior architect at a city firm. At night he hunts down those who would damage the city and avenges the city for its pain. His powers have grown constantly and he has discovered the ability to create a mantel of the stuff of the city to protect him and to form weapons from it to smite the cities enemies


Game use


Street lethal is totally amoral he only cares about protecting his beloved city he seeks to punish anyone who harms it whilst relatively weak his ability to merge invisibly with walls makes him a dangerous opponent as he slips through walls to attack from ceiling floor or flank. He uses his superior maneuverability to dodge and escape from pursuers and then attacking from concealment his favorite tactic is to shut down the power to his enemies location then using his total awareness of his surroundings attack his disoriented opponents from the shadows. He’s a good way to punish supposed heroes for their excessive property damage. On the other hand his love of the city may set him up as an ally or information source.


almost forgot the challange a sport themed hero but from a minor sport like vollyball or curling

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Tennis Anyone


30 - Lov




Val** Char*** Cost
15** STR 5
20** DEX 30
16** CON 12
13** BODY 6
18** INT 8
18** EGO 16
15** PRE 5
18** COM 4
14/19** PD 5
14/19** ED 5
4** SPD 10
6** REC 0
32** END 0
29** STUN 0
*6"**RUN02"**SWIM03"**LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 106


Cost** Power END
50** Tennis Racket: Multipower, 50-point reserve [Notes: Mystic Tennis Racket created by the Demon]*
3u** 1) Hand-To-Hand Attack +10d6 (50 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)* 5
5u** 2) Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack), Missile Reflection, Reflect At Any Target (50 Active Points)*
40** Tennis Balls : Multipower, 50-point reserve, all slots: (50 Active Points); 12 Charges (-1/4)*
5u** 1) Hellfire Ball: Energy Blast 10d6 (vs. ED) (50 Active Points)*
4u** 2) Bale Fire Ball: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6 (vs. ED) (45 Active Points)*
5u** 3) Black Tentacle Ball: Entangle 5d6, 5 DEF (50 Active Points)*
4u** 4) Demon Weekness Ball: Drain Strenght 3d6, Ranged (+1/2) (45 Active Points)*
5u** 5) Smokes of Hell Ball: Energy Blast 5d6 (vs. ED), No Normal Defense Standard (+1) (50 Active Points)*
15** Demon Toughness: Armor (5 PD/5 ED)*
Powers Cost: 136



Cost** Skill
3** Acrobatics 13-*
3** Breakfall 13-*
3** KS: Tennis (INT-based) 13-*
15** +3 with Ranged Combat*
3** Stealth 13-*
Skills Cost: 27


Cost** Perk
5** Money: Well Off*
Perks Cost: 5


Cost** Talent
12** Combat Luck (6 PD/6 ED)*
Talents Cost: 12



Total Character Cost: 286


Val** Disadvantages
20** Normal Characteristic Maxima*
20** Hunted: Super Hero Group 11- (As Pow; Harshly Punish; Extensive Non-Combat Influence)*
20** Psychological Limitation: No concept of good and evil (Very Common; Strong)*
20** Distinctive Features: Horns and Scales (Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)*
10** Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Holy Magic (Uncommon)*
15** Susceptibility: Holy Water 3d6 damage, Instant (Uncommon)*

Disadvantage Points: 105


Base Points: 150

Experience Required: 31

Total Experience Available: 31

Experience Unspent: 0



Born to a wealthy family Mac lived a life of leisure, spending his days doing the one thing he really loved, playing tennis. Mac was very good at it and became very well know on the junior circuit.


The only thing Mac loved more then tennis was his older sister Sharon.


Unknown to Mac the family fortune was acquired through a deal made with a demon twenty-five years ago, and on Sharon’s 18th birthday the demon got Sharon’s Soul.


The night Sharon turned 18 the demon appeared to claim her soul, Mac interfered and challenged the demon to a game of tennis for her soul. The demon agreed on the condition: win or lose Mac’s soul was forfeited.


It wasn’t much of a game, Mac being only 16 lost easily to the demon. The demon claimed his and his sister’s soul.


Now in the possession of Mac’s soul the demon goes out and performs heinous acts of violence and carnage.



Challange: Build me The Thunder from Down Under.

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Re: Tennis Anyone


well i did say hero but ill accept it


Oh that’s easy,


A little change of the story … After barely beating the demon Mac accepted his fate knowing that his sister would be saved.


But the demon wasn’t true to his word and took Sharon’s soul first. When he tried to take Mac’s soul an unknown power interfered with the possession and the demon was cast out.


Mac’s was somehow imbued with Demon like powers which he use to fight the evil that stalks the night.


Driven by the torment he fears his sister’s soul is undergoing Mac endlessly tries to find a way to release her from her imprisonment.




Psychological Limitation: No concept of good and evil (Very Common; Strong)*

To Code vs Killing.


