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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


"Everyone in the Okavango has had several harrowing, narrow escapes from hippos, and in the process developed a profound and enduring hippo phobia. There is little to recommend the hippo."


-- Baboon Metaphysics, D L Cheney & R M Seyfarth, p. 39.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Y'know, I'd really like it if there was a non-gratuitous way to give my Solar System Astronomy course a service learning component, but ... there just isn't. Oh, there's things I could make them do, but it would be irrelevant make-work. Of course, I suspect that's what 98% of all "service learning" is in the first place....

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


"Service learning", AFAICT, is the extraction of menial labor outside of the classroom from a group of people and giving them class credit for it. The menial labor is alleged to be relevant to course, but like most allegations that don't end up in court such allegations are largely baseless.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


My service learning project and USF was the creation of a database driven website for an orphanage in India that one of my fellow cohort's company sponsored. There were some things in the project that were relevant to what we had learned over the course of the program, but for the most part, as you said, it was just menial labor. But that is part of the Jesuit philosophy...

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