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Plot device or by the rules


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Re: Plot device or by the rules


Okay, so def 25, Body 25, Damage Red. 50% can't survive a nuke.


That means said nuke has to do 125 Body or more.


IOW, you just blew up the moon, if thats where the battle is taking place.


Well, a nuke does multiple damaging affects.


Air Blast, this is the shockwave force of the blast and does the most physical damage by simple physica of pressure - a 25Megaton blast does 20psi within 6.5 miles, it only takes a 5psi blast to knock over a standard wood house.

Direct Radiation, this does pure radiation damage. Gamma rays.

Thermal Radiation, this is fire and heat. five miles or closer to a small 1 Megaton explosion causes third degree burns on exposed skin.


Then there's the Fallout, which is more radiation.


Between the combination of all those effects most livings things are toast, they state a 25Mton blast has 100% kill ratio within 6.5 miles. 50% initial kill ratio in the next 10.7 miles (post-fallout death climbs to near 100% in this area due to radiation poisoning and other fallout effects).


So, yes - a superhero has a chance of surviving a 25Mton nuke assuming he's not in the ground-zero ring. Inside that ring the combination of everything has a really good chance of killing him, especially since in Game Terms I'd consider all effects of a Nuclear Blast to be a Multipower Attack.


If you've got 25 Body, 25rPD, 25rED, 50%+ Damage Red to rED and rPD and Life Support: High Radiation Environment. I still wouldn't stat out a nuke, I'd probably let that guy live. but he'd be hurting a bit.

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Re: Plot device or by the rules


RE: Trusting the GM not to fudge rolls. A wise man once told me that people always expect out of others what they would do if they could get away with it.


The flip side of that of course is that there *ARE* whackjob GM's out there...


:D I'd like to think that if my players considered me a whackjob, then they wouldn't ask me to run the game. Or they'd at least protest a little when I offer...



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Re: Plot device or by the rules


RE: Trusting the GM not to fudge rolls. A wise man once told me that people always expect out of others what they would do if they could get away with it.


The flip side of that of course is that there *ARE* whackjob GM's out there...

Don't I know it. The first Champions GM I had was one, amazing I got into the game despite that - tells you how good the game is!


WIthout going through all the details, he was the type of GM who: 1) couldn't stand to "lose"; and 2) had no idea how to move people through a plot except in a single straight line, no deviations allowed - and ANY deviation brought on weird deux ex machina stuff. One time (not HERO but AD&D) we wanted to go outside of a building or inside a building or whatever, and suddenly all these werewolves appeared, just to hered us in the singular direction the GM needed. Just so we'd go in the correct direction. You had to be there to see how transparent it was, it doesn't come across in this post, I'm sure.

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