Hunted: Super Hero Group 11- (As Pow; Harshly Punish; Extensive Non-Combat Influence)*

Hunted: Super Villain Group 11- (As Pow; Harshly Punish; Extensive Non-Combat Influence)*


Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Holy Magic (Uncommon)

Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Dark Magic (Uncommon)


Susceptibility 3d6 damage Holy Water

Always Hunting for a way to rescue Sister

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Re: Character Posting Game: Restart


THUNDER from down under

Val** Char*** Total Cost

15** STR 15 5

18** DEX 18 24

16** CON 16 12

16** BODY 16 12

18** INT 18 8

20** EGO 10 20

18** PRE 20 8

18** COM 18 4


3** PD 3 0

3** ED 5 3

3** SPD 3 2

6** REC 0

32** END 32 0

32** STUN 32 0


6"** RUN 6 0

2"** SWIM 2 0

3"** LEAP 3 0

Cost Power END

30 Armor (15 PD/15 ED) (45 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

10 Hearing Group Flash Defense (10 points)

5 Shades: Sight Group Flash Defense (10 points) (10 Active Points); OAF (focus; -1)

16 Sonic fist: Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6, Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4), Continuous (+1) (45 Active Points); Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; Complex; -1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Conditional Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (not in vacuum; -1/4) 4

57 Multipower, 71-point reserve, (71 Active Points); all slots Conditional Power Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (in vacuum; -1/4)

2u 1. Shape Shift (Hearing Group, any shape), Imitation, Instant Change (40 Active Points); Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; Complex; -1), Conditional Power Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (in vacuum; -1/4) 4

8m 2. Energy Blast 14d6 (70 Active Points); Incantations (Complex; -1/2), Conditional Power Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (in vacuum; -1/4) 7

4u 3. Energy Blast 5 1/2d6, Variable Advantage (+3/4 Advantages; +1 1/2) (70 Active Points); Incantations (Complex; -1/2), Conditional Power Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (in vacuum; -1/4) 7

2u 4. Darkness to Hearing Group 5" radius (25 Active Points); Conditional Power Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (in vacuum; -1/4) 2

4m 5. Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6+1 (35 Active Points); Incantations (Complex; -1/2), Conditional Power Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (in vacuum; -1/4) 3

3u 6. Force Wall (12 PD/11 ED/4 Flash Defense: Hearing Group; 3" long and 3" tall) (70 Active Points); Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; Complex; -1), Conditional Power Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (in vacuum; -1/4) 7

3u 7. Negative Combat Skill Levels (-3 to opponent's DCV), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4), Persistent (+1/2), Area Of Effect Nonselective (13" Cone; +3/4), Usable As Attack (+1), Continuous (+1) (71 Active Points); Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; Complex; -1), Conditional Power Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (in vacuum; -1/4) 7

5m 8. Hearing Group Images Increased Size (8" radius; +3/4), +/-10 to PER Rolls (35 Active Points); Set Effect (only to amplify existing sounds; -1), Conditional Power Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (in vacuum; -1/4) 6

3m 9. Hearing Group Images Increased Size (8" radius; +3/4), +/-5 to PER Rolls (20 Active Points); Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; Complex; -1), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Conditional Power Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (in vacuum; -1/4) 3

4m 10. Hearing Group Flash 11 1/2d6 (35 Active Points); Incantations (Complex; -1/2), Conditional Power Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (in vacuum; -1/4) 3


Cost** Talent

3 Perfect pitch

Talents Cost: 3


Cost** Skill

3 Disguise 13-

3 Electronics 13-

9 Mimicry 16-

7 Oratory 15-

7 Persuasion 15-

3 PS: rock-musician 13-

3 SS: acoustics 13-

3 Seduction 13-

20 Voice tricks: +4 with a group of similar Skills

3 Streetwise 13-

4 Systems Operation (Communications Systems) 14-

7 Tactics 15-

7 Teamwork 15-

6 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, SCUBA, Skateboarding, Surfing, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles

3 Ventriloquism 13-

Skills Cost: 88


Cost** Talent

8 Contact: the manager (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Good relationship with Contact) 14-

10 Reputation: super powered rock god (A large group) 8-, +10/+10d6

10 Money: Wealthy

30 Neat stuff: Vehicles & Bases

Perks cost 58


Val** Disadvantages

5 Rivalry: Professional, sapphire, Rival is As Powerful, Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival, Rival Aware of Rivalry

10 Unluck: 2d6

10 Distinctive Features: blonde big haired aussie rock god (Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures)

10 Physical Limitation: to tight pants (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)

10 Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x Effect fire (too much hair spray) (Common)

