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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Speaking of going mad' date=' Excel is refusing to sort. It almost sorts, but it has a few things subtly out of order. Very, very strange.[/quote']


Did you exceed the maximum number of cells for a sort? Incredibly, Excel actually has a limit to the size of the sort.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


No, it's puny, 75 rows. I'm sorting on a computed column. When I force the data into constant-value form (by writing it out to a CSV file, and then opening that in Excel) the sort works just fine. If that really is the problem, that is just unspeakably lame, because it almost sorts, but not quite.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Yeah, that size isn't even remotely close to the limit (depending on version it is 1500+ rows). Hm... computed column shouldn't matter, but what are the values that are not sorting correctly? Are they huge/tiny numbers by any chance?

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Well, I was sorting on a column that was being computed, a weighted sum of five values, scaled. I'd formatted the whole column (well, the rows of it that were in the sort, anyway) to show three places after the decimal. When I did the RANK() function on it, the ranking came out OK; it was, in fact, that the rank numbers were out of order that confirmed something was goofy with the sort.


When I used the Data Analysis --> Histogram tool on the same data, that made the same kind of mistake as the sort did. It was the histogram that got me onto the problem initially. This was for my course grades, and when making my curve, I prefer to make a histogram and then label each box with the student name so I can see if the score breakpoints correspond to what I think the students did, and I couldn't get that to work. I went to the RANK function to let me assign names to histogram boxes, and when the rank column goes 11-12-17-13-14-15-16 (and a couple other glitches as well), and they were clearly out of order (by tenths, when the values range from the low 90s down to the 40s) once it was pointed out.


Very weird. I got what I wanted eventually, albeit by forcing out values onto a CSV file and doing the sort (and histogram) on static numbers rather than computed values. And I got my grades in 13 hours early and avoided a snotty email from the assistant dean.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Interesting... I've seen this sort of problem--excel corruption in individual cells--only one other time, but it was similarly frustrating trying to figure out. One of our purchasing managers was trying to do an inventory forecast and the numbers routinely were coming out off by a magnitude of 10. We never figured out what caused the problem, but it was similar to your issue, Cancer. The majority of the cells were all computational. What we ended up doing just as a SWAG was to create a new workbook, and then copy/paste the contents of the spreadsheet from the first workbook into the new one. We did a workbook to rule out any corruptions within the file itself. After we pasted in the content the values all came out correct. I did a small amount of research into finding out if it was a known problem, but didn't come to any concrete answers although there were others with similar stories. Most of those were from earlier versions of Excel though.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Heh, the Cubbies released Carlos Silva, the Sultan of Suck, and he flamed them for it. (He earned that label from me when he was with the Mariners, who traded him to the Cubs in exchange for a different problem child a couple years back.) The fact that he sucks green slimy rocks from the bottom of the cesspool through three meters of used catheter tubing never crosses his mind.

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