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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER




mine are:


  • Claus von Stauffenberg for the 20 July Bomb Plot (refer to film Valkyrie)
  • 2SAS after the war for hunting down war criminals that killed their mates while over the pond the SAS was disbanded
  • W. Mark Felt aka Watergate's Deep Throat



  • and I admire Henry McCarty aka Billy the Kid

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Oh, those are heroes, no question. But they are not people I can hope (let alone try) to emulate ... Well, Stauffenberg perhaps, were I in the high layers of a power structure, which I'm not. So I acknowledge they're heroes, but not my heroes.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I'm convinced that if Sasquatch actually existed, a tribe of them would have set up a seasonal beer-bait-and-ammunition shop catering to hunters and anglers in the Cascade Mountains in our part of North America. That would provide them with info about where the hunters were going, and keep them in cash to buy their own beer during the rest of the year.

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