15 Hunted: legion f fans 14- (Less Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

20 Normal Characteristic Maxima

20 Hunted: super villains 11- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)

20 Psychological Limitation: can't resist the groupies (Very Common, Strong)

20 Psychological Limitation: code versus killing (Common, Total)

25 Psychological Limitation: alcoholic (Very Common, Total)

25 Enraged: if hair harmed (Very Common), go 14-, recover 14-


Disadvantage Points: 190


THUNDER AKA Joe Mangle was the lead singer of CHUZZWAZZER a third-rate Aussie retro hair rock band. Joe had been roped into the band by his friend he thought it was a let down as he was a classically trained singer with superb skills. Fortunately the bands manager was a genius. Through guile and skill he got them a gig opening for a big band at an out door gig. CHUZZWAZZER was just starting there first song when there was some sort of scuffle in the crowd it was a group of aborigines lead by an old man in the full shamanic regalia security tried to stop them but they plowed past yelling thunder decided just to start anyway and hope that security could deal with the trouble he strummed he yelled his “first hello OUTBACK†and the rest of the band let out power chords then the stage exploded a flow of glowing energy streaming out and engulfing the whole band. They where blown across into the crowd THUNDER woke up in hospital still covered in the red dust that had coated his body in the blast.

He tried to shout the nurse unable to reach the call button and every piece of glass on the floor exploded.


Due to the danger of his curious new power thunder was taken to a local university sound lab where he was sealed in there acoustically sealed test chamber while he recuperated slowly from the burns inflicted when his mic had overloaded during the incident .

With the help of the audio scientist who worked at the university he learnt that his power was to boost or dampen sound but when combined with his voice he could produce amazing effects.


he also learnt that the rest of the band had been transformed as well. Each with there own powers and that the stage had been constructed over an ancient aborigine mystical plug designed to protect the area from uncontrolled chaotic energy left over from the dream time the aboriginal shaman had managed to seal the plug before great harm had been caused but it had been close.


Finally fully recovered and with his powers under control THUNDER could receive visitors and so the rest of the band turned up with tales of there own powers .

Finally the manager arrived he had dozens of bookings for the new super band and new costumes made from the latest armored spandex just like real super heroes.


Now thunder tours the world with CHUZZWAZZER releasing their power rock albums partying with groupies and fighting for truth and justice.

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Re: Character Posting Game: Restart


I started thinking of a manager-based hero, but couldn't flesh him out due to the fact that I have other characters that I'm working on for a game that I play. If anyone's interested, here's the outline that I had for the manager-based hero.


Mr. Talent


Background outline:

band's following is dropping, there's only 2 groupies now and fan mail has dropped precipitously

manager thinks of ways to drum up publicity

finds out about energy source and a way to trigger it using feedback

he's changed along with the band


Characteristics outline: fairly weak and slow, but PRE 30 and high EGO


Powers outline: mostly in multipower 'Powers of Persuasion'

1) Psyching 'Em Out: Drain or Transfer - EGO and PRE simultaneously, RSR: Analyze Motivation

2) I Know What You Want: Telepathy - RSR: Analyze Motivation, Lim: Not More than Deep, Hidden Thoughts

3) Deal with Me: Mind Control - RSR: Persuasion, Lim: Only Actions Target Wouldn't Mind Performing That Does Not Contradict Reality

4) I Know Somebody Like That: Mind Scan, Undetectable by Target - Cannot Attack Through Link, RSR: PS:Agent

5) Let's Rock!: Aid PRE and DEX Simultaneously - Area of Effect, Selective Target, RSR: Oratory


Talents outline: Eidetic Memory - Lim: Only to Remember Facts/Sensory Data Regarding People; Resistances vs. Bureaucratics, Persuasion, Trading


Skills outline: bunch of Interaction skills, Agent/Manager type KSs and PSs, Languages, Lipreading (to communicate even while the band is pumping out some sounds), Gambling (just for fun)


Perks outline: Well Connected, a bunch of Contacts, Money

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Re: Character Posting Game: Restart


Silver Tongue




Val Char Cost
12 STR 2
14 DEX 12
17 CON 14
13 BODY 6
18 INT 8
20 EGO 20
20 PRE 10
12 COM 1
12 PD 4
12 ED 3
3 SPD 6
7 REC 4
34 END 0
30 STUN 2
6" RUN02" SWIM02" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 92


Cost Power END
15 Talk the Talk Powers of Persuasion: Elemental Control, 30-point powers
7 1) I know how you feel : Telepathy 6d6 (30 Active Points); Receive Only (-1/2), Empathy All Emotions (-1/2) 3
35 2) Let me help you make you Rich: Mind Control 6d6, Telepathic (+1/4), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (67 Active Points); Set Effect (-1/2) 7
10 Break Down your will: Find Weakness To Mental Defense 11- (Related Group of Attacks) (20 Active Points); Does Not Apply Against Certain Types Of Defenses Affects One Type Of Defense (-1)
20 Aid: Presance 2d6, Can Add Maximum Of 20 Points, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute) (+1/4) (30 Active Points); Self Only (-1/2)
30 I'm not impressed: +30 Mental Defense (34 points total)
Powers Cost: 117



