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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Oh, and for my son, he and I are taking Taekwondo. I have discovered just how out of shape I am in a very short time period, but the cool thing is that I took TKD about 20 years ago, for about 5 years, and my body and mind still remember what they are supposed to do. The bad thing is that my body isn't in the condition to do those things, and I just about blew both my knees out. Thankfully, I have a really great and understanding teacher, who is letting me ramp up a bit slower than I wanted, but it's letting my body get used to the rigors again.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


So my daughter got to ride a horse today. She was very excited. The deal that I bought for her includes lessons not only in riding, but also learning how to groom and care for horses as well as additional fun facts.


When the program is over I suspect she'll have TF:Horses -10, KS: Horses -11. ;) Plus she gets a patch from Girl Scouts for Horse care and riding. :D

Taking care of horses is really good for girls, especially since it actually teaches some of the more bratty ones things like "compassion, humility and sticktoittivness."

(father and his fiance have a horse farm, been riding since i was 10)

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Taking care of horses is really good for girls, especially since it actually teaches some of the more bratty ones things like "compassion, humility and sticktoittivness."

(father and his fiance have a horse farm, been riding since i was 10)

I'm sorry for your loss.
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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Oh, waffling now, I see...


Well come back when you and your leftist friends have their stories straight!


(how am I doing?)

Fascist pig. Everyone who disagrees with my point of view (or Marcus') is a Fascist and non human. Since you are already reptilian, then I will use a scaleless epithet relating you to an unclean animal. Aha! :D

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Oh, waffling now, I see...


Well come back when you and your leftist friends have their stories straight!


(how am I doing?)

Waffles are from Belgium! Get your facts straight before you try to tangle with the big boys! Your nappie needs a-changin'!


(pretty good so far! i never realized politics could be so much fun!)

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Fascist pig. Everyone who disagrees with my point of view (or Marcus') is a Fascist and non human. Since you are already reptilian' date=' then I will use a scaleless epithet relating you to an unclean animal. Aha! :D[/quote']

Virulent name-calling - for someone who uses Kirk, notorious womanizer and abrogator of the rights of species (as evidenced by disregard for the Non-Interference doctrine), that's to be expected. Fortunately I'm a much better person than you, so I won't resort to listing your various inadequacies; suffice to say you simply aren't fit to discuss this with so PLONK!



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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Waffles are from Belgium! Get your facts straight before you try to tangle with the big boys! Your nappie needs a-changin'!


(pretty good so far! i never realized politics could be so much fun!)

(sure, politics are lots of fun!)


It's like you to change the subject. Where did I bring up Belgian waffles? I was referring to corporate plastic US-made waffles, stop trying to litter this thread with your Euro-prejudices.

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