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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


But even though I haven't got that much of a contribution to the growth of the thread' date=' I guess I'm just an old softy at heart! [/quote']


With THESE pictures at your disposal? You got icewater in your veins, or what?


Meanwhile, the Heather Kozar . . . that contrasting redness makes it look like she just got a spanking, or something. Yum. :love:

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER



(Note: I have, of course, left my cousin out of the pics I uploaded, because there's no way I'd feel right about posting naked pics of my own relatives, even if they've already appeared that way in Playboy. :) )



So what is her name?

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Two hints:


1) She's a Playboy model you won't find any pics of in things I've posted or put up on my website.


2) Her name starts with "B".

On an interesting and freaky "October 11th" coinicidence, Dr. Anomaly. My sister won Mrs. Maine Teen USA and would have competed for Mrs. Teen USA if my parents could have afforded the actual cost of the contest.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


On an interesting and freaky "October 11th" coinicidence' date=' Dr. Anomaly. My sister won Mrs. Maine Teen USA and would have competed for Mrs. Teen USA if my parents could have afforded the actual cost of the contest.[/quote']

Further freaky co-incidence: there's something about October 11 that's a clue about who my Playmate cousin is...but it's not what you'd think. ;)

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


You know you listed this before...
Did I?


Shoot. There goes the mystery, darn it!


I'm really very ill right now, and not thinking clearly. Apologies. :(


For the past 6 hours I've had a fever that won't break, no matter how hot I get...the stupid apartment heat keeps switching off at 100 degrees, and I'm still freezing at that point even under several layers of clothing/blankets. It's at least 3 hours before I can call a friend or relative to help, 6 hours until I can call a doctor.


Any "good vibes" that can be sent my way would be VERY much appreciated.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Did I?


Shoot. There goes the mystery, darn it!


I'm really very ill right now, and not thinking clearly. Apologies. :(


For the past 6 hours I've had a fever that won't break, no matter how hot I get...the stupid apartment heat keeps switching off at 100 degrees, and I'm still freezing at that point even under several layers of clothing/blankets. It's at least 3 hours before I can call a friend or relative to help, 6 hours until I can call a doctor.


Any "good vibes" that can be sent my way would be VERY much appreciated.


Damn. Good vibes on the way. And heck, you don't even need a fever to forget you posted something over a year ago. ;) Get well soon.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


(Note: I have' date=' of course, left my cousin out of the pics I uploaded, because there's no way I'd feel right about posting naked pics of my own relatives, even if they've already appeared that way in Playboy. :) )>[/quote']

NEI (Not enough information -- oposite to TMI)


And enough with the cryptic clues. This ain't not crossword puzzle! :D

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Did I?


Shoot. There goes the mystery, darn it!


I'm really very ill right now, and not thinking clearly. Apologies. :(


For the past 6 hours I've had a fever that won't break, no matter how hot I get...the stupid apartment heat keeps switching off at 100 degrees, and I'm still freezing at that point even under several layers of clothing/blankets. It's at least 3 hours before I can call a friend or relative to help, 6 hours until I can call a doctor.


Any "good vibes" that can be sent my way would be VERY much appreciated.

The good vibes are in the mail! :D

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Thanks for the good vibes. My fever broke a few mintues ago. I feel marginally better -- eyes still feel like someone has their thumbs on them from behind -- and I'm as wet as if I just climbed out of a swimming pool.


By coincidence, I needed to go by my doctor's office today anyway to get her to phone in some more refills for my diabetes medication. The only problem now is I'm in no shape to drive -- I feel like a wrung-out dishrag -- so I guess I'll give my sister a call in an hour or so and see if she can take me over there.


At least I don't need to use my sunglasses to look at the computer screen any more (no, I'm not joking). :)


For a while there, it was bad enough I was beginning to hallucinate, and not in the "good" way...no pretty colors or anything. Instead, starting around 4:00 a.m. my time, I had this firm conviction I had to get the fever to break so I could get back to the ship (space ship) before Zeus, the supercomputer that controls the solar system, decided to renege on the bargain we'd recently made.


Yes, I was actually convinced of that, off and on.


(That's because the last book I'd read before coming down with the fever was Colin Kapp's Search for the Sun, the first of the Cageworld novels. If you've read them, you know why I was hallucinating what I was.)


I'd have moments of lucidity where I'd realize that I had been hallucinating, and that "conviction" had come from a recently-read SF book...then I'd slip back into it. It's a good think I felt too absolutely rotten to attempt to do anything about that conviction!


This isn't the first time I've hallucinated while under a high fever, but it's one of the clearest recollections of same. It's rather spooky, actually, to remember clearly that conviction from just a short time ago, and to know now that you were raving bonkers at the time... :nonp:

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Thanks for the good vibes. My fever broke a few mintues ago. I feel marginally better
Man they work quick. :fear: What power I have, what responsibility I must now consider. *sigh* What if I misused them, would I dare?



(Hey boss, now can I get that raise you promised?!)