Cost Skill
3 Bureaucratics 13-
3 Conversation 13-
3 Deduction 13-
8 Gambling (Card Games, Dice Games, Roulette, Sports Betting) 13-
3 High Society 13-
3 Interrogation 13-
3 Lockpicking 12-
3 Oratory 13-
3 Mimicry 13-
3 Persuasion 13-
4 PS: Agent Scout (PRE-based) 14-
3 Seduction 13-
3 Streetwise 13-
3 Trading 13-
15 +3 with a group of similar Skills
Skills Cost: 63


Cost Perk
3 Fringe Benefit: International Driver's License, License to practice a profession, Passport
Perks Cost: 3


Cost Talent
12 Combat Luck (6 PD/6 ED)
27 Danger Sense (Function as a Sense, Sensitivity: Any Danger) 13-
Talents Cost: 39



Total Character Cost: 314


Val Disadvantages
20 Normal Characteristic Maxima
10 Reputation: Seedy Manager 11-
10 Unluck: 2d6 - Just when things started looking good
15 Psychological Limitation: Ruthless Pursuit of Desire (Very Common; Moderate)
20 Psychological Limitation: Code Versus Killing Common, Total
25 Dependent NPC: Current Band under his Wing 11- (Normal; Group DNPC: x4 DNPCs)

Disadvantage Points: 100


Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 14

Total Experience Available: 14

Experience Unspent: 0


Jack "Silver Tongue" Russell


It was said the Jack Russell could talk the Baker out of his last loaf of bread and then sell it back to him. It suited Jack that people knew him and respected his ability to close a deal.


CHUZZWAZZER was a third-rate garage band and He got them the Opening spot on the concert of the year. It took a lot of talking but it was by his shear willpower that it happened.


Then that damned Aborigine showed up at his office telling him he had to stop the concert, something about a mystical convergence of some kind.


He ignored the old man and made promises he didn’t intend on keeping. Then the night of “The Concert†came along and His Band was warming up on stage when all Hell broke loose. The old man was back and he brought some friends with him. The guards tried to stop him but they plowed right through them.


The lead singer got up to the mic and shouted “Hello OUTBACK†and Jack saw the old man point a walking staff at the kid.


Jack knew his meal ticket was in danger so he ran out on the stage to protect his investment when the stage exploded around him.


Jack had a faint memory of seeing giant spiders trying to break down a barrier of energy and then the lights went out.


He awoke to find he had changed, he knows things, he feels things, and he can convince people to do things. The lead singer of CHUZZWAZZER was taken away somewhere and Jack is not looking for a new meal ticket to take to the top.



-- Challange -- Create the Aborigine Witch Doctor

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Re: Character Posting Game: Restart


CHUNDER from down under

Val** Char*** Cost

18** STR 8

16** DEX 18

20** CON 20

20** BODY 20

9** INT -1

16** EGO 12

18** PRE 8

12** COM 1


5** PD 1

5** ED 1

4** SPD 14

8** REC 0

40** END 0

39** STUN 0


6"** RUN 0

4"** SWIM 2

4"** LEAP 0

Cost Power END

22 armored leather vest and pants: Armor (15 PD/15 ED) (45 Active Points); Activation Roll 14- (-1/2), OIF (-1/2)

5 Deadly drum sticks of fury: Hand-To-Hand Attack +3d6 (15 Active Points); OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Required Hands Two-Handed (-1/2)

5 Double hard b*rd: Damage Resistance (5 PD/5 ED)

130 Variable Power Pool, 70 base + 60 control cost, Cosmic (+2) (175 Active Points); Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; -1/2), Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; only by keeping his mouth closed or blocked; -1/4) 4




Cost** Martial Arts Maneuver

8** +2 HTH Damage Class(es)

4** Tasmanian fist: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +0 DCV, 7 1/2d6 Strike

3** AUSSIE RULES MATE: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, -1 DCV, 5 1/2d6 +v/5 Strike; You Fall, Target Falls; FMove

3** Melbourne bouncers special: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, 38 STR for holding on

4** Groin strike: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 3d6 NND

5** Head butt: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 9 1/2d6 Strike


Cost** Skill

3 Paramedics 11-

3 Security Systems 11-

3 Bouncer: PS 13-

5 Mechanics 12-

5 Rapid Attack (HTH)

5 Rock musician: PS 13-

6 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Jetskis, Skateboarding, Surfing, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles

7 Lock picking 14-

7 Sleight Of Hand 14-

7 Streetwise 15-

Skills Cost: 51


Cost** perks

12 Contact (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has: extremely useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact) 14-

6 Reputation: super powered rock god (A large group) 8-, +3/+3d6

8 Money: Wealthy

30 Neat stuff: Vehicles & Bases

Perks cost 58


Val** Disadvantages

15 Social Limitation: uncouth drongo (Very Frequently, Major, Not Limiting In Some Cultures)

5 Distinctive Features: really big mouth (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

10 Distinctive Features: heavily tattooed shaven headed rocker(Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures)

