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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I have not contributed in a while so here's a little something.


'Well I went to the Gillian Anderson interview on 17th October held at the Rose theatre in Kingston, Surrey.


First of all I was outclassed on the night by the dedication of a couple of other Gillian fans. I went from Central London. They came in from Sweden just for this. And yes again, more women than men fans.

I have a good spot as I am directly in the middle. It is a small intimate venue but not as intimate as the Donmar Warehouse. The interview will last for 45 mins to an hour so I am told.


Gillian comes in just after 8:00 in a black dress and her hair pilied on her head. The dress is a comfortable one so no bare arms, back etc.

She mentions taking her 5 year old son to see Cars 2 and he sees her picture on a popcorn carton (advertising Johnny English 2) and then turning it around saying 'Where's Daddy ?'

She also said that it confused him seeing the trailer for Johhny English with Mummy beside him and on screen.

I cannot recall hearing the name of the interviewer who goes from the beginning asking where about being born in Chicago and how she came to London. Gillian says they first moved to Puerto Rico and then London living first in Clapham Common, then Crouch End and then Haringey. This was to further her father's wish to study film. London or California was the choice he put to his wife, Gillian's mother. Mum said London.

She was asked about what got her into acting and she said that the first thing she remembered was this loud alarm bell that rang when she went to see her father at work.

When they went back to America, she said she auditioned for Alice in Wonderland at the age of 12 and did not get it. That put her off acting for a while. In her mind she would either get it immediately or that acting was not for her. She reauditioned at age 16 for the same company and was asked about auditioning for Alice 4 years previously and did she have a British accent ? They said they could not cast her then as she was completely unknown.

She mentioned having 14 (IIRC) roommates while at Acting School in Chicago in the apartment she shared.

At the end of her time there the school went to New York and they were interviewed by Agents and that's how she go signed to William Morris agency. She mentions her fashion sense and that she still had a nose ring at this time. And that the advice they gave her about how to dress.

She moved to New York, driving there in a car that she got from her parents at graduation. She had stuff on top of the car and was smoking and it suddenly occurred to her that embers from her cigarette might set it on fire as she was smoking with the window open. So she shut the window and continued smoking.

She mentions waitressing in one restaurant and then also waitressing in a fancy restaurant. At the latter she was terrible and was fired after a week. She did one role that got her an award and then she still was waitressing. This was over a period of 18 months.

She went to Los Angeles and again was there for 18 months seeing films amongst other things.

The audition for the X-Fles came up and that Chris wanted her but the network did not. The fact that it was for a pilot and she did not know what a pilot in TV sense was or what pilot season was. Being recalled several times for the role and seeing other actresses being brought in to read for the part including ones she had known in New York. She confirmed the story about knowing she had the role and taking another actress back to a hotel knowing this othera actress had failed.

She said that she got her last unemployment cheque on a Thursday and went to Vancouver for the pilot on the Saturday.

She was asked about getting the idea for a character and she said sometimes it was like a revalation. She used the character from The Crimson Petal and The White as an example. And that she would try and instruct the makeup/wardrobe people into how she should look. She said that she was siiting down as they were applying the make up and had this one idea when all of a sudden she said that you could see what the character was and it was then just a case of navigating towards it.

She felt happy about what she had done with the Duchess of Windsor.

She said that she felt happier after turning 40. More content. She mentioned this thing where people write to their teenage selves.

She said that she was surprised when Bleak House came up and she was offered the part and that people felt that she could do it.

She talked about doing Doll's House and going with the script that had been written up to see the director at the Donmar Warehouse.


After the main questions there is a free for all but this is conducted very obediantly by the crowd.

She is also asked about her accent as one woman did the opposite of her and came to Britain from America with a stong accent. Gillian said her accent is British in Britain and American in America but can go up and down if she is with both British and Americans around her.

Whether she is doing a play in New York and she replied maybe, she was in talks about it but it depended on how long it would be etc

Whether she would still be doing something on Gelhorn but she thinks that because she did not reregister the rights that that has gone. The main reason for her not doing it was the other version with Nicole Kidman and she felt this was liable to be very good despite what anyone in the audience may feel. She felt that her slowness in getting anything done had scuppered her chances here.

Most embarrassing moment. She said that she was at the premiere for How to Lose Friends and Alienate People and the director had said something funny yet slanderous about her. She went to give him a playful thump and went fell over prompting gasps from the crowd as she was heavily pregnant at the time. She came up laughing. Next day she sent a text to the director saying that this had brought on the birth of her child (joke, it had not). However he was at a major news thing for the film at the time and so this rather backfired.

She also mentioned that she had no idea what a publicist did and it was a hard role to do as she turned up not really having a grip on the character which she did have on other roles she has done.

She was asked by one of the Swedes about being in another X-Files movie and she said yes even if the script was not good. The problem was getting the script and getting the film made with an eye on the date. She does not really believe (or I got the impression) that there will be an X-Files film next year.

The woman on the other side of me asked her who the iconic acting female for her growing up was as Scully has been to other people. She had a think about this but could not recall anyone who was.

As the interviewer is thinking of calling it a day, Gillian says she can continue and we end up having a hour and twenty five minutes instead of the allotted time.

She is asked why she has not appeared in Californication and this is covered in the interview video she and David did recently. She asked David in this why not and he said that he did not want to sully the special Mulder and Scully relationship. Gilian said that she was trying to convince him otherwise.

She is also asked whether she would go into another long running TV show like David has.

Or indeed a theatre run. She said that about 4 months is what she feels comfortable doing.

She was aked about appearing in Dr Who in the Rani and she said that this was just an internet rumour, nothing more.

Asked what she is doing at the moment she said she was doing voice work on Johnny English then ADR (voice work) on a Clive Owen film called Shadow Dancer where he is an agent who turns an IRA girl against them. She said that filming on Great Expectations had finished but she had not seen it yet. She is possibly going to be in something where she will be playing Michael Caine's daughter.

She was asked if her children had seen her in anything yet TV wise in particular and she said no. I found that surprising as Piper is old enough to see the X-Files.

She is asked whether there is anything else she wants to do acting wise and says Blanche in Streetcar (Named Desire) but there is a major work on it coming in the next year or so and that could scupper her doing it. She felt that by the time it might be ok to do another version she could be too old for the part. She said that she had gone to the guy at the Donmar Warehouse with a script on this but because of this other production it was therefore unlikely.


Her brother Aaron died recently and the date of the original interview was supposed to be early September but she went out to see him and was there when he died. His death did not come up nor any real mention of her family.'


So there.

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