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER



At least I don't need to use my sunglasses to look at the computer screen any more (no, I'm not joking). :)

I wearmy sunglasses to use the computer screen too. Your point being? :D (my normal glasses act as sunglasses as well)


I had this firm conviction I had to get the fever to break so I could get back to the ship (space ship) before Zeus, the supercomputer that controls the solar system, decided to renege on the bargain we'd recently made.
Zeus, wouldn't happen to be the dog that would renage on your deal? Cause payback's a bitch and she's on heat!


Yes, I was actually convinced of that, off and on.


(That's because the last book I'd read before coming down with the fever was Colin Kapp's Search for the Sun, the first of the Cageworld novels. If you've read them, you know why I was hallucinating what I was.)


I'd have moments of lucidity where I'd realize that I had been hallucinating, and that "conviction" had come from a recently-read SF book...then I'd slip back into it. It's a good think I felt too absolutely rotten to attempt to do anything about that conviction!


This isn't the first time I've hallucinated while under a high fever, but it's one of the clearest recollections of same. It's rather spooky, actually, to remember clearly that conviction from just a short time ago, and to know now that you were raving bonkers at the time... :nonp:

So you were hallucinating? Cool did you see pretty lights as they did in the 60s? [/facetious] I have always wanted this kind of experience but don't want an acid trip to do 'it' for me. I know you must feel bad, but in a weird kinda way, I'm envious.



As I sit on the front of the boat, waves crashing around me. I took a swig of this 'gimbi's gin on board, it did me right in. On top of the pills and come down I was seeing things. [joyful] It was f*cking amazing! [/joyful]
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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Man they work quick. :fear: What power I have, what responsibility I must now consider. *sigh* What if I misused them, would I dare?



(Hey boss, now can I get that raise you promised?!)

Yes, surely. It's been held up in administrative offices back home, though, will have to send back some communications to get it dislodged.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


So you were hallucinating? Cool did you see pretty lights as they did in the 60s? [/facetious] I have always wanted this kind of experience but don't want an acid trip to do 'it' for me. I know you must feel bad' date=' but in a weird kinda way, I'm envious.[/quote']

No, I didn't see any pretty colors this time. I have had that experience before, but it's been with a fever, not with acid. (Acid doesn't usually give you "pretty colors", it just mainly screws with the ratios of your sensory input, greatly magnifying one in relation to others -- and that may change from moment to moment. The imfamous "breathing" effect is caused by your vision noting every tiny change due to lighting, shadows, and so on which gives some objects the impression they're moving slightly.)


No, in this case the hallucination was just knowing, with absolute certainty, something that not only wasn't true but was in the realm of science fiction. Kind of a wierd feeling.


And if the fever and the rest of the feeling rotten that goes with it is the price for those kind of hallucinations...you're welcome to them!

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Okay' date=' hold it right there. [b']Mrs.[/b] Teen USA?

He mistyped. He meant Miss.


He and I were dating back then, actually. I remember helping his sister get dressed for a competition of some kind.


And I think she could've had a pretty good shot. She's a pretty girl. Takes after her mother. Josh does, too, for that matter.


And before anyone starts, I LIKE 'em cute and bishi, 'kay?

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


(stops dead in his tracks)


(puts down the smart-alec quip)


(raises hands in a display of "I'm just a non-dangerous dweeb"-ness)


(backs slowly away from the predatory bird)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


You almost owe me a new keyboard for that one, Dr. A. I was drinking coffee!

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Man they work quick. :fear: What power I have, what responsibility I must now consider. *sigh* What if I misused them, would I dare?



(Hey boss, now can I get that raise you promised?!)

Send some vibes over to my wife and I for our job hunts. :D

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


You almost owe me a new keyboard for that one, Dr. A. I was drinking coffee!

Glad you enjoyed it. ;)


About two years ago I got a frustrated phone call from my mother about how her computer was messing up...the keyboard seemed to have taken on a mind of its own, typing letters at random and at unpredictable intervals...even if she wasn't touching it. (I think she was half-way to believing it was "possessed" or something.) I ran down the (long) list of things that could be causing it, burned a CD full of tools, replacement drivers, and so on, and set out for her place.


Oh, and I took along a spare keyboard just in case.


When I got there, I watched the behavior, noted the keyboard did NOT respond properly to typing...and noticed an inconspicuous light brown stain on the housing just below the space bar.




I unplugged the keyboard and opened it up to find the key contacts were partly corroded and about half of them were semi-connected via a "mysterious" brown stain.


Knowing my mother drinks hot tea the way a coffee addict drinks coffee, I asked her if she'd spilled any tea on her keyboard lately. First she said "No", then corrected that to "well, just a little, a couple of weeks ago...but I wiped it off..."


I showed her the state of the inside of the keyboard, explained that just "wiping it off" the outside wasn't enough, and plugged in the new keyboard I'd brought along. I also warned her that I only had two more spare keyboards "in stock" so she should be more careful around her computer when drinking tea.


Thankfully there hasn't been a repeat of the "incident." :)

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