15 Hunted: legion of fans 14- (Less Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

20 Normal Characteristic Maxima

20 Enraged: when some one insults him (Very Common), go 11-, recover 14-

20 Hunted: super villains 11- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)

20 Psychological Limitation: can't resist the groupies (Very Common, Strong)

20 Psychological Limitation: code versus killing (Common, Total)

20 Psychological Limitation: cant pass up a fight (Very Common, Total)

25 Psychological Limitation: alcoholic (Very Common, Total)


Disadvantage Points: 190


CHUNDER AKA Stonefish Rebecchi was a bad boy through and through. not the smartest guy he dropped out of school and got involved with crime. a two bit street punk tough and pretty much fearless he got into burglaries and street crime. His partner Doug Willis was the brains of the outfit but it didn’t help him when the police showed up much quicker than they had expected during a break in. Stonefish and Doug ran for it, but Doug didn’t look and went straight under a truck. there was nothing stonefish could do to help he bolted before the cops could catch him he gave up his life of crime that night.

getting a job as a bouncer at a club via a friend.his toughness and wiry muscular frame and his brutal fighting style where an asset got him out of trouble a lot. then one day a small time band was supposed to play but there drummer never bothered to turn up Stone fish had played for a while and volunteered to help out thus he joined CHUZZWAZZER.

Then at there first major gig he was just checking his drums for there first number when he spotted the tell tale flow of the crowd that said trouble.


It was a bunch of abo’s, lead some freaky old gadge. Security tried to stop them but they plowed past yelling. The bands poncey lead singer decided just to start anyway yelling “hello OUTBACK†like a total Dag stonefish started beating time when suddenly the ground under him trembled stage exploded under him enveloping blowing him backwards off his drum stool into the stage curtains.


He woke up in hospital his face heavily bandaged he tried to open his mouth but he couldn’t he felt like he was going to be sick he managed to open his mouth a crack and threw up a thin stream flew across the room almost 8 feet slamming into the door and punching through the window and it didn’t stop spraying out across the corridor Stonefish clamped his mouth shut in shock swallowing back it stopped the nurses rushed in the took of his bandages as some one shoveled away the huge puddle of chunder in the corridor.


Stonefish was taken to an abandoned swimming pool in the basement somewhere that could be easily washed down various doctors and scientists came to visit him. They established that at the back of his throat was a space-time anomaly forming a portal to what the aborigines might call the dreamtime.

a primordial unshaped reality with practice stonefish learnt to control the anomaly with just his would bring forth any substance he could imagine.

With his powers under control he got in touch with the manager he had dozens of bookings for the new super band and new costumes made from the latest armored spandex just like real super heroes.


Now using his stage name CHUNDER met up with the rest of the band and tours the world releasing their power rock albums partying with groupies and reluctantly fighting for truth and justice.


I think you could get the VPP a bit cheaper it can only really be used for attacks and life support


oh and let's see I think I'd like to see that dice themed villain for the next challange

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Re: Character Posting Game: Restart


One dice-themed villain. I use cost/characteristic/value, not value/characteristic/cost, so be warned.


A few notes:


By far the coolest thing about this guy - his point total came out to exactly 999, and I didn't notice until I tallied it at the end.


I kept Hell fairly generic - if you want to steal...ahem, "adapt" him, you might want to personalize it.


Although he has World-beater level points, he isn't the type of guy to confront the heroes directly - he'd much rather have their souls than their lives. His most important power is the very first multipower listed.


Note that, as written, he is pretty much untouchable unless he blows a luck roll. This is intentional. Missing him from all the OSLs generally isn't an actual miss, but rather something like a gun misfiring or tripping before punching.


Note that he uses all of the different options for Luck, and has some of each purchased.


If he loses a game for someone's soul, normally the Transform can (eventually) fulfill most wishes (ie, make me immortal, give me wealth, make X love me, etc), or if not his other powers can fulfill it. However, if neither works, he can use his Contact with Hell to fulfill the wish.


For "Null Power," the greatest power is not necessarily the highest AP power - it is what the character would think of as his greatest power.


The Transform's cure is something like throwing a pinch of salt over your shoulder, things like that. Note that it can work on objects or places as well as people.


The "Doubles Means Roll Again" power works whenever he rolls doubles while using the Dice MP - for example, if on Phase 4 he uses it and gets two threes, then on Phase 5 he gets a "freebie" to use the Dice MP again on the same target. Another roll of doubles on Phase 5 does nothing, and unless he gets doubles again on Phase 6, he doesn't act on Phase 7.



Background Information, Knucklebones


Header Information:

Real Name: Michael Cornek

Player: NPC

Hair/Eye Color: Red Flame/ Black

Height/Mass: 1.75m/75 kg

Nationality: American

Place of Birth: New York City, New York

Date of Birth: September 19th, 1909


Background Story: Mike always had a fascination with chance. He was born on an odd date – 09/19/1909 at 09:19 in the morning. He always suspected that it was exactly 9 seconds past the minute, but he had no way to be certain. He knew early on that he was lucky – protected, in some way. Things just never went badly for him. When he was fourteen, both of his parents were killed in a train accident – he survived without a scratch.


He was to be sent to live with relatives, but he didn’t want to go. And somehow, he slipped through the cracks in the bureaucracy, and was forgotten. He made his way to the nearest speakeasy, where he knew gambling was run in the back. He dressed himself up to look older – by chance, nobody took a close look.


He made a fortune in almost no time flat. He went out of his way to show that he wasn’t cheating, but winning fair and square. Once, someone tried to shoot him, but their gun backfired. Mike spent the next several years walking the streets of New York, unafraid of anything the world had to throw at him. Before long, he had built up a following – sycophants who hoped his luck would rub off on them, loyal thugs hired with money, and those who simple luck brought into debt to “Lucky Mike.â€


And so the city came to fear the untouchable gangster, the man that the police just couldn’t catch. He slipped through the fingers of everyone, from authorities to early superheroes. Untouchable, that is, until he tried to oust the Cult of the Black Hand, an occult crime organization run by Mardricus, a magus with terrible, evil powers gained from bargaining with Hell.


Mardicus’s Cult fell fast, but he did not die so easily. Riddled with bullets from an ambush by Lucky Mike himself, he used his last breath to curse his killer. The next day, Lucky Mike’s criminal empire began to fall apart beneath his feet. His gambling operations started pouring money, his bootleggers were busted so fast he jails filled up, and his closest lackeys turned against. He couldn’t even take a walk without getting sprayed with mud by passing cars. His famous luck had been turned against him.


Desperate to recover his good fortune, No-Longer-Lucky Mike used the forbidden knowledge hidden in Mardricus’s books to contact the power of Hell. He sold his mortal sold for immortality and the return of his luck forever. Now, calling himself Knucklebones, he wanders the earth restlessly, seeking wealth and power to fill the void left behind by his lost soul. He will also do the bidding of demons who are willing to bargain more power in return for his services.


Quote: - “Feeling lucky, heroes? Not lucky enough.â€


Personality: - Knucklebones is a daredevil with no sense of fear or care for the consequences. He is full of hatred for everyone and everything in the world, and with no soul he cannot feel any positive emotions. He is greedy and power hungry, simply to provide a goal for him – he doesn’t enjoy the fruits of his crimes, only the suffering he can cause with them.


He is a sucker for games of chance, especially because he is practically unbeatable. He loves nothing more than using games of chance as bargaining pieces for mortal souls – he will offer whatever they want if they win, and demand their soul if they lose.


Appearance: - Knucklebones is a flaming skeleton straight out of the pits of Hell. The flames on his head vaguely resemble hair, and his eyes burn with an unholy light. He always wears the same pinstriped suit and fedora as he did when he made the bargain – they are as undying as he is, and will always return to his body if they are stolen.


Powers: - Knucklebones has incredible powers of luck, enhanced by the power of the underworld. His luck is simply unnatural, making him nearly invincible. Moreover, he was granted a pair of magic dice used to invoke darker powers. They are ordinary looking bone dice that are indestructible and always return to his hand. In fact, there is no way to prevent them from being thrown – “cheating†is completely impossible, and the dice will always show the true, random result. He merely needs to throw the dice towards his target (or will them to be thrown, if his hands are bound) and the power will take effect.


He also is nearly unkillable even beyond his unnatural good luck, due to his nature as a soulless being. Blasting his body to pieces or banishing with holy power is useless – he will simply reappear later, none the worse for wear.


Finally, he is authorized to bargain for souls on behalf of the powers of Hell. He can use his dice for this as well – if he loses, he gives the supplicant their heart’s desire, and if he wins, he takes their soul.





Cost Characteristic Value

13 Strength 23

57 Dexterity 29

26 Constitution 23

12 Body 16

3 Intelligence 13

26 Ego 23

15 Presence 25

-5 Comeliness 0

4 Physical Defense 9

4 Energy Defense 9

27 Speed 6

0 Recovery 10

0 Endurance 46

0 Stun 40


Combat and Roll Information:

OCV: 10

DCV: 10

ECV: 8

Combat Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

Strength Roll: 14

Dexterity Roll: 15

Constitution Roll: 14

Intelligence Roll: 12

Perception Roll: 12

Ego Roll: 14

Resistant Physical Defense: 10

Resistant Energy Defense: 10

Running Speed: 6"



Cost Power


5 Playing Dice with the Devil: Multipower, 20-point Reserve – Can Only Be Used For A Target Who Agrees to A Dice Game For His Soul, Knowing What He Is Agreeing To (-2), Can Only Use The Effect Corresponding To A Win Or Loss (-1), Must Use The Power At The First Opportunity Until Effect Is Complete (-1)

1u Losing Your Soul: Major Transform 1 point (Target into Target With No Soul, Can Only Be Restored By Bargaining With The Demon Who Holds It) – Penetrating (+½), 0 Endurance Cost (+½), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1), Continuous (+1) Endurance Cost 0

1u Gaining Your Heart’s Desire: Major Transform 1 point – 0 Endurance Cost(+½), Improved Target Group (The Heart’s Desire Of The Winner; +¾), Variable Advantage (Based on Ego Combat Value, Indirect and Transdimensional [Earth from Hell or Vice Versa], Penetrating x2, Area of Effect [One Hex] and Megascale: 1†= 10 km; +1 3/4) Endurance Cost 0


52 The Devil’s Dice: Multipower, 157 Point Reserve – No Conscious Control (Slot Randomly Determined by 2d6 Roll; -1), Must Change Slot Before Each Use (-½), Must Choose to Use Power And Pick Target Before Rolling (-½)

16u 2, I Win: 7d6 Ranged Killing Attack – 0 Endurance Cost (+½) Endurance Cost 0

7u 3, Go Directly To Hell: Extra Dimensional Movement (The Fiery Pits of Hell) – Useable As Attack (+1), Ranged (+½), 0 Endurance Cost (+½), Affects Desolid (+½) Endurance Cost 0

16u 4, Null Power: Drain 6d6+1 – Target’s “Greatest†Remaining Power (+¼), Delayed Return Rate (5/minute; +¼), 0 Endurance Cost (+½), Ranged (+½) Endurance Cost 0

15u 5, Face the Darkness: Darkness to Sight, Mental, Radio, Smell/Taste, Hearing, and Touch Groups and Spatial Awareness 1" radius – Personal Immunity (+¼), 0 Endurance Cost (+½), Uncontrolled (+½), Usable As Attack (+1), Ranged (+½) Endurance Cost 0

15u 6, Lose Your Turn: Drain Speed 7½d6 – Endurance Cost 0 (+½), Ranged (+½) Endurance Cost 0

7u 7, Lose Your Will: Mind Control 21d6 – 0 Endurance Cost (+½); No Conscious Control (Randomly Either “Protect Me At All Costs†or “Kill All Your Allies, Then Yourselfâ€; -1), Uses OCV/DCV (-¼) Endurance Cost 0

15u 8, Lose Your Chance: Negative Combat Skill Levels (-6 OCV, -6 DCV) – Ranged (+½), 0 Endurance Cost (+½), Uncontrolled (Lasts 2 Turns, or Until a Luck Roll is Made; +½) Endurance Cost 0

7u 9, Face Your Fear: Mental Illusions 21d6 – 0 Endurance Cost (+½); Only to Create The Target’s Worst Fear (-1), Uses OCV/DCV (-¼) Endurance Cost 0

10u 10, Null Fortune: 7d6 Major Transform (Target into Target with 21d6 of Unluck, Cured By Any Traditional Way of Reversing Bad Luck) – 0 Endurance Cost (+½); Lasts A Maximum of 7 Days (-½) Endurance Cost 0

7u 11, Say Goodbye: Teleportation 16†– Useable As Attack (+1), Ranged (+½), 0 Endurance Cost (+½), Affects Desolid (+½), Megascale (1†= 1 km; +¼) Endurance Cost 0

16u 12, You Lose: 21d6 Energy Blast – 0 Endurance Cost (+½); Beam (-¼), Does No Body (-¼) Endurance Cost 0


10 Demonic Powers: Elemental Control (26) – Not On Sanctified Ground (-¼)

7 (1) Unholy Flames: RKA 1 point – Continuous (+1), Damage Shield (all attacks; +¾), 0 Endurance Cost (+½), Persistent (+½), Penetrating (+½); Always On (-½) Endurance Cost 0

10 (2) Demonic Aura: Force Field 11 PD / 11 ED – Endurance Only to Activate (+¼) Endurance Cost 0

10 (3) Flash of Fire and Brimstone: Teleportation 5", x2 Increased Mass – Variable Advantages (Megascale 1†= 1 km, 1†= 10 km, Armor Piercing, 0 Endurance Cost; +¾) Endurance Cost 0

14 (4) Can Not Die: Healing 1d6 (Regenerate 1 Body per Turn), Resurrection – 0 Endurance Cost (+½), Persistent (+½); Extra Time (1 Minute; -1½), Self Only (-½) Endurance Cost 0


15 Doubles Means Roll Again: Speed: +6 – Only After Rolling Doubles On Dice Multipower (-2), Only To Use Dice Multipower Again On The Same Target (-1) Endurance Cost 0

5 Can’t Cheat Him: +15 PER with Normal Sight – Only to Detect Cheating (-2) Endurance Cost 0

50 No Longer Human: Total Life Support, and Longevity: Immortal Endurance Cost 0

15 Soulless: Mental Defense +15 (20 total) Endurance Cost 0

20 Infernal Toughness I: Power Defense 20 Endurance Cost 0

30 Infernal Toughness II: Physical Damage Reduction 50%, Resistant Endurance Cost 0

30 Infernal Toughness III: Energy Damage Reduction 50%, Resistant Endurance Cost 0

37 Nothing But Bones and Fire I: Armor 10 rPD / 10 rED – Hardened (+¼) Endurance Cost 0

10 Nothing But Bones and Fire II: Lack of Weakness -10 for Resistant Defenses Endurance Cost 0

9 Nothing But Bones and Fire III: Damage Resistance for 9 PD / 9 ED Endurance Cost 0

15 Fire for Eyes: Flash Defense 15 (sight) Endurance Cost 0

105 The Devil’s Own Luck I: 21d6 Standard Luck Endurance Cost 0

25 The Devil’s Own Luck II: 5d6 Luck (Reroll A Number of Rolls Equal to Body of Luck Dice) Endurance Cost 0

25 The Devil’s Own Luck III: 5d6 Luck (Reroll A Number of Individual Dice Equal to Total) Endurance Cost 0

25 The Devil’s Own Luck IV: 5d6 Luck (Add To or Subtract from Rolls Amount Equal to Total) Endurance Cost 0



33 Contact (Hell) 17-, Contact Has Extremely Useful Skills or Resources



Cost Skill Roll

3 Analyze: Games 12

3 Bribery 14

3 Bureaucratics 12

3 Contortionist 15

0 Everyman Skills

Acting 8

Area Knowledge: New York City 8

Climbing 8

Computer Programming 8

Concealment 8

Conversation 8

Deduction 8

Language Skill: English N/A

Paramedic 8

Professional Skill: Gangster 11

Shadowing 8

Transport Familiarity: Small Ground Vehicles N/A

3 Fast Draw 15

3 Forgery 12

16 Gambling (Card Games, Dice Games, Roulette, Sports Betting, Slot Machines) 15

2 Knowledge Skill: Contract Law 12

2 Knowledge Skill: The 1920s and 1930s History 12

2 Knowledge Skill: Crime and Punishment 12

2 Knowledge Skill: Liquor, Women, and Sin 12

30 Skill Levels: +3 Overall N/A

15 Skill Levels: +3 Overall – Requires One Level of Luck (-1) N/A

12 Skill Levels: +3 Overall – Requires Two Levels of Luck (-1½) N/A

10 Skill Levels: +3 Overall – Requires Three Levels of Luck (-2) N/A

3 Scholar N/A

3 Sleight of Hand 15

3 Streetwise 14

2 Weapon Familiarity: Small Arms N/A


Martial Arts: Streetfighting

Cost Name OCV DCV Notes

4 Duck and Dodge - +5 Dodge, Abort

5 Fast Punch/Kick +1 +3 4½d6 Strike

4 Get Loose +0 +0 Str 38 vs. Grabs



Classification Disadvantage Roll Points

Distinctive Flaming Skeleton in a Pinstriped Suit and Black Fedora 25

Distinctive Has No Soul 15

Physical Has No Soul 20

Physical -6 to All Rolls on Holy Ground 20

Psychological Hatred for Humanity 25

Psychological Totally Immoral 25

Psychological Casual Killer 20

Psychological Bound By True Oaths 25

Psychological Compulsive Risk-Taker 25

Reputation Collects Souls for the Devil 14 20

Rivalry Other Soul Collectors 10

Social Limitation Occupation: Demonic Soul Collector 25

Social Limitation Obvious and Dangerous Powers 20

Social Limitation Obviously Some Sort of Demon 20


Totals: 999

Characteristics: 176

Powers: 657

Skills: 120

Perquisites: 33

Martial Arts 13

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Re: Character Posting Game: Restart


Write me up a Wong Fei-Hung type Kung Fu master. Can be Fei-Hung himself, a disciple (or disciple of a disciple), or just someone with the same feel. He can be in any Age, time, or place.


The "Once Upon a Time in China" version, of course, not the historically accurate one.

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Re: Character Posting Game: Restart


Background Story: Mike always had a fascination with chance. He was born on an odd date – 09/19/1909 at 09:19 in the morning. He always suspected that it was exactly 9 seconds past the minute, but he had no way to be certain. He knew early on that he was lucky – protected, in some way. Things just never went badly for him. When he was fourteen, both of his parents were killed in a train accident – he survived without a scratch.

I know a lady whose birthday really is January 23, 1945 (1/23/